
时间:2012-03-08 20:48:14

标签: python dictionary


  Adding a constant integer to a value in a python dictionary

这是一份报告,因为我以前不太清楚问我的问题。我正在做一个元胞自动机代码,我已经制作了一个arcgis shapefile FID和Land Use Codes的字典。 FID是点或单元ID。我还创建了每个点的相邻邻居的嵌套列表。目前,我正在通过在arcgis中进行聚类分析来寻找类似土地使用代码的集群。我为每个FID创建了一个字典,它是否是聚类的,可以是“无”或“HH”。代码将做的是为每个点提供点的相邻邻居的集群代码。如果列表中的所有值都有'HH',那么我想从FID / LandUse字典中获取土地使用代码。然后我想为gridList2中的每个土地使用代码添加一个整数1并更新FID / LandUse字典,但仅当土地使用代码在1到5之间时。所以我不会更新FID / LandUse中的每个值字典,只是与gridList2对应的字典。我编写的代码不起作用,因为当我只为一个字典键添加1时,我显然正在遍历整个gridList。


import arcpy, string, csv

#Creating a dictionary of FID: LU_Codes from external txt file
text_file = open("H:\SWAT\NC\FID_Whole_Copy.txt", "rb")
FID_GC_dict =  {}
reader = csv.reader(text_file, delimiter='\t')
for line in reader:
    FID_GC_dict[line[0]] = int(line[1])

#Importing neighbor list file for each FID value
Neighbors_file = open("H:\SWAT\NC\Pro_NL_Copy.txt","rb")
Entries = Neighbors_file.readlines()
Neighbors_List = map(string.split, Entries)

#creates a list of the current FID
FID = [x[0] for x in Neighbors_List]
#print FID

Cluster_dict = {}
sc1 = arcpy.SearchCursor('H:\\SWAT\\NC\\cluster.shp')
for row in sc1:
    Cluster_dict[str(row.FID)] = [row.COType]

for k, v in Cluster_dict.iteritems():
    if v == [u' ']:
        Cluster_dict[k] = 'None'
    if v == [u'HH']:
        Cluster_dict[k] = 'HH'

#print Cluster_dict
i = iter(FID)   
Cur_FID = i.next()

clusterList = []
for clist in Neighbors_List:
    if clist[0] == Cur_FID:
        for ccodes in clist:
print clusterList
numtot = len(clusterList)
noc = clusterList.count('HH')
diff = numtot - noc
print diff
if diff == 0:
    gridList2 = []
    for nlist in Neighbors_List:
        if nlist[0] == Cur_FID:
            for neighbors in nlist:
print gridList2
for lucodes in gridList2:
    if lucodes > 1:   #I haven't condensed these two lines of code yet.
        if lucodes < 5:
            FID_GC_dict[Cur_FID] = lucodes + 1   #This gives me a value of 5...should be 4, see below.

print FID_GC_dict[Cur_FID]

因此,如果第一个FID为'0',则邻居列表将为['0','1','12','13','14']。所有值都有一个'HH',所以我想从FID / Landuse字典中获取土地使用代码:[3,3,4,4,4]。然后我想将1添加到gridList2(我发现它是不可变的)并更新FID / LandUSE字典。

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