随机地图生成器 - 在网格上创建区域

时间:2012-03-05 09:46:36

标签: php mysql random



因此,为了简化所有这些,我试图在任意大小的网格上生成随机比例的矩形。作为记录,当我说任意时,我的意思是非常大 - 我们可能会看到高达100,000 x 100,000的尺寸。区域可能最多为100x100,但同样,脚本应该能够应对任何大小。




我想到的最后一种方法纯粹是数学方法,如果能使它成功,那将是完美的。我只使用了两个变量 - 最大x和最大y来存储每个轴上的最高值。在测试创建区域时,我只是检查新区域的左上角坐标是否低于最大x和y - 如果是,则无法使用该空间。如果任何一个更高,则没有问题,并且该区域已创建。你们中的一些人可能会发现我想象中的问题,但是长话短说,在某些情况下,这个系统会判断一个空白区域是无法使用的,所以当我运行脚本时会出现大量的随机空块。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  • 无需将所有信息保存到数据库中。对于每个矩形,您只需要顶部/左侧坐标+宽度/高度。

  • 那么你应该能够通过一个查询获得给定坐标的最大可用空间(例如,得到最小x,它比你的-x大,并且也在所需的y空间内)



SELECT   `x` - :x AS `maxWidth`
FROM      `test`
WHERE     `x` > :x
AND       (`y` > :y OR `y` + `h` > :y)
ORDER BY  `y`, `y` + `h`
LIMIT     1


SELECT   `y` - :y AS `maxHeight`
FROM      `test`
WHERE     `y` > :y
AND       (`x` > :x OR `x` + `w` > :x)
ORDER BY  `x`, `x` + `w`
LIMIT     1

答案 1 :(得分:1)


//create some globals we will need
$region_id = 1;
$current_x = 0;
$current_y = 0;
    $squares = array();

//Create the base grid
$grid = array(GRID_WIDTH);
foreach($grid as $a)
    $a = array(GRID_HEIGHT);
    $a = array_fill(0, count($a), 0);
//$grid[0][0] will be the top left square

//Iterates over the grid until it is full
while($current_x != (-1) && $current_y != (-1))
    //We just need to set these counters back to their minimums
    $max_x = $current_x;
    $max_y = $current_y;

    //Lets see how many spaces we have between current x and end of the row
    //$max_x will be the maxiumum newX2
    for($x = $current_x; $x<GRID_WIDTH; $x++)
            $max_x = $x;

    //Lets create a width between 1 and the max left in the row
    $newX1 = $current_x;
    $newX2 = rand($current_x, $max_x)

    //Now lets see how tall we can make it by going down the y until we hit a square or the end.. do for each x
    for($x = $newX1; $x<newX2;$x++)
        for($y = $current_y; $y<GRID_HEIGHT; $y++)
                //We just need the maxiumum y we can have based on our already determined width
                //Since this distance has to be smallest possible distance
                //We only let max_y get larger on the first iteration of x
                if($y>$max_y && $x==$newX1)
                    $max_y = $y;

    //lets create a height bettwen 1 and the max
    $newY1 = $current_y;
    $newY2 = rand($current_y, $max_y);

    //create a spacewith these values
    occupySpace($newX1, $newX2, $newY1, $newY2, $grid, $region_id);
            $squares[] = array($newX1, $newX2, $newY1, $newY2);

    //Iterate over the grid looking for an empty space
    //First lets set current_x and current_y to -1.  We will use this to evalute done
    $current_x = -1;
    $current_y = -1;
    for($x = 0; $x<GRID_WIDTH; $x++)
        for($y = 0; $y<GRID_HEIGHT; $y++)
            //Looking for any space that hasn't been occupied, if one is found break both for loops
                $current_x = $x;
                $current_y = $y;
                break 2;


//fills all spaces in the region with the current region id and increments region id
function occupySpace($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, &$grid, &$region_id)
    for($x=$x1; $x<$x2; $x++)
        for($y=$y1; $y<$y2; $y++)
            $grid[$x][$y] = $region_id;
    $region_id += 1;

更新:此解决方案最初并未跟踪已创建的“区域”。现在它们存在于数组$ square中。

PS - 如果这将成为您的脚本/业务的重要部分,我会考虑为Grid和region编写一些类,