
时间:2012-03-01 11:08:52

标签: r optimization


我还应该指出,我在这个问题中提到的优化瓶颈之一在optimbreach中有所说明,尽管我很想知道我正在做的任何事情都是低效的。最初调用的主要功能是plotresults()。 rundisplay()和displayProbEff()并不重要,在运行plotresults()时不会被调用。


plotresults = function()


r_start = 0.5
r_end = 1
r_step = 0.1
nsteps = (r_end-r_start)/r_step+1

riskstart = 0.01
riskend = 1
risksteps = 0.005


for(i in 1:((r_end-r_start)/r_step+1))
  plotcols = c(plotcols, rep(i, (riskend-riskstart)/risksteps+1))

colour = 

for (r in seq(r_start,r_end,r_step))
  output = species2(r, riskstart, riskend, risksteps)
  risk = c(risk, output$risk)
  rout = c(rout,rep(r, length(output$risk)))
  foregone = c(foregone, output$foregone)   
  #]mod = lm(results$foregone ~ poly(results$risk, 3))  
r= rout  

plot3d(risk, r, foregone, col=plotcols, size=3)

species2 = function(r, riskstart,riskend,risksteps)

  #set how many years to run the model for when testing risk
  nYears = 3

  #setup the variables for risk values

  #init outputs

  #read in the parameters for the 2 species
  SpeciesParams = as.matrix(read.csv("C:/Documents and Settings/localuser/My Documents/DefineIt/Code/R/speciesparams.csv", sep=",", header=T))

  # set the species parameter for species B to r (this enables us to get results for a range of r's

  #Calc optimum catch for species A
  maxcatch = optimcatch(SpeciesParams[1,])[[2]]

  #Create vector for risk
  risk = seq(riskstart, riskend, risksteps)

  #Determine the level of effort that subjects species B to a given level of risk
  for(risk in seq(riskstart,riskend,risksteps))
    #calc the effort that would subject vulnerable species (B) to each level of risk
    effort=optimbreach(nYears,risk, SpeciesParams[2,])[[1]]

    #calc the catch of target species (A) for effort calculated in previous line
    catch[i]=maxcatch-meancatch(effort, SpeciesParams[1,])


    #plot(x=seq(riskstart,riskend,risksteps), y=catch, xlab = "risk", ylab="Foregone Yield")
    output = list(risk=seq(riskstart,riskend,risksteps), foregone=catch)
    return (output)


RunDisplay = function(nTimeSteps, e) # e=effort, nTimeSteps=number of timesteps per run
#Runs the model and outputs the biomass and catches as two timeseries plots

  output = RunModelnTimeSteps(nTimeSteps, stddevr_global, r_global, Init_B_global, k_global, q_global, e, 0)

  plot(output[[2]], ylim=c(0,k_global), type="l", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Timestep")
  plot(output[[3]], ylim=c(0,k_global), type="l", ylab="Catch", xlab="TimeStep")


displayProbEff = function()
#A simple subroutine that graphs the change in probability of breaching Bpa for different efforts

  prob_lessBpa = NULL
  for(x in seq(0,2,0.02))
  plot(x=seq(0,2,0.02), y=prob_lessBpa, ylab="Probability", xlab="Effort")


optimbreach = function(nTimeSteps, opt_prob, spec_params)
#Calculates the level of effort that meets management objective
#nTimeSteps is length of time to run simulation while checking not falling beneath Bpa
#opt_prob is the maximum probability of going beneath Bpa in a given time period (see previous line)
#that is acceptable by the management objective


  diffprob = function(e, params, spec_params)
    prob_breach = calcprob(e, nTimeSteps, spec_params)

  params=c(nTimeSteps, opt_prob)  
  a=optimise(diffprob, c(0,1.5), params, spec_params, maximum=FALSE)


optimcatch = function(species_params)
#Calculates the effort that gives the optimum catch

  optimise(meancatch, c(0,2), species_params, maximum=TRUE)


meancatch = function(ef, species_params)
  output=RunModelnTimeSteps(nTimeSteps=1000, species_params, ef)  

calcmeans = function(effort)
#Calculates the mean catch and biomass over 1000 timesteps

  output = RunModelnTimeSteps(1000, species_params, e)
  print(paste("Mean Biomass = ", mean(output[[2]])))
  print(paste("Mean Catch = ", mean(output[[3]])))


RunModelnTimeSteps = function(nTimeSteps, sparams, e)
#Runs the surplus production model for nTimeSteps
  #indexes in sparams for various parameters
  #Bpa = 2
  #sd_ = 3
  #r = 4
  #B = 5
  #k = 6
  #q_ = 7 

