函数指针是否不支持C ++中的实例类型

时间:2012-03-08 13:53:48

标签: c++ oop function-pointers

我试图理解如何使用函数指针从C ++中的实例映射方法,如C#中的委托。

class FunctionalPointers


    static int IncrementCounter ( int *a, int b )
        return *a += b; 

    int NonStaticIncrementCounter ( int *a, int b )
        return *a += b;

//Declare a functional pointer as a separate type.
typedef int ( *AFunctionalPointer ) ( int*, int );

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int a = 10;
    int *ptr = &a;
    *ptr = 200;

    //This works as the methods are static
    AFunctionalPointer funcInstance = FunctionalPointers::IncrementCounter;
    int result = funcInstance( ptr, a );

    //But if I try to make the same call from an
    //instance of a non static method I get an error. Why ?
    FunctionalPointers *functionalPointer = new FunctionalPointers();
    //ERROR : Compiler says it's illegal operation.
    AFunctionalPointer funcClassInstanceType = *functionalPointer->IncrementCounter;

    int instanceResult = funcClassInstanceType( ptr, a );
    return 0;



class Program
    static void Main( string[] args )
        int a = 200;
        int b = a;

        FunctionalPointer funcInstance = new FunctionalPointer();
        AFunctionalPointer degegateInstance = funcInstance.Increment;

        int result = degegateInstance( 200, 200 );

public delegate int AFunctionalPointer( int a, int b );

class FunctionalPointer
    public int Increment ( int a, int b )
        return a += b;

    public int Decrement( int a, int b )
        return a -= b;


这是我的知识差距还是C ++规则的一部分,它以不同的方式定义函数指针以支持实例类型。

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

C ++需要成员函数的不同指针类型。 C ++ FAQ上有whole section

使用C ++ 11中的std::function包装器可以获得类似C#的行为。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


int (ClassName::*FunctionPointer)(int, int);

答案 2 :(得分:1)


在C ++ 11中,一个选项是std::function

typedef std::function<int(int*,int)> delegate;
using namespace std::placeholders;

FunctionalPointers fp; // no need for "new" here
delegate d = [&](int * p, int a){fp.IncrementCounter(p,a);};

int result = d(ptr, a);

在C ++ 03中,您可以使用boost::functionboost::bind来实现相同的功能,或者使用重载的operator()编写自己的类,如下所示:

class Delegate {
    typedef int FunctionalPointers::*member_fn(int*,int);

    Delegate(FunctionalPointers * fp, member_fn fn) : fp(fp), fn(fn) {}
    int operator()(int * p, int a) {return (fp->*fn)(p,a);}

    FunctionalPointers * fp;  // Object to call member function of
    member_fn fn;             // Member function to call

FunctionalPointers fp;
Delegate d(&fp, &FunctionalPointers::IncrementCounter);

int result = d(ptr, a);


答案 3 :(得分:1)


typedef int ( *AFunctionalPointer ) ( int*, int );
// Use this syntax to declare pointers to member functions
typedef int (FunctionalPointers::*InstFunctionalPointer) ( int*, int );

int main()
    int a = 10;
    int *ptr = &a;
    *ptr = 200;

    //This works as the methods are static
    AFunctionalPointer funcStatic = FunctionalPointers::IncrementCounter;
    int result = funcStatic( ptr, a );

    InstFunctionalPointer funcInstance = FunctionalPointers::NonStaticIncrementCounter;

    //Now when I try to make the same call from an
    //instance of a non static method I don't get an error.
    FunctionalPointers *functionalPointer = new FunctionalPointers();
    // Use this syntax to call member functions through a member pointer
    int instanceResult = (functionalPointer->*funcInstance)(ptr, a );
    return 0;

答案 4 :(得分:1)


C#表达式funcInstance.Increment将对象绑定到成员函数,并返回一些可以像普通函数一样调用的东西。 C ++等价物是:

#include <functional>
using namespace std::placeholders;

int main()
    int a = 10;
    int *ptr = &a;
    *ptr = 200;

    FunctionalPointers functionalPointer;

    auto funcClassInstanceType = std::bind(
      &FunctionalPointers::NonStaticIncrementCounter, functionalPointer, _1, _2);

    int instanceResult = funcClassInstanceType( ptr, a );

答案 5 :(得分:1)


int (FunctionalPointers::*pointer_to_non_static_method)(int*, int)
    = FunctionalPointers::NonStaticIncrementCounter;



class FunctionalPointers {
    int operator()(int* a, int b) { return *a += b; };


FunctionalPointers f;