C程序 - 自定义文本编辑器程序

时间:2012-03-05 01:40:36

标签: c


// Function: get_line
// Reads a line (of arbitrary length) from an input source (stdin or file)
// and returns a pointer to the array that stores the line read
char *get_line(FILE *f)
    int size = 80; // initial size of memory block allocated

    char *linePtr = malloc(size);  // allocate memory block

    if (linePtr != NULL) { // if allocation successful
        int c = EOF;

        // read a line of text and replace newline character
        // with a string terminator character
        int i = 0;
        while ((c = getc(f)) != '\n' && c != EOF) {
            linePtr[i++] = (char) c;
            if (i == size) {
                size *= 2;
                linePtr = realloc(linePtr, size);
        linePtr[i] = '\0';

        // if end-of-file before any characters were read,
        // release the whole buffer
        if (c == EOF && i == 0) {
            linePtr = NULL;
        } else {
            // release unused portion of memory
            linePtr = realloc(linePtr, i+1);

    return linePtr;


// Function: append_line
// Inserts a line after the current line (or node) in the linked-list
void append_line(char *t)
    line *new_stack;
    line *tmp;
    new_stack = malloc(sizeof(line));
    tmp = malloc(sizeof(line));

    if((new_stack == NULL) || (tmp == NULL)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient memory to allocate. Closing application.\n");

    if(current_line == NULL) {
        if(head == NULL) {
            head = new_stack;
            current_line = new_stack;
            new_stack->prev = NULL;
            new_stack->next = NULL;
    else {
        tmp = current_line->next;
        current_line->next = new_stack->prev;
        new_stack->next = tmp;
        current_line = new_stack;

    new_stack->text = t;


// Function: read_file
// Reads text from the specified file and calls append_line to insert lines
// into the linked-list. It returns the number of lines read.
int read_file(char *filename)
    char * temp, no_command;
    temp = strtok(filename, " ");
    while(temp != NULL) {
        no_command = temp;
        temp = strtok (NULL, " ");
    /* By doing this --^, I hope it will set temp to the actual
    // file name after tokenization and completely ignore
    // the command that comes with filename */
    FILE *fin;
    int counter = 0;

    fin = fopen(no_command, "r");
    if(fin == NULL) {
        printf("You have entered a file that does not exist.");
  1. 如果我想发送用户从其他功能输入的get_line输入,我是否可以发送get_line stdin来识别屏幕上输入的用户输入?或者我是否必须使用某种形式的fgets向其发送信息?

  2. 如果允许用户通过使用回车键(又名\n)分隔多行来输入,并且预计可以按 CTRL + D 继续使用该函数,如何告诉应用程序使 CTRL + D EOF?

  3. 我的get_line函数接收整个文件,并输出一行。我被指示使用多个get_line调用来获取多行文件,并将每行发送到各自的堆栈条目中。我如何告诉应用程序,“这是同一个文件,但我希望您现在检查下一行而不是之前输出的那一行”?我假设一旦我弄清楚这一点,我可以将相同的逻辑应用于用户即时输入的输入。

  4. 我已被告知get_line功能已完成,所以我觉得在我称之为get_line的地方(例如在read_file中),我需要控制如何通过将get_line读取到遇到read_file的点,将其更改为行尾符号(又称\n,一次向'\0'发送大量内容})并将其发送到get_line,然后以某种方式让read_file继续执行相同的操作,直到达到EOF。但是我也觉得这个功能很多都在get_line函数中......所以我想我对给定函数的实现感到困惑。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



void append_line(char *t)
    /* Allocate and clear (i.e. set all to 0) */
    line *new_stack = calloc(1, sizeof(line));

    if(current_line == NULL) {
        if(head == NULL) {
            head = current_line = new_stack;
    else {
        new_stack->next = current_line;
        new_stack->prev = current_line->prev;

        if (current_line->prev)
            current_line->prev->next = new_stack;
            head = new_stack;  /* No previous node, means current_line is at head */

        current_line = new_stack;

    new_stack->text = t;