
时间:2012-02-03 02:06:02

标签: validation gwt celltable

作为Why are there no decent examples of CompositeCell in use within a CellTable?


我正在尝试添加JSR-303验证支持。我在这里关注了Koma的配置建议:How to install gwt-validation with gwt-2.4.0(注意:我正在使用GWT 2.4的内置验证,而不是GWT验证)。

同样,为了重新使用,我制作了一对类, ValidatableInputCell AbstractValidatableColumn 。我从他们那里得到了灵感:


public class ValidatableInputCell extends AbstractInputCell<String, ValidatableInputCell.ValidationData> {

interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
    @Template("<input type=\"text\" value=\"{0}\" size=\"{1}\" style=\"{2}\" tabindex=\"-1\"></input>")
    SafeHtml input(String value, String width, SafeStyles color);

private static Template template;

 * The error message to be displayed as a pop-up near the field
private String errorMessage;

private static final int DEFAULT_INPUT_SIZE = 15;

 * Specifies the width, in characters, of the &lt;input&gt; element contained within this cell
private int inputSize = DEFAULT_INPUT_SIZE;

public ValidatableInputCell() {
    super("change", "keyup");
    if (template == null) {
        template = GWT.create(Template.class);

public void setInputSize(int inputSize) {
    this.inputSize = inputSize;

public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
    this.errorMessage = SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(errorMessage);

public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, String value,
        NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);

    // Ignore events that don't target the input.
    final InputElement input = (InputElement) getInputElement(parent);
    final Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast();
    if (!input.isOrHasChild(target)) {

    final Object key = context.getKey();
    final String eventType = event.getType();

    if ("change".equals(eventType)) {
        finishEditing(parent, value, key, valueUpdater);
    } else if ("keyup".equals(eventType)) {
        // Mark cell as containing a pending change

        ValidationData viewData = getViewData(key);
        // Save the new value in the view data.
        if (viewData == null) {
            viewData = new ValidationData();
            setViewData(key, viewData);
        final String newValue = input.getValue();
        finishEditing(parent, newValue, key, valueUpdater);

        // Update the value updater, which updates the field updater.
        if (valueUpdater != null) {

public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
    // Get the view data.
    final Object key = context.getKey();
    ValidationData viewData = getViewData(key);
    if (viewData != null && viewData.getValue().equals(value)) {
        // Clear the view data if the value is the same as the current value.
        viewData = null;

     * If viewData is null, just paint the contents black. If it is non-null,
     * show the pending value and paint the contents red if they are known to
     * be invalid.
    final String pendingValue = viewData == null ? null : viewData.getValue();
    final boolean invalid = viewData == null ? false : viewData.isInvalid();

    final String color = pendingValue != null ? invalid ? "red" : "blue" : "black";
    final SafeStyles safeColor = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString("color: " + color + ";");
    sb.append(template.input(pendingValue != null ? pendingValue : value, String.valueOf(inputSize), safeColor));

protected void onEnterKeyDown(Context context, Element parent, String value,
        NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    final Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast();
    if (getInputElement(parent).isOrHasChild(target)) {
        finishEditing(parent, value, context.getKey(), valueUpdater);
    } else {
        super.onEnterKeyDown(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);

protected void finishEditing(Element parent, String value, Object key,
        ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    final ValidationData viewData = getViewData(key);

    final String pendingValue = viewData == null ? null : viewData.getValue();
    final boolean invalid = viewData == null ? false : viewData.isInvalid();

    if (invalid) {
        final DecoratedPopupPanel errorMessagePopup = new DecoratedPopupPanel(true);
        final VerticalPanel messageContainer = new VerticalPanel();
        final Label messageTxt = new Label(errorMessage, true);

        // Reposition the popup relative to input field
        final int left = parent.getAbsoluteRight() + 25;
        final int top = parent.getAbsoluteTop();

        errorMessagePopup.setPopupPositionAndShow(new PopupPanel.PositionCallback() {
            public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) {
                errorMessagePopup.setPopupPosition(left, top);
    // XXX let user continue or force focus until value is valid? for now the former is implemented
    super.finishEditing(parent, pendingValue, key, valueUpdater);

 * The ViewData used by {@link ValidatableInputCell}.
static class ValidationData {
    private boolean invalid;
    private String value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public boolean isInvalid() {
        return invalid;

    public void setInvalid(boolean invalid) {
        this.invalid = invalid;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;


public abstract class AbstractValidatableColumn<T> implements HasCell<T, String> {

private ValidatableInputCell cell = new ValidatableInputCell();
private CellTable<T> table;

public AbstractValidatableColumn(int inputSize, CellTable<T> table) {
    this.table = table;

public Cell<String> getCell() {
    return cell;

public FieldUpdater<T, String> getFieldUpdater() {
    return new FieldUpdater<T, String>() {
        public void update(int index, T dto, String value) {
            final Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> violations = validate(dto);
            final ValidationData viewData = cell.getViewData(dto);
            if (!violations.isEmpty()) {  // invalid
                final StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer();
                for (final ConstraintViolation<T> constraintViolation : violations) {
            } else {  // valid
                doUpdate(index, dto, value);

protected abstract void doUpdate(int index, T dto, String value);

protected Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> validate(T dto) {
    final Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
    final Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> violations = validator.validate(dto);
    return violations;


