
时间:2012-03-09 11:38:18

标签: c# linq sorting collections lambda


 List<String> l_lstNames = new List<String> { "A1", "A3", "A2", "A4", "A0" };

List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
                            { new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 


 public class Test
        public String Name;
        public Int32 Age;


List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
                        {  new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 



  1. 创建Test个对象的新列表。

  2. 迭代l_lstNames的循环并从Test获取l_lstStudent对象,并将其添加到新创建的列表中。最后将新列表分配给l_lstStudent

  3. 请以简单的方式帮助我(Linq或Lambda)

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


l_lstStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(s => l_lstNames.IndexOf(s.Name)).ToList()


答案 1 :(得分:2)


var studentLookup = l_lstStudents.ToDictionary(s => s.Name, s => s);
return l_lstNames.Select(n => studentLookup[n]);

答案 2 :(得分:1)


List<String> l_lstNames = new List<String> { "A1", "A3", "A2", "A4", "A0" };

List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
                            { new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
                              new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 

// We transform the list in a dictionary to make it faster to access.
// The first Select creates a new object with the index of the name and 
// the ToDictionary creates the Dictionary.
// Note that technically on a small list (like 5 elements) 
// it's probably faster to IndexOf directly the List... 
// This is the problem of premature optimization :-) :-)
// If you know the list will always be 5 elements then probably 
// IndexOf is more than enough.
var dict = l_lstNames.Select((p, i) => new { Index = i, Name = p })
                     .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Index);

// We sort it. This works because 3 < 5 => 3 - 5 < 0, 5 > 3 => 5 - 3 > 0, 5 == 5 => 5 - 5 == 0
l_lstStudents.Sort((p, q) => dict[p.Name] - dict[q.Name]);

// We could do something like and it would be clearer.
l_lstStudents.Sort((p, q) => dict[p.Name].CompareTo(dict[q.Name]));

答案 3 :(得分:1)


l_lstStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(x => l_lstNames.IndexOf(x.Name)).ToList();


public class Test
    public String Name;
    public Int32 Age;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<String> l_lstNames = new List<String> { "A1", "A3", "A2", "A4", "A0" };

        List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
                                    { new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 
                                      new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
                                      new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
                                      new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
                                      new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 

        l_lstStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy(x => l_lstNames.IndexOf(x.Name)).ToList();


Age     21      int  
Name    "A1"    string 

Age     23      int  
Name    "A3"    string  

Age     22      int  
Name    "A2"    string 

Age     24      int  
Name    "A4"    string  

Age     20      int  
Name    "A0"    string 


List<Test> l_lstStudents = new List<Test> 
                        {  new Test { Age = 21, Name = "A1" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 23, Name = "A3" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 22, Name = "A2" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 24, Name = "A4" }, 
                           new Test { Age = 20, Name = "A0" }, 

答案 4 :(得分:1)


int i = 0;
Dictionary<string, int> ordinalValues = l_lstNames.ToDictionary(name => name, name => i++);
var sortedStudents = l_lstStudents.OrderBy( a => ordinalValues[a.Name]).ToList();

答案 5 :(得分:1)


 l_lstStudents = (from name in l_lstNames
                  join student in l_lstStudents
                  on name equals student.Name
                  select student).ToList<Test>();

答案 6 :(得分:1)

var newList = l_lstNames.Join(l_lstStudents, 
    s => s, 
    test => test.Name, 
    (s, test) => new Test { Name = s, Age = test.Age }