ASP.NET MVC3:来自控制器中Null的DropdownList的对象

时间:2012-02-18 09:32:07

标签: c# html-helper

我为BookShop创建了一个示例MVC3应用程序。我有一个创建动作。在创建操作中,用户输入书名,作者姓名并选择流派名称。它没有错误地工作。但是在控制器中,我没有得到所选的流派名称( - 流派对象为null)。我们如何纠正它?

注意:当我编写@Html.DropDownList("GenreId", String.Empty) ASP.NET MVC内置的模型绑定功能时,将尝试使用表单输入填充该类型的对象。例如。它会尝试设置book对象的GenreId值。但Book不包含属性GenreId。但是,下拉列表可以通过从ViewBag中读取所需的值来显示值。


@model MyBookShopApp.Book

ViewBag.Title = "Create";


@using (Html.BeginForm()) {




    <div >
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Title) :~: @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Title)

    <div >
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Artist.Name )  :*: @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Artist.Name)

    <div >
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.GenreEntity.Name, "The Genre") ::   @Html.DropDownList("GenreId", String.Empty)

        <input type="submit" value="Create" />


 @Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")


namespace MyBookShopApp.Controllers
public class StoreManagerController : Controller

    List<GenreEntity> listOfGenres = new List<GenreEntity>()
                                       new GenreEntity { Name = "Fiction", GenreId = 1 },
                                       new GenreEntity { Name = "Science", GenreId = 2 },
                                       new GenreEntity { Name = "Religious", GenreId = 3 },

    List<Book> bookList = new List<Book>()
                            new Book
                                BookId = 1,Title = "Book1",
                                GenreEntity = new GenreEntity { Name = "Fiction", GenreId = 1 },
                                Artist = new Artist { ArtistId = 1, Name = "Dinesh" }
                            new Book
                                BookId = 2,Title = "Book2",
                                GenreEntity = new GenreEntity { Name = "Science", GenreId = 2 },
                                Artist = new Artist { ArtistId = 1, Name = "Lijo" }
                            new Book
                                BookId = 3,Title = "Book3",
                                GenreEntity = new GenreEntity { Name = "Religious", GenreId = 3 },
                                Artist = new Artist { ArtistId = 1, Name = "Santhosh" }


    #region CREATE

    // GET: 
    public ActionResult Create()
                    ViewBag.GenreId = new SelectList(listOfGenres, "GenreId", "Name");
        return View();

    // POST:
    public ActionResult Create(Book theBook)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            //Save the book in DB first and then redirectToAction.
            return RedirectToAction("Index");

        return View(theBook);




public class Book
    public int BookId { get; set; } 
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public GenreEntity GenreEntity { get; set; }
    public Artist Artist { get; set; }



  public class GenreEntity
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int GenreId { get; set; }


 public class Artist
    public int ArtistId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }


  1. dropdown in mvc3 edit form

  2. How to use a Html.DropDownList in a strongly-typed view for a model containing a nullable enum property?

  3. MVC3 HTML helper doesn't update DropdownListFor on Submit the form

  4. on select change event - Html.DropDownListFor

  5. MVC3 @Html.DropDownListFor not populating selected item

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

@Html.DropDownList("GenreId", String.Empty)创建一个名为GenreId的SELECT。但是,MVC3期望名称GenreEntity.Name绑定到Book。

简单的解决方案是将public ActionResult Create(Book theBook) 修改为public ActionResult Create(Book theBook, string genreId)以接收已发回的genreId


@Html.LabelFor(model => model.GenreEntity.GenreId, "The Genre")
@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.GenreEntity.GenreId, (SelectList)ViewBag.GenreId, String.Empty)

请记住在HttpPost Create方法中设置ViewBag。

修改 已将属性名称从BookId更正为GenreId

答案 1 :(得分:1)



@Html.DropDownList("GenreEntity.GenreId", String.Empty)
