链接选择菜单 - 工作,但需要一个小的改变 - AJAX

时间:2012-02-17 11:26:04

标签: php javascript ajax forms select

我目前正在使用以下脚本在每次选择下拉菜单选项时运行PHP脚本。 效果很好。 然后它返回SQL查询的结果并将其放在第二个下拉列表中。




// Have a function run after the page loads:
window.onload = init;    

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Can I run this...
 * ajax.open('get', 'dept_results_ajax.php');
 * ... as soon as my page loads and return the results?
 *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Function that adds the Ajax layer:
function init() {

  // Get an XMLHttpRequest object:
  var ajax = getXMLHttpRequestObject();

  // Attach the function call to the form submission, if supported:
  if (ajax) {

    // Check for DOM support:
    if (document.getElementById('results')) {

      // Add an onsubmit event handler to the form:
      $('#did').change(function() {

        // Call the PHP script.
        // Use the GET method.
        // Pass the department_id in the URL.

        // Get the department_id:
        var did = document.getElementById('did').value;

        // Open the connection:
        ajax.open('get', 'dept_results_ajax.php?did=' + encodeURIComponent(did));

        // Function that handles the response:
        ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
          // Pass it this request object:

        // Send the request:

        return false; // So form isn't submitted.

      } // End of anonymous function.

    )} // End of DOM check.

  } // End of ajax IF.

} // End of init() function.

// Function that handles the response from the PHP script:
function handleResponse(ajax) {

  // Check that the transaction is complete:
  if (ajax.readyState == 4) {

    // Check for a valid HTTP status code:
    if ((ajax.status == 200) || (ajax.status == 304) ) {

      // Put the received response in the DOM:
      var results = document.getElementById('results');
      results.innerHTML = ajax.responseText;

      // Make the results box visible:
      results.style.display = 'block';

    } else { // Bad status code, submit the form.

  } // End of readyState IF.

} // End of handleResponse() function.


// ajax.js

/*  This page defines a function for creating an Ajax request object.
 *  This page should be included by other pages that 
 *  need to perform an XMLHttpRequest.

/*  Function for creating the XMLHttpRequest object.
 *  Function takes no arguments.
 *  Function returns a browser-specific XMLHttpRequest object
 *  or returns the Boolean value false.
function getXMLHttpRequestObject() {

    // Initialize the object:
    var ajax = false;

    // Choose object type based upon what's supported:
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {

        // IE 7, Mozilla, Safari, Firefox, Opera, most browsers:
        ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();

    } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // Older IE browsers

        // Create type Msxml2.XMLHTTP, if possible:
        try {
            ajax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        } catch (e) { // Create the older type instead:
            try {
                ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            } catch (e) { }

    } // End of main IF-ELSE IF.

    // Return the value:
    return ajax;

} // End of getXMLHttpRequestObject() function.


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