初学者 - 添加3和5的倍数

时间:2012-02-07 18:01:37

标签: prolog clpfd

我试图找到低于1000的所有正数3和5的总和。在添加了应该从5的倍数之和中去除3的倍数的部分之后,gprolog将继续吐出“否” “对于查询?- sigma(1000,N).


sigma(Num, Result) :- sigma3(Num, 3, Result3),
                      sigma5(Num, 5, Result5),
                      Result is Result3 + Result5.

sigma3(Num, A, Result) :- A < Num,
                          Ax is A+3,
                          sigma3(Num, Ax, ResultX),
                          Result is ResultX + A.
sigma3(Num, A, Result) :- A >= Num,
                          Result is 0.

sigma5(Num, A, Result) :- A < Num,
                          mod3 is A mod 3,
                          0 \= mod3,
                          Ax is A+5,
                          sigma5(Num, Ax, ResultX),
                          Result is ResultX + A.
sigma5(Num, A, Result) :- A < Num,
                          mod3 is A mod 3,
                          0 == mod3,
                          Ax is A+5,
                          sigma5(Num, Ax, ResultX),
                          Result is ResultX.
sigma5(Num, A, Result) :- A >= Num,
                          Result is 0.


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

由于涉及整数,请考虑使用finite domain constraints。例如,使用SWI-Prolog:

?- use_module(library(clpfd)).

?- findall(N, (N mod 3 #= 0 #\/ N mod 5 #= 0, N in 0..999, indomain(N)), Ns),
   sum(Ns, #=, Sum).
Ns = [0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18|...],
Sum = 233168.

答案 1 :(得分:2)


这是因为需要为符号处理表示'术语构造函数'而不进行过度评估,因此当需要实际算术时,我们必须为结果显式分配'space'(变量),而不是'传递' ' 一种表达。这导致相当冗长和令人不愉快的代码。

但是使用一些流行的扩展,如CLP(FD),可以在GProlog和SWI-Prolog中使用,我们得到了更好的结果,在其他语言中不容易获得:即整数域的闭包超过通常的算术操作。例如,来自SWI-Prolog CLP(FD)库的“双向”因子

n_factorial(0, 1).
n_factorial(N, F) :- N #> 0, N1 #= N - 1, F #= N * F1, n_factorial(N1, F1).

?- n_factorial(X, 3628800).
X = 10 .


sigma(Num, Result) :-
    sigma(1, Num, 0, Result).

sigma(N, M, Acc, Tot) :-
    (   N < M, !,
        (   (0 is N mod 3 ; 0 is N mod 5)
        ->  Sum is Acc + N
        ;   Sum is Acc
        N1 is N + 1,
        sigma(N1, M, Sum, Tot)
    ;   Tot is Acc


?- sigma(1000, X).
X = 233168 .

答案 2 :(得分:1)

mod3 is A mod 3,

(以及mod3的所有其他出现)应该是Mod3,因为它是一个变量。 使用该修复程序,程序正确运行(至少N = 1000)


    findall(X,between(1,999,X),L),       % create a list with all numbers between 1 and 999
    include(div(3),L,L3),                % get the numbers of list L which are divisible by 3
    include(div(5),L,L5),                % get the numbers of list L which are divisible by 5
    append(L3,L5,LF),                    % merge the two lists
    list_to_set(LF,SF),                  % eliminate double elements
    sumlist(SF,S).                       % find the sum of the members of the list

    0 is M mod N.


答案 3 :(得分:0)


sum_of( L , S ) :-
  L > 0 ,
  sum_of( 0 , L , 0 , S )

sum_of( X , X , S , S ) .    % if we hit the upper bound, we're done.
sum_of( X , L , T , S ) :-   % if not, look at it.
  X < L ,                    % - backtracking once we succeeded.
  add_mult35( X , T , T1 ) , % - add any multiple of 3 or 5 to the accumulator
  X1 is X + 1 ,              % - next X
  sum_of( X1 , L , T1 , S )  % - recurse

add_mult35( X , T , T ) :-  % no-op if X is
  X mod 3 =\= 0 ,           % - not a multiple of 3, and
  X mod 5 =\= 0 ,           % - not a multiple of 5
  !.                        %
add_mult35( X , T , T1 ) :- % otherwise,
  T1 is T + X               % increment the accumulator by X




int sum_multiples_of_three_and_five( int lower_bound , int upper_bound )
  int sum = 0 ;

  for ( int i = lower_bound ; i <= upper_bound ; ++i )
    if ( 0 == i % 3 || 0 == i % 5 )
      sum += i ;

  return sum ;