
时间:2012-03-08 21:07:40

标签: java hash


 int hash(int n) { return ...; }



  • hash(n) & 1不会出现周期性。
  • hash(n) & 1大约同样可能为0或1。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


   * This method was written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP
   * JSR-166 Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
   * As of 2010/06/11, this method is identical to the (package private) hash
   * method in OpenJDK 7's java.util.HashMap class.
  static int smear(int hashCode) {
    hashCode ^= (hashCode >>> 20) ^ (hashCode >>> 12);
    return hashCode ^ (hashCode >>> 7) ^ (hashCode >>> 4);

答案 1 :(得分:3)



这里:任何二进制整数n可以表示为1 ... 0或1 ... 1,并且只有该位图的最低有效位将影响n&的结果。此外,下一个连续的整数n + 1将始终包含相反的最低有效位。因此,显然任何一系列连续整数在传递给函数n&时都会表现出2的周期。那么,是否有任何函数f(n)能够充分分布一系列连续的整数,从而消除周期性?

任何函数f(n)= n + c都会失败,因为c必须以0或1结尾,因此LSB将根据所选的常数翻转或保持不变。


任何函数f(n)= c * n都会失败,因为如果c以0结尾,则LSB将始终为0,如果c以1结尾,则总是等于n的LSB。

任何函数f(n)= n ^ c都会因类似的推理而失败。幂函数将始终与n具有相同的LSB。

出于同样的原因,任何函数f(n)= c ^ n都会失败。



最后,我对乘坐火车回家的希望表明,计算钻头的数量是可行的;然而,这实际上也是一个周期性的功能。我想到的方式是,想象一下取任何十进制数字的总和。这个数字显然会从0到9,然后下降到1,从1到10,然后下降到2 ......它有一个周期,范围随着我们计数的越高而越来越高。我们实际上可以对二进制数字的总和做同样的事情,在这种情况下我们得到类似的东西:0,1,1,2,2,.... 5,5,6,6,7,7,8 ,8 ....


TL; DR我不认为你的问题有答案。

答案 2 :(得分:1)




请参阅Best algorithm to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer

答案 3 :(得分:1)

我做了一些实验(见下面的测试程序);在Galois域中计算2 ^ n,并且floor(A * sin(n))都很好地产生了一系列“随机”比特。我尝试了乘法同余随机数生成器和一些代数和CRC(类似于伽罗瓦域中的k * n),但没有一个表现良好。

地板(A * sin(n))方法是最简单和最快的; GF32中的2 ^ n计算需要大约64次乘法和1024次异或,但在线性反馈移位寄存器的上下文中,输出位的周期性非常好理解。

package com.example.math;

public class QuickHash {
    interface Hasher
        public int hash(int n); 
    static class MultiplicativeHasher1 implements Hasher
        /* multiplicative random number generator
         * from L'Ecuyer is x[n+1] = 1223106847 x[n] mod (2^32-5)
        final static long a = 1223106847L;
        final static long m = (1L << 32)-5;
         * iterative step towards computing mod m
         *   (j*(2^32)+k) mod (2^32-5)
         * = (j*(2^32-5)+j*5+k) mod (2^32-5)
         * = (j*5+k) mod (2^32-5)
         * repeat twice to get a number between 0 and 2^31+24 
        private long quickmod(long x)
            long j = x >>> 32;
            long k = x & 0xffffffffL;
            return j*5+k;
        // treat n as unsigned before computation
        @Override public int hash(int n) {
            long h = a*(n&0xffffffffL);
            long h2 = quickmod(quickmod(h));            
            return (int) (h2 >= m ? (h2-m) : h2);
        @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } 

