读取/解析文本文件输入c ++

时间:2012-03-04 00:03:18

标签: c++ input

一点背景:我正在研究一个学校项目的滑块拼图,这是我们第一次使用C ++而不是Java。这是我第一次必须实现从文件中读取数据的东西。

我有一个关于从文本文件中读取输入的简单问题。 我理解如何逐行读取文件并将每行保存在一个字符串中,我想知道是否可以在读取文件时将字符串解析为不同的数据类型。



我的问题是,如果我逐个字符地读取文件,是否有一个我可以使用的函数,它将检测字符是整数还是字符(并忽略空格),这样我就可以立即存储它们读取文件时创建块对象?在这种情况下,我如何处理整数> 10?



4  4
3  1  2  1  b
1  1  1  1  a 

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

要检测一段字符串是否可以解析为整数,您只需要解析它并查看是否成功。最好的函数可能是std::strtoul(),因为它可以告诉你它消耗了多少个字符,这样你就可以继续解析了。 (有关详细信息,请参见手册页。)


#include <fstream>

std::ifstream infile("thefile.txt");

int n1, n2, x1, x2, x3, x4;
char c;

if (!(infile >> n1 >> n2)) { /* error, could not read first line! Abort. */ }

while (infile >> x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> x4 >> c)
    // successfully extracted one line, data is in x1, ..., x4, c.


答案 1 :(得分:1)

ifstreams也是istreams,因此您可以使用相同的运算符&gt;&gt;和std :: cin一样。

int main()
    std::ifstream s("test.txt");
    if (s.is_open())
        int i, j, k;
        s >> i >> j >> k;


答案 2 :(得分:1)


#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    fstream fileStream;

    int firstNumber;
    fileStream >> firstNumber;

    char firstChar;
    fileStream >> firstChar;


答案 3 :(得分:1)

我会将每一行读成一个字符串(就像你一直在做的那样) 然后我会将该行中的标记读入适当的变量。


 int  x;
 stream >> x; // ignores white space then: reads an integer from the stream into x

 char c;
 stream >> c; // ignores white space then: reads an char from the stream into c

 double d;
 stream >> d; // ignores white space then: reads an double from the stream into d


4  4
3  1  2  1  b
1  1  1  1  a 


// Assume that stream is a std::fstream already opened to you file.

std::string line1;
std::getline(stream, line1);           // reads "4 4" into `line1`

std::stringstream  line1stream(line1); // convert line1 into a stream for reading.
int a;
int b;
line1stream >> a >> b;   // reads "4 4" from 'line1' into a (now 4) b (now 4)
if (!stream || !line1stream)
     // failed reading the first line.
     // either reading the line failed (!stream)
     // or     reading 2 integers from line1stream failed (!line1stream)
     throw SomeException("Failed");

std::string line2;
std::getline(stream, line2);           // reads "3  1  2  1  b" into line2

std::stringstream line2stream(line2);  // convers line2 into a stream for reading.
int  data[4];
char c;

line2stream >> data[0] >> data[1] >> data[2] >> data[3] >> c;
if (!stream || !line2stream)
     // failed reading the second line.
     // either reading the line failed (!stream)
     // or     reading 4 integers and one char from line2stream failed (!line2stream)
     throw SomeException("Failed");