
时间:2012-03-03 07:02:56

标签: compiler-construction antlr context-free-grammar antlrv3ide

我正在尝试使用ANTLR 3.4构建C--编译器。


fundeclaration  : typespecifier ID OPENP params CLOSEP compoundstmt     ;
typespecifier   : INT | VOID                                            ;
params          : VOID | paramlist                                      ;
paramlist       : param (COMMA param)*                                  ;
param           :  /*typespecifier*/INT ID (OPENSQ CLOSESQ)?            ;

compoundstmt    : OPENCUR vardeclaration* statement* CLOSECUR       ;


warning(200): /CMinusMinus/src/CMinusMinus/CMinusMinus.g:24:40: 
Decision can match input such as "CLOSECUR" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
 |---> compoundstmt : OPENCUR vardeclaration* statement* CLOSECUR       ;

error(201): /CMinusMinus/src/CMinusMinus/CMinusMinus.g:24:40: The following alternatives can never be matched: 2
 |---> compoundstmt : OPENCUR vardeclaration* statement* CLOSECUR       ;

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