     * computes (2^n) mod P where P is the polynomial in GF2
     * with coefficients 2^(k+1) represented by the bits k=31:0 in "poly";
     * coefficient 2^0 is always 1
    static class GF32Hasher implements Hasher
        static final public GF32Hasher CRC32 = new GF32Hasher(0x82608EDB, 32);

        final private int poly;
        final private int ofs;
        public GF32Hasher(int poly, int ofs) {
            this.ofs = ofs;
            this.poly = poly;

        static private long uint(int x) { return x&0xffffffffL; }
        // modulo GF2 via repeated subtraction
        int mod(long n) {
            long rem = n;
            long q = uint(this.poly);
            q = (q << 32) | (1L << 31);
            long bitmask = 1L << 63;
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i, bitmask >>>= 1, q >>>= 1)
                if ((rem & bitmask) != 0)
                    rem ^= q;
            return (int) rem;
        int mul(int x, int y)
            return mod(uint(x)*uint(y));
        int pow2(int n) {
            // compute 2^n mod P using repeated squaring
            int y = 1;
            int x = 2;
            while (n > 0)
                if ((n&1) != 0)
                    y = mul(y,x);
                x = mul(x,x);
                n = n >>> 1;
            return y;
        @Override public int hash(int n) {
            return pow2(n+this.ofs);
        @Override public String toString() { 
            return String.format("GF32[%08x, ofs=%d]", this.poly, this.ofs); 
    static class QuickHasher implements Hasher
        @Override public int hash(int n) {
            return (int) ((131111L*n)^n^(1973*n)%7919);
        @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); }       

    // adapted from
    static class CRC32TableHasher implements Hasher
        final private int table[];
        static final private int polyval = 0xedb88320;

        public CRC32TableHasher() 
            this.table = make_table();

        /* Make the table for a fast CRC. */
        static public int[] make_table()
            int[] table = new int[256]; 
            int c;
            int n, k;

            for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
                c = n;
                for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
                    if ((c & 1) != 0)
                        c = polyval ^ (c >>> 1);
                        c = c >>> 1;
                table[n] = (int) c;
            return table;

        public int iterate(int state, int i)
            return this.table[(state ^ i) & 0xff] ^ (state >>> 8);
        @Override public int hash(int n) {
            int h = -1;
            h = iterate(h, n >>> 24); 
            h = iterate(h, n >>> 16); 
            h = iterate(h, n >>> 8); 
            h = iterate(h, n); 
            return h ^ -1;
        @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } 

    static class TrigHasher implements Hasher
        @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); }
        @Override public int hash(int n) { 
            double s = Math.sin(n);
            return (int) Math.floor((1<<31)*s);

    private static void test(Hasher hasher) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
            int h = hasher.hash(i);
            System.out.println(String.format("%08x -> %08x   %%2 = %d", 
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
            System.out.print(hasher.hash(i) & 1);

    private static void analyzeBits(Hasher hasher) {
        final int N = 65536;
        final int maxrunlength=32;
        int[][] runs = {new int[maxrunlength], new int[maxrunlength]};
        int[] count = new int[2];
        int prev = -1;
        System.out.println("Run length test of "+N+" bits");
        for (int i = 0; i < maxrunlength; ++i)
            runs[0][i] = 0;
            runs[1][i] = 0;
        int runlength_minus1 = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            int b = hasher.hash(i) & 0x1;
            if (b == prev)
            else if (i > 0)
                runlength_minus1 = 0;
            prev = b;

        System.out.println(String.format("%d zeros, %d ones", count[0], count[1]));
        for (int i = 0; i < maxrunlength; ++i)
            System.out.println(String.format("%d runs of %d zeros, %d runs of %d ones", runs[0][i], i+1, runs[1][i], i+1));         

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Hasher[] hashers = {
            new MultiplicativeHasher1(), 
            new QuickHasher(),
            new CRC32TableHasher(),
            new TrigHasher()
        for (Hasher hasher : hashers)

答案 4 :(得分:-1)

int 值的最简单散列是 int 值。

Java Integer class

public int hashCode()  
public static int hashCode(int value) 



此对象的哈希码值,等于此 Integer 对象表示的原始 int 值。