  P = 0                         #initial production

  Breached = FALSE              #This records whether the biomass fell beneath Bpa
  Biomass = numeric(nTimeSteps)                #biomass
  Catch = numeric(nTimeSteps)          #catch


  for (x in 2:nTimeSteps)
    ModOutput = RunTimeStep(sparams[3], sparams[4], Biomass[x-1], sparams[6], sparams[7], e)  #Run the model for 1 timestep

    Biomass[x] = ModOutput[1]  #Get the biomass at end of timestep

    Catch[x] = ModOutput[2]  #Get the catch for this timestep
    if (Biomass[x]<=sparams[2])  #Check if biomass has fallen beneath Bpa
  #if(Bpa==600){browser()   }
  list(Breached, Biomass, Catch)


RunTimeStep = function(sd_, r, B, k, q_, e)
#Calculates one timestep of the model
#outputs the biomass[1] at the end of the timestep and catches[2] through timestep

  change_r = rnorm(n=1, mean=0, sd=sd_) #random change in r
  P = (r + change_r) * B * (1-B/k)  #calc production
  Catch = q_ * e * B  #calc catch
  B = B + P - q_*e*B  #calc results biomass
  c(B,Catch)  #output biomass at end of timestep and catch


calcprob = function(e, nTimeSteps, species_params) # e=effort, Bpa=precautionary biomass limit, nTimeSteps=number of timesteps per run
#Calculates the probability of going beneath Bpa within nTimeSteps

  nIterations = 200            #number of times the simulation is run
  nFails = 0                    #Counts the number of times the biomass goes benath Bpa

  nFails = RunModelnTimeSteps2(nTimeSteps, species_params, e, nIterations)



RunModelnTimeSteps2 = function(nTimeSteps, sparams, e, nIterations)
#Runs the surplus production model for nTimeSteps
  #indexes in sparams for various parameters
  #Bpa = 2
  #sd_ = 3
  #r = 4
  #B = 5
  #k = 6
  #q_ = 7 

  P = 0                         #initial production

  Breached = rep(F,nIterations)              #This records whether the biomass fell beneath Bpa
  Biomass = matrix(nrow=nTimeSteps, ncol=nIterations)                #biomass
  Catch = matrix(nrow=nTimeSteps, ncol=nIterations)          #catch
  randomvalues = matrix(rnorm(nTimeSteps*nIterations,0,sparams[3]),ncol=nIterations)


  #ModOutput = RunTimeStep2(sparams[3], sparams[4], Biomass[x-1,], sparams[6], sparams[7], e)

  for (x in 2:nTimeSteps)
    #ModOutput = RunTimeStep2(sparams[3], sparams[4], Biomass[x-1,], sparams[6], sparams[7], e) #Run the model for 1 timestep

    P = (sparams[4] + randomvalues[x,]) * Biomass[x-1] * (1-Biomass[x-1]/sparams[6])  #calc production
    Catch[x,] = sparams[7] * e * Biomass[x-1]
    Biomass[x,] = Biomass[x-1,] + P - Catch[x,]

    Breached = ifelse (Biomass[x,]<=sparams[2], T, Breached)
    ifelse (Biomass[x,]<0,0,Biomass[x,]) 


  #if(Bpa==600){browser()   }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


    # some data:
    a <- 1:100
    b <- rnorm(100, mean = 3, sd = 2) + runif(100, 3, 4) * a

    # some starts:
    pars <- c(a = 1, b = 1)

    # a function to optimize
    FunctionToOptimize <- function(pars, a, b){
        sum(((pars[[1]] + pars[[2]] * a) - b) ^ 2)

    optim(pars,FunctionToOptimize,a = a, b = b)$par

    # and in parallel?
    # a matrix holding your parameters:
    parsMat <- matrix(sample(2:5, 100, replace = TRUE), ncol = 2, nrow = 50)

    # a function that includes a call to optim()
    FunctionToOptimizePar <- function(Pars, a, b){

        FunctionToOptimize <- function(pars, a, b){
            sum(((pars[[1]] + pars[[2]] * a) - b) ^ 2)

        optim(Pars, FunctionToOptimize, a = a, b = b)$par

    # (I just have 2 cores)
    cl <- makeCluster(2)
    # will spit out the optimized parameters in the same order as given in parsMat
    someresults <- matrix(parRapply(cl, parsMat, FunctionToOptimizePar, a = a, b = b), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
