
时间:2012-02-15 08:00:05

标签: java html applet securityexception

我尝试使用小程序时收到java.lang.SecurityException: Permission denied: file:////Videos/public/scripts/screenshot.jar


<applet code="Screenshot" archive="file:////Videos/public/scripts/screenshot.jar" width="100px" height="100px">






By Bavo Bruylandt (Http://www.realapplets.com")


// and now The inevidable "Hello World" example :)

// tell the compiler where to find the methods you will use.
// required when you create an applet
import java.applet.*;
// required to paint on screen
import java.awt.*;

// the start of an applet - HelloWorld will be the executable class
// Extends applet means that you will build the code on the standard Applet class
public class Screenshot extends Applet

// The method that will be automatically called  when the applet is started
     public void init()
 // It is required but does not need anything.

// This method gets called when the applet is terminated
// That's when the user goes to another page or exits the browser.
     public void stop()
     // no actions needed here now.

// The standard method that you have to use to paint things on screen
// This overrides the empty Applet method, you can't called it "display" for example.

     public void paint(Graphics g)
 //method to draw text on screen
 // String first, then x and y coordinate.
      g.drawString("Hey hey hey",20,20);
      g.drawString("Hellooow World",20,40);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这完全取决于你的applet尝试做什么,例如它是否访问文件系统。它是一个签名的applet吗?默认情况下,Applet在特殊沙箱中运行且权限有限。 您必须查看有关Applet安全性的更多信息,初学者可以在此处查看Informit文章:http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=433382&seqNum=2



/* AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED ON Tue Apr 16 17:20:59 EDT 2002*/
  /* DO NOT EDIT */

   grant {
     permission java.security.AllPermission;

如命名。 java.policy.applet并将其放在类路径上。请在此处查看有关政策文件的此问题:Where to place java applet policy file?