C ++代码获取文件行并读取该行的第二个单词?

时间:2009-05-30 02:04:22

标签: c++

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std ;

string strWord( int index , string line)
       int count = 0;
       string word;
       for ( int i = 0 ; i < line.length(); i++)
           if ( line[i] == ' ' )
                if ( line [i+1] != ' ')

                    count ++;
                    if (  count == index)
                       return word;
                    word ="";
                word += line[i];

int main ( )
    ifstream inFile ;
    string line  , id;

    cout <<"Enter id : ";
    cin >>id;
    while(!inFile.eof() )
                        getline ( inFile , line );
                        if ( strWord ( 1, line ) == id ) 
                             cout <<strWord ( 2 , line ) <<endl;


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


// function that returns a word from 'line' with position 'index'
// note that this is not a zero based index, first word is 1,
// second is 2 etc ..
string strWord(int index, string line)
    int count = 0; // number of read words
    string word; // the resulting word
    for (int i = 0 ; i < line.length(); i++) { // iterate over all characters in 'line'
        if (line[i] == ' ') { // if this character is a space we might be done reading a word from 'line'
            if (line[i+1] != ' ') { // next character is not a space, so we are done reading a word
                count++; // increase number of read words
                if (count == index) { // was this the word we were looking for?
                    return word; // yes it was, so return it
                word =""; // nope it wasn't .. so reset word and start over with the next one in 'line'
        else { // not a space .. so append the character to 'word'
           word += line[i];

int main( ) // main function of the program, execution starts here
    ifstream inFile; // construct input file stream object
    inFile.open("new.txt"); // associate the stream with file named "new.txt"
    string line, id; // 

    cout << "Enter id : "; // write "Enter id :" to console
    cin >> id; // read input from console and put the result in 'id'

    while (!inFile.eof()) { // do the following as long as there is something to read from the file
        getline(inFile, line); // read a line from the file and put the value into 'line'
    if (strWord(1, line) == id) { // if the first word in 'line' equals 'id' ..
        cout << strWord(2, line) << endl; // prints the second word in 'line'
        break; // exits the while loop

    system("pause"); // pause the program (should be avoided)

答案 1 :(得分:2)


答案 2 :(得分:2)


// return word[index] from line
string strWord( int index , string line) // word index and actual line
  int count = 0; // current word index
  string word; // word buffer (return value)

  for ( int i = 0 ; i < line.length(); i++) // loop through each character in line
    if ( line[i] == ' ' ) // if current character is a space
      if ( line [i+1] != ' ')  // but next char is not space, we got a word
        count ++; // incr current word index counter in line
        if (  count == index) // if count == looked for index return word
          return word;
        word ="";  // otherwise reset word buffer
    else // character is not space
       word += line[i]; // add letter/digit to word buffer


答案 3 :(得分:1)

你有一个C ++的交互式调试器吗?例如,如果将此代码加载到Microsoft Visual C ++中,则可以一次单步执行一个语句,随时检查每个变量的值。这是了解细节级别的新代码的好方法。

答案 4 :(得分:0)




