
时间:2012-03-02 16:47:19

标签: php string

$string = '"Above all," said British Prime Minister David Cameron, "what I think matters is building the evidence and the picture so we hold this criminal regime to account, and to make sure it is held to account for crimes that it is committing against its people." He spoke to reporters outside a meeting of leaders of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.';




6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


// The number of words you want to keep
$numwords = 5;

// The symbols you want to have removed
$stripChars = array('"', '&', '*', '$', '%', '>');

$string = '"Above all," said British Prime Minister David Cameron, "what I think matters is building the evidence and the picture so we hold this criminal regime to account, and to make sure it is held to account for crimes that it is committing against its people." He spoke to reporters outside a meeting of leaders of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.';

$string = str_replace($stripChars, '', $string);

$stringImpl = array_slice(explode(' ', $string, $numwords + 1), 0, $numwords);
$stringCleaned = implode(' ', $stringImpl);

答案 1 :(得分:2)


$num_words = 5;
$string = '"Above all," said British Prime Minister David Cameron, "what I think matters is building the evidence and the picture so we hold this criminal regime to account, and to make sure it is held to account for crimes that it is committing against its people." He spoke to reporters outside a meeting of leaders of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.';
$string = preg_replace('/["&*$%>]/i', '', $string);
$words = explode(" ", $string);
$newstring = implode(" ", array_slice($words, 0, $num_words));

答案 2 :(得分:1)


$patterns = array();
$patterns[0] = '/&/';
$patterns[1] = '/%/';
$patterns[2] = '/>/';
preg_replace($patterns, '', $string);



$newlen = 5; // change accordingly.
$stringarray = explode(' ', $string); // Explodes the string into an array. One item for each row.
$string = implode(' ', array_slice($stringarray, 0, $newlen)); // We then 'slice' the array, which basically cuts it. The 0 defines the starting point and the $newlen the end. After this we 'implode' it which basically converts it to a string. The ' ' shows what we want to stick in-between the items in the array.

答案 3 :(得分:1)


function substrwords($str, $n) {
    $words = explode(' ',$str);
    $outstr = '';
        $outstr .= $words[$i].' ';
    return ltrim($outstr);

答案 4 :(得分:1)


function join_string($str, $word_count=5, $delimiter='<br/>') {
    $words = preg_split('/\s/',preg_replace('/["&*$%>]/','',$str));
    // splits each word
    $str = '';
    foreach ($words as $key => $value) {
        $i = $key % $word_count;
        if ($key > 0 && !$i) $str .= $delimiter;
        // adds the delimiter
        $str .= $value . ($i < $word_count-1 ? ' ' : '');
        // adds the space after the word
    return $str;

echo join_string($string,5);

答案 5 :(得分:0)


$string = '"Above all," said British Prime Minister David Cameron, "what I think matters is building the evidence and the picture so we hold this criminal regime to account, and to make sure it is held to account for crimes that it is committing against its people." He spoke to reporters outside a meeting of leaders of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.';

//specify the number after which the string should be cut
$string_cut_position = 5;

$new_string = substr($string, 0, $string_cut_position);


$new_string = preg_replace('/["&*$%>]/i', '', $new_string);


$new_string = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $new_string );





//specify the number after which the string should be cut
$words_cut_position = 5;

$new_string = array_slice(explode(' ', $string, $words_cut_position + 1), 0, $words_cut_position);
$output_string  = implode(' ', $new_string);
