
时间:2012-02-23 08:01:28

标签: list haskell functional-programming



at :: B.ByteString -> Maybe Atom
at line
    | line == ATOM record = do stuff to return Just Atom
    | otherwise = Nothing

ot :: B.ByteString -> Maybe Sheet
ot line
    | line == SHEET record = do other stuff to return Just Sheet
    | otherwise = Nothing


mapper :: [B.ByteString] -> IO ()
mapper lines = do
    let atoms = mapMaybe at lines
    let sheets = mapMaybe to lines
    -- Do stuff with my atoms and sheets



mapper' :: [B.ByteString] -> IO ()
mapper' lines = do
    let atoms = []
    let sheets = []
    for line in lines:
        | line == ATOM record = (atoms = atoms ++ at line)
        | line == SHEET record = (sheets = sheets ++ ot line)
    -- Now 'atoms' is a complete list of all the ATOM records
    --  and 'sheets' is a complete list of all the SHEET records


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)





首先,各种“iteratee / enumerator”包经常提供处理这类问题的函数。我最熟悉iteratee,它可以让您执行以下操作:

import Data.Iteratee as I
import Data.Iteratee.Char
import Data.Maybe

-- first, you'll need some way to process the Atoms/Sheets/etc. you're getting
-- if you want to just return them as a list, you can use the built-in
-- stream2list function

-- next, create stream transformers
-- given at :: B.ByteString -> Maybe Atom
-- create a stream transformer from ByteString lines to Atoms
atIter :: Enumeratee [B.ByteString] [Atom] m a
atIter = I.mapChunks (catMaybes . map at)

otIter :: Enumeratee [B.ByteString] [Sheet] m a
otIter = I.mapChunks (catMaybes . map ot)

-- finally, combine multiple processors into one
-- if you have more than one processor, you can use zip3, zip4, etc.
procFile :: Iteratee [B.ByteString] m ([Atom],[Sheet])
procFile = I.zip (atIter =$ stream2list) (otIter =$ stream2list)

-- and run it on some data
runner :: FilePath -> IO ([Atom],[Sheet])
runner filename = do
  resultIter <- enumFile defaultBufSize filename $= enumLinesBS $ procFile
  run resultIter

这给您带来的好处是额外的可组合性。您可以根据需要创建变换器,并将它们与zip组合。如果你愿意,你甚至可以并行运行消费者(虽然只有当你在IO monad工作,并且可能不值得,除非消费者做了很多工作),改为:

import Data.Iteratee.Parallel

parProcFile = I.zip (parI $ atIter =$ stream2list) (parI $ otIter =$ stream2list)

这样做的结果与单个for循环不同 - 这仍然会执行多次遍历数据。但是,遍历模式已经改变。这将一次加载一定量的数据(defaultBufSize字节)并多次遍历该块,并根据需要存储部分结果。完全消耗了一个块后,下一个块加载,旧的块可以被垃圾收集。


  x1 x2 x3 .. x_n
                   x1 x2 x3 .. x_n

  x1 x2      x3 x4      x_n-1 x_n
       x1 x2      x3 x4           x_n-1 x_n



如果单一遍历解决方案确实最有意义,您可能会对Max Rabkin的Beautiful Folding帖子和Conal Elliott的followup workthis too)感兴趣。基本的想法是,您可以创建数据结构来表示折叠和拉链,并且组合这些可以创建一个新的组合折叠/拉链功能,只需要一次遍历。对于Haskell初学者来说,这可能有点先进,但既然你正在考虑这个问题,你可能会觉得它很有趣或有用。 Max的帖子可能是最好的起点。

答案 1 :(得分:5)


import Data.Monoid

eachLine :: B.ByteString -> ([Atom], [Sheet])
eachLine bs | isAnAtom bs = ([ {- calculate an Atom -} ], [])
            | isASheet bs = ([], [ {- calculate a Sheet -} ])
            | otherwise = error "eachLine"

allLines :: [B.ByteString] -> ([Atom], [Sheet])
allLines bss = mconcat (map eachLine bss)

魔术是由mconcat Data.Monoid(包含在GHC中)完成的。

(关于风格点:我个人会定义Line类型,parseLine :: B.ByteString -> Line函数并写eachLine bs = case parseLine bs of ...。但这是你问题的外围。)

答案 2 :(得分:4)

引入新的ADT是个好主意,例如: “摘要”而不是元组。 然后,既然你想积累Summary的值,你就会把它作为Data.Monoid的一个等值。然后使用分类器函数(例如isAtom,isSheet等)对每一行进行分类,并使用Monoid的mconcat函数将它们连接在一起(如@ dave4420所示)。


module Classifier where

import Data.List
import Data.Monoid

data Summary = Summary
  { atoms :: [String]
  , sheets :: [String]
  , digits :: [String]
  } deriving (Show)

instance Monoid Summary where
  mempty = Summary [] [] []
  Summary as1 ss1 ds1 `mappend` Summary as2 ss2 ds2 =
    Summary (as1 `mappend` as2)
            (ss1 `mappend` ss2)
            (ds1 `mappend` ds2)

classify :: [String] -> Summary
classify = mconcat  . map classifyLine

classifyLine :: String -> Summary
classifyLine line
  | isAtom line  = Summary [line] [] [] -- or "mempty { atoms = [line] }"
  | isSheet line = Summary [] [line] []
  | isDigit line = Summary [] [] [line]
  | otherwise    = mempty -- or "error" if you need this  

isAtom, isSheet, isDigit :: String -> Bool
isAtom = isPrefixOf "atom"
isSheet = isPrefixOf "sheet"
isDigit = isPrefixOf "digits"

input :: [String]
input = ["atom1", "sheet1", "sheet2", "digits1"]

test :: Summary
test = classify input

答案 3 :(得分:1)


import Data.Either

-- first sample function, returning String
f1 x = show $ x `div` 2

-- second sample function, returning Int
f2 x = 3*x+1

-- combined function returning Either String Int
hotpo x = if even x then Left (f1 x) else Right (f2 x)

xs = map hotpo [1..10] 
-- [Right 4,Left "1",Right 10,Left "2",Right 16,Left "3",Right 22,Left "4",Right 28,Left "5"]

lefts xs 
-- ["1","2","3","4","5"]

rights xs
-- [4,10,16,22,28]