我想知道是否可以在Racket中编写一个可以转换每种形状的宏(c(a | d)+ r xs),其中c(a | d)+ r是匹配car的正则表达式,cdr ,caar,cadr,...等 相应的第一和休息的组成。
例如,这个宏应该采用(caadr'(1 2 3 4 5))并将其转换为(first(first(rest 2(1 2 3 4 5)))。
沉(Mark Tarver的新编程语言)中有类似的东西:https://groups.google.com/group/qilang/browse_thread/thread/131eda1cf60d9094?hl=en
答案 0 :(得分:14)
#lang racket
;; we're going to define our own #%top, so make the real one available
(require (only-in racket [#%top real-top]))
;; in case you want to use this thing as a library for other code
(provide #%top)
;; non-trick#1: doing the real work in a function is almost trivial
(define (c...r path)
(apply compose (map (λ(x) (case x [(#\a) car] [(#\d) cdr])) path)))
;; non-trick#2: define our own #%top, which expands to the above in
;; case of a `c[ad]*r', or to the real `#%top' otherwise.
(define-syntax (#%top stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ . id)
(let ([m (regexp-match #rx"^c([ad]*)r$"
(symbol->string (syntax-e #'id)))])
(if m
#`(c...r '#,(string->list (cadr m)))
#'(real-top . id)))]))
;; Tests, to see that it works:
(caadadr '(1 (2 (3 4)) 5 6))
(let ([f caadadr]) (f '(1 (2 (3 4)) 5 6))) ; works even as a value
(cr 'bleh)
(cadr '(1 2 3)) ; uses the actual `cadr' since it's bound,
;; (cadr '(1)) ; to see this, note this error message
;; (caddddr '(1)) ; versus the error in this case
(let ([cr list]) (cr 'bleh)) ; lexical scope is still respected
答案 1 :(得分:2)
首先简单地将格式良好的列表(如'(#\c #\a #\d #\r)
现在使用符号构建解决方案?,symbol-> string,regexp-match #rx“^ c(a | d)+ r $”,string-> list和map
;; translates a list of characters '(#\c #\a #\d #\r)
;; into first and rest equivalents
;; throw first of rst into call
(define (translate-list lst rst)
(cond [(null? lst) (raise #f)]
[(eq? #\c (first lst)) (translate-list (rest lst) rst)]
[(eq? #\r (first lst)) (first rst)]
[(eq? #\a (first lst)) (cons 'first (cons (translate-list (rest lst) rst) '()))]
[(eq? #\d (first lst)) (cons 'rest (cons (translate-list (rest lst) rst) '()))]
[else (raise #f)]))
;; translate the symbol to first/rest if it matches c(a|d)+r
;; pass through otherwise
(define (maybe-translate sym rst)
(if (regexp-match #rx"^c(a|d)+r$" (symbol->string sym))
(translate-list (string->list (symbol->string sym)) rst)
(cons sym rst)))
;; recursively first-restify a quoted s-expression
(define (translate-expression exp)
(cond [(null? exp) null]
[(symbol? (first exp)) (maybe-translate (first exp) (translate-expression (rest exp)))]
[(pair? (first exp)) (cons (translate-expression (first exp)) (translate-expression (rest exp)))]
[else exp]))
(define test-2 '(cadr (1 2 3)))
(maybe-translate (first test-2) (rest test-2))
(translate-expression test-2)
(translate-expression '(car (cdar (list (list 1 2) 3))))
(translate-expression '(translate-list '() '(a b c)))
(translate-expression '(() (1 2)))
答案 2 :(得分:1)
(define-syntax (biteme stx)
(define (id->string id)
(symbol->string (syntax->datum id)))
(define (decomp id)
(define match (regexp-match #rx"^c([ad])(.*)r$" (id->string id)))
(define func (case (string-ref (cadr match) 0)
((#\a) 'car)
((#\d) 'cdr)))
(datum->syntax id (list func (string->symbol (format "c~ar" (caddr match))))))
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ (c*r x)) (regexp-match #rx"^c[ad]+r$" (id->string #'c*r))
(with-syntax (((a d) (decomp #'c*r)))
(syntax-case #'d (cr)
(cr #'(a x))
(_ #'(a (biteme (d x)))))))))
(biteme (car '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))) ; => 1
(biteme (cadr '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))) ; => 2
(biteme (cddddr '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))) ; => (5 6 7)
(biteme (caddddddr '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))) ; => 7
(let ((car cdr)
(cdr car))
(biteme (cdaaaaar '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))) ; => 6
答案 3 :(得分:1)
Let Over Lambda是一本使用Common Lisp的书,但它有一个chapter,其中定义了一个宏with-all-cxrs