嗨,我正在制作一个即将到期的简单代码。我正在使用Wing IDE 4.1.3-1,当我运行程序代码
时,我不断收到此消息SyntaxError :( unicode error)'unicodeescape'编解码器无法解码位置2-4的字节:截断\ UXXXXXXXX转义(,第4行)
# Program: Calculating Sales
# Programmer: Viet-Anh Tran
# Date: 2-14-2012
# July 1, 2011 - Revised for Python 3
# Abstract: This program processes highest sales, lowest sales,
# and averages the total numnber of sales. Each
# salesperson will be asked enter the amount they sold
# and the price of each sale.
def main():
#create variable to control loop
keep_going = 'y'
#process each salperson's sales
while keep_going == 'y' or keep_going == 'Y':
#use a function to process sales
keep_going = input("would you like to calculate another salesperson's" +
"sales? (enter y or Y as yes to continue) ")
#define show_sales
def show_sales():
#ask for name of salesperson
name = input("What is the salesperson's name? ")
#ask for first sales amount
print('Enter', name, "'s first sale amount: ")
first_sale = float(input())
#when assigning a value for first sale make sure its bewtween 1-25000
while first_sale < 1 or first_sale > 25000:
#prompt error message if it does not meet within range
print('ERROR: First sale amount must fall in the range of $1-$25,000.')
#ask user again for CORRECT amount
print('Please enter', name, "'s correct first sale amount:")
first_sale = float(input())
#assign all total highest and lowest sales to first sale
total_sale = first_sale
highest_sale = first_sale
lowest_sale = first_sale
#ask for the total number of sales
print('Are there any more sales? If so, type in the total number of sales:')
number_sales = int(input())
#create a loop
for sale in range(2, number_sales + 1):
print('What is', name, "'s next sales amount?")
sales_amount = float(input())
#again make sure that it is within range and ask the correct amount again
while sales_amount < 1 or first_sale > 25000:
print('ERROR: Sale amount must fall in the range of $1-$25,000.')
print('Please enter', name, "'s correct sale amount:")
sales_amount = float(input())
#accumulate the total sales
total_sales += sales_amount
#this assigns the lowest and highest value to the correct variable
if sales_amount > highest_sale:
highest_sale = sales_amount
if sales_amount < lowest_sale:
lowest_sale = sales_amount
#calculate average and print highest, lowest, and average
average_sales = total_sales / number_sales
print(name, "'s highest sale: $", format(highest_sale, ',.2f'), sep='')
print(name, "'s lowest sale: $", format(lowest_sale, ',.2f'), sep='')
print(name, "'s sale on average: $", format(average_sale, ',.2f'), sep='')
答案 0 :(得分:2)
File "<string>"
错误原因可能是您名字中某处的特殊字符。 Python 3无论如何都应该处理它,但是Wing IDE似乎试图使代码与Python 2兼容......并且失败了。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是Wing 4.1.3中的一个错误,可以通过使用“帮助”菜单中的“检查更新”来修复。