
时间:2012-02-15 09:40:09

标签: python google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore python-2.7

我正在寻找一种在报告输出中启用外来字符的方法。输出是HTML,我转换为PDF以使appengine发送PDF电子邮件。输出无法处理int。 chars例如。 AAO: enter image description here


class Report(webapp2.RequestHandler):

    def get(self):
        # Create a conversion request from HTML to PDF.
        users = User.query()
        today = date.today()
        startdate = date(today.year, today.month, 1) # first day of month   
        html = None     
        for user in users: 
            if user.activity() > 0:
                logging.info('found active user %s %s' % (user.firstname, user.lastname))
                html = '<html><body><table border="1">'
                level = user.level()
                distributor = user
                while distributor.has_downline():
                    downline = User.query(User.sponsor == distributor.key).order(User.lastname).fetch()
                    for person in downline:  # to this for whole downline
                        orders = model.Order.all().filter('distributor_id =' , person.key.id()).filter('created >' , startdate).filter('status =', 'PAID').fetch(999999)
                        silver = 0
                        name = person.firstname +' '+ person.lastname
                        for order in orders:
                            logging.info('found orders')
                            for idx,item in enumerate(order.items):
                                purchase = model.Item.get_by_id(long(item.id()))
                                amount = int(order.amounts[idx])
                                silver = silver + amount*purchase.silver/1000.000 
                            if len(name) > 13:
                                name = name[13]
                            html = html + '<tr><td>' + str(order.created.date().day)+'/'+ str(order.created.date().month )+'</td><td>' + filters.makeid(person.key.id()) +'</td><td>' + name + '</td><td>' + str(order.key().id()) + '</td><td>' + str(silver) 
                            dist_level = order.dist_level
                            bonus = 0   
                            if level == 5 and dist_level == 4:                          
                                bonus = 0.05
                            if level == 5 and dist_level == 3:
                                bonus = 0.1
                            if level == 5 and dist_level == 2:
                                bonus = 0.13
                            if level == 5 and dist_level == 1:
                                bonus = 0.35

                            if level == 4 and dist_level == 3:                          
                                bonus = 0.05
                            if level == 4 and dist_level == 2:
                                bonus = 0.08
                            if level == 4 and dist_level == 1:
                                bonus = 0.3

                            if level == 3 and dist_level == 2:                          
                                bonus = 0.03
                            if level == 3 and dist_level == 1:
                                bonus = 0.25

                            if level == 2 and dist_level == 1:                          
                                bonus = 0.2

                            html = html + '</td><td>' + str(bonus) + '</td><td>' + str(order.total)
                            bonusmoney = bonus * float(order.total)
                            html = html + '</td><td>' + str(bonusmoney) + '</td></tr>'

                        distributor = person

                html = html + '</table>'

            asset = conversion.Asset("text/html", html, "test.html")
            conversion_obj = conversion.Conversion(asset, "application/pdf")        
            rpc = conversion.create_rpc()
            conversion.make_convert_call(rpc, conversion_obj)

            result = rpc.get_result()
            if result.assets:
                for asset in result.assets:
                    logging.info('emailing report')# to %s' % user.email)
                    message = mail.EmailMessage(sender='noreply@bnano.se',
                                    subject='Report %s %s' % (user.firstname, user.lastname))
                    message.body = 'Here is the monthly report'
                    message.to = 'niklasro@gmail.com'
                    message.bcc = 'fridge@koolbusiness.com'
                    message.attachments = ['report.pdf', asset.data]
                    logging.info('message sent')

在这种情况下应该采取什么措施来启用外国字符? 感谢

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 某些输入的编码,并对其进行适当的解码。
  • 明确输出的编码。


  • 确保person.firstname字段确实是Unicode字符串。如果需要检查内容,请查看每个字符的十六进制表示;只是打印出字符串会导致一些自动编码并隐藏源表示。如果它们不是Unicode字符串,则修复User.query
  • 将输出显式编码为UTF-8,显式将输出标记为UTF-8编码(请按照grodzik的建议 - 这应该有效)。

只需在输出中添加encoding = UTF8标记即可给出正确的最终结果,但如果您无法控制中间数据,则完全是偶然的。 (您还会注意到您的排序将会关闭。)

答案 1 :(得分:1)



答案 2 :(得分:1)

您应该将<head>添加到html = '<html><body><table border="1">', 这应该包含元标记: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

如果utf-8 charset无济于事,也许会有一些iso-8859-x。

答案 3 :(得分:1)



答案 4 :(得分:0)
