create table SomeTable (
ItemId int,
CategoryId int
A - 项目ID的类别ID数量不在集合x
B - 项目ID和集合x之间共享的类别ID的数量
C - 集合x中的类别ID的数量,但与项目ID无关
答案 0 :(得分:1)
以下是一些想法。 (我不知道他们将如何将性能与你已经拥有的东西进行比较。留给你进行基准测试。)
set nocount on;
-- create a sample table
declare @T table ( ItemId int identity(1,1), CategoryId int );
insert @T values ( 100 );
insert @T values ( 100 );
insert @T values ( 100 );
insert @T values ( 100 );
insert @T values ( 100 );
insert @T values ( 200 );
insert @T values ( 200 );
insert @T values ( 300 );
insert @T values ( 300 );
insert @T values ( 300 );
insert @T values ( 300 );
insert @T values ( 500 );
insert @T values ( 500 );
insert @T values ( 500 );
insert @T values ( 600 );
insert @T values ( 700 );
insert @T values ( 800 );
insert @T values ( 800 );
insert @T values ( 800 );
insert @T values ( 900 );
-- grab some CategoryIDs to work with
declare @X table ( CategoryId int );
insert @X
select CategoryID=200 union
select CategoryID=400 union
select CategoryID=600 union
select CategoryID=800
-- A. Number of category ids of item id that are not in set x
select distinct t.CategoryID from @T t
where not exists(select 1 from @X x where t.CategoryID = x.CategoryID)
-- or, using the set difference operator
select CategoryID from @T
select CategoryID from @X
-- B. Number of category ids shared between item id and set x
select distinct x.CategoryID from @X x
join @T t on t.CategoryID = x.CategoryID;
-- or, using set intersection
select CategoryID from @T
select CategoryID from @X
-- C. Number of category ids in set x but which are not associated with item id
select distinct x.CategoryID from @X x
where not exists(select 1 from @T t where t.CategoryID = x.CategoryID)
-- or, using the set difference operator
select CategoryID from @X
select CategoryID from @T
答案 1 :(得分:1)
CTE的问题是它们在每次引用时都会运行,并且没有约束。将Set X加载到ID为主键的临时表中。然后对临时运行相同的连接,你应该看到大的性能提升。当连接基于主键时,SQL会做得更好。