
时间:2012-03-08 23:53:13

标签: jquery

$('#addAllButton').click(function () {
            var options = '';
            $('#fromList').find('option').each(function () {
                //options += '<option value="' + $(this).val() + '">' + $(this).text() + '</option>';

<select id="fromList" name="drop1" class="listBox" multiple="multiple">
                    <option value="1">item 1</option>
                    <option value="2">item 2</option>
                    <option value="3">item 3</option>
                    <option value="4">item 4</option>
                    <option value="0">All</option>

<select id="toList" name="drop1" class="listBox" multiple="multiple">
                        <option value="1">item 1</option>
                        <option value="2">item 2</option>
                        <option value="3">item 3</option>
                        <option value="4">item 4</option>
                        <option value="0">All</option>



$('#addAllButton').click(function () {
                //options += '<option value="' + $(this).val() + '">' + $(this).text() + '</option>';

我无法让它发挥作用。我有一个名为Add All的按钮,所以当他们点击它时,它会将所有内容从#fromList移动​​到#toList。以上似乎也没有起作用。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$('#addAllButton').click(function() {
    var options = $('#fromList').find('option');

JS Fiddle demo

如果从其他地方的评论/答案看来,您希望移动 <{1}}元素,那么:


JS Fiddle demo


答案 1 :(得分:0)




您可以在this fiddle



// this first line is more jQuery updated alternate to $(document).ready(function() {})
    //  next we add a click event to the button
    $("#btnClick").button().click(function(e) {
        $("#NothingSelected").hide(); // simply ensure our warning text is closed
        var $val = $("#fromList").val();  // since this is a multival select list i want to itterate through all selected values
        //  but first 2 checks
        //  Check 1) is it null, aka, nothing is select
        if ($val == null) {
            $("#NothingSelected").show(); // displays our span of no selected text help
            setTimeout(function() { $("#NothingSelected").fadeOut("slow"); }, 3000); // sets a timer to had the no selected span after 3 seconds
        else if ($.inArray("0", $val) >= 0) {   //  check 2) is "all" option selected
            // The following line would prolly be quickest and easiest way
            // $("#fromList option:not(:last-child)").appendTo($("#toList"));
            // However, this will not check for duplicates and will leave you with duplicate options with the same value
            // So below i itterate through each option in from list and compare it to options in to list
            $("#fromList option").each(function(i) {  //  itterate through each option in from list
                var $this = $(this); // this will use actual option and thus, on append will move the option
                //  change to $this = $(this).clone() if you only want to clone the option
                if ($this.val() != 0) { // check to make sure the option we are looking at is not the "all" option
                    if ($("#toList:has(option[value="+$this.val()+"])").length > 0) {  //check to see if option already exist in too list
                        // here i'll create an "additive" to the value (you can do what you like) of duplicate entries
                        $this.val($this.val() + "-2")
                        // also change text to reflect it
                        .text($this.text() + " -2")
                    $("#toList").append($this); // here we move the option or send in the clone if cloned
        else {  //do other sutff (it's not "all" selected)
            // I dont know what else you want, so here i'm just simply going to add the current from item to to list
            for (x in $val) {
                var fromItem = $("#fromList option[value="+$val[x]+"]");
                if ($("#toList:has(option[value="+$val[x]+"])").length > 0) { 
                    fromItem.val(fromItem .val() + "-2").text(fromItem.text() + " -2")
        //  With all that done, lets finally ensure that the 0 val (aka "all") is back at bottom of to list
        $("#toList option[value=0]").appendTo($("#toList"));

答案 2 :(得分:0)




Gudluck Bro !!