
时间:2012-02-24 13:26:08

标签: java algorithm neural-network backpropagation gradient-descent


   * all output propagate back
   * @param expectedOutput
   *            first calculate the partial derivative of the error with
   *            respect to each of the weight leading into the output neurons
   *            bias is also updated here
  public void applyBackpropagation(double expectedOutput[]) {

    // error check, normalize value ]0;1[
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedOutput.length; i++) {
        double d = expectedOutput[i];
        if (d < 0 || d > 1) {
            if (d < 0)
                expectedOutput[i] = 0 + epsilon;
                expectedOutput[i] = 1 - epsilon;

    int i = 0;
    for (Neuron n : outputLayer) {
        ArrayList<Connection> connections = n.getAllInConnections();
        for (Connection con : connections) {
            double ak = n.getOutput();
            double ai = con.leftNeuron.getOutput();
            double desiredOutput = expectedOutput[i];

            double partialDerivative = -ak * (1 - ak) * ai
                    * (desiredOutput - ak);
            double deltaWeight = -learningRate * partialDerivative;
            double newWeight = con.getWeight() + deltaWeight;
            con.setWeight(newWeight + momentum * con.getPrevDeltaWeight());

    // update weights for the hidden layer
    for (Neuron n : hiddenLayer) {
        ArrayList<Connection> connections = n.getAllInConnections();
        for (Connection con : connections) {
            double aj = n.getOutput();
            double ai = con.leftNeuron.getOutput();
            double sumKoutputs = 0;
            int j = 0;
            for (Neuron out_neu : outputLayer) {
                double wjk = out_neu.getConnection(n.id).getWeight();
                double desiredOutput = (double) expectedOutput[j];
                double ak = out_neu.getOutput();
                sumKoutputs = sumKoutputs
                        + (-(desiredOutput - ak) * ak * (1 - ak) * wjk);

            double partialDerivative = aj * (1 - aj) * ai * sumKoutputs;
            double deltaWeight = -learningRate * partialDerivative;
            double newWeight = con.getWeight() + deltaWeight;
            con.setWeight(newWeight + momentum * con.getPrevDeltaWeight());

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在我看来,此解决方案使用stochastic gradient descent。它与常规梯度体面之间的主要区别在于,每个示例的梯度都是近似的,而不是为所有示例计算,然后选择最佳方向。这是实现反向传播的常用方法,甚至对渐变体面有一些优势(可以避免一些局部最小值)。我相信这篇文章也说明了这个想法,并且还有很多其他文章解释了反向传播背后的主要思想。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

这篇丑陋的文章似乎描述了完全相同的算法版本:http://www.speech.sri.com/people/anand/771/html/node37.html。我的大学论文中有相同的公式,但遗憾的是:a)它们不在网上; b)他们使用你不会理解的语言。
