
时间:2012-02-13 11:49:49

标签: python random

我有一份约。 10000件物品。目前的情况是每个项目都有相关的权重(优先级或重要性)。现在最小的权重是-100(可以删除负值和零值),最高权重是1500。体重由人们的直觉决定(人们如何认为该项目对社区很重要)。因为要确定最重要的项目并不容易,所以我想使用一些随机因素,这样重量较轻的物品选择的机会就会减少,而且将来会调整它们的重量(常识和随机性)。


def getItem(dict):
  # this function should return random item from 
  # the dictionary of item-weight pairs (or list of tuples)
  # Normally I would return only random item from the dictionary,
  # but now I'd like to have this: The item with weight 1500 should
  # have much more chance to be returned than the item with weight 10.
  # What's my idea is to sum up the weights of all items and then compute
  # some ratios. But maybe you have better idea.
  return randomItem


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

看看这个,我认为你需要的是不同方法之间的一些比较Weighted random generation in Python


import random

def weighted_choice(weights):
    totals = []
    running_total = 0

    for w in weights:
        running_total += w

    rnd = random.random() * running_total
    for i, total in enumerate(totals):
        if rnd < total:
            return i


答案 1 :(得分:6)

Python 3.6引入了random.choices()

def get_item(items, items_weights):
    return random.choices(items, weights=items_weights)[0]

答案 2 :(得分:3)


import random 
import bisect
weight = {'a':0.3,'b':3.2,'c':2.4}
items = weight.keys()
mysum = 0
breakpoints = [] 
for i in items:
    mysum += weight[i]

def getitem(breakpoints,items):
    score = random.random() * breakpoints[-1]
    i = bisect.bisect(breakpoints, score)
    return items[i] 

print getitem(breakpoints,items)

答案 3 :(得分:2)

如果权重不是负数,则更容易。如果你必须有负重,你必须用尽可能低的重量来抵消重量。在您的情况下,offsetted_weight = itemweight + 100


Calculate the sum of all the weights.
Do a random from 0 to the sum of the weights
Set i to 0
While the random number > 0
    Subtract the weight of the item at index i  from random
    If the random number is < 0 return item[i]
    Add 1 to i

答案 4 :(得分:-2)


SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY weight*random() DESC LIMIT 1