我像这样使用 AbstractValidatableColumn ......

protected HasCell<ReserveOfferDTO, String> generatePriceColumn(DisplayMode currentDisplayMode) {
    HasCell<ReserveOfferDTO, String> priceColumn;
    if (isInEditMode(currentDisplayMode)) {
        priceColumn = new AbstractValidatableColumn<ReserveOfferDTO>(5, this) {

            public String getValue(ReserveOfferDTO reserveOffer) {
                return obtainPriceValue(reserveOffer);

            protected void doUpdate(int index, ReserveOfferDTO reserveOffer, String value) {
                // number format exceptions should be caught and handled by event bus's handle method
                final double valueAsDouble = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().parse(value);
                final BigDecimal price = BigDecimal.valueOf(valueAsDouble);

    } else {
        priceColumn = new Column<ReserveOfferDTO, String>(new TextCell()) {

            public String getValue(ReserveOfferDTO reserveOffer) {
                return obtainPriceValue(reserveOffer);
    return priceColumn;

哦!这是带有JSR-303注释的 DTO ......

public class ReserveOfferDTO extends DateComparable implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

@NotNull @Digits(integer=6, fraction=2)
private BigDecimal price;
@NotNull @Digits(integer=6, fraction=2)
private BigDecimal fixedMW;

private String dispatchStatus;
private String resourceName;
private String dateTime;
private String marketType;
private String productType;



onBrowserEvent 中删除断点我希望在每个键击和/或单元失去焦点后都有验证触发器。永远不会被调用。我可以在单元格中输入我喜欢的任何内容。关于修复方法的任何线索?

我早期的想法...... a)AbstractValidatableColumn#getFieldUpdater永远不会被调用; b)ValidatableInputCell#onBrowserEvent或ValidatableInputCell#render中的逻辑需要进行大修。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

来这里播出。 我终于找到了解决方案!我选择使用 GWT验证库,请参阅http://code.google.com/p/gwt-validation/wiki/GWT_Validation_2_0(已知下面的代码与2.1 SNAPSHOT一起使用)。

执行单元验证时的技巧是调用 validateValue 而不是验证(后者触发所有实体字段的验证)。同样,所有输入单元格值都是String,并在验证之前转换为相应的实体字段类型。 (甚至适用于嵌套实体字段)。

以下是 AbstractValidatableColumn (AVC)和 ValidatableInputCell 的修订版。

 * A {@link Column} implementation that encapsulates a {@link ValidatableInputCell}.
 * Performs JSR-303 validation on a field (or nested field) of the type.
 * @author cphillipson
 * @param <T> the type
 * @param <O> the owning type of the field to be validated; in many cases T may have only primitive or wrapper types, therefore O will be the same type as T
public abstract class AbstractValidatableColumn<T, O> extends Column<T, String> {

 * Preferred constructor.
 * Allows for definition of tabIndex but uses a default for the input cell size.
 * @param tabIndex the <code>tabindex</code> attribute's value for the input cell
 * @param table the grid instance
public AbstractValidatableColumn(int tabIndex, final AbstractHasData<T> table) {
    this(App.INSTANCE.defaultValidatableInputCellSize(), tabIndex, table);

 * Overloaded constructor.
 * Allows for definition of tabIndex and allows for an override to the default for the input cell size.
 * @param inputSize the <code>size</code> attribute's value for the input cell
 * @param tabIndex the <code>tabindex</code> attribute's value for the input cell
 * @param table the grid instance
public AbstractValidatableColumn(int inputSize, int tabIndex, final AbstractHasData<T> table) {
    super(new ValidatableInputCell());

// meat and potatoes
private void init(final AbstractHasData<T> table) {
    setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<T, String>() {
        public void update(int index, T dto, String newValue) {
            final ConversionResult cr = attemptValueConversion(newValue);
            final ValidationData viewData = getCell().getViewData(dto);
            if (cr.wasConvertedSuccessfully()) {
                final Set<ConstraintViolation<O>> violations = validate(cr.getValue());
                if (!violations.isEmpty()) {  // invalid
                    final StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer();
                    for (final ConstraintViolation<O> constraintViolation : violations) {
                } else {  // valid
                    doUpdate(index, dto, newValue);
            } else { // conversion exception

 * Attempts conversion of a String value into another type
 * Instances are responsible for the conversion logic as it may vary from type to type
 * @param value a String value to be converted into an owning class's property type
 * @return a ConversionResult
protected abstract ConversionResult attemptValueConversion(String value);

public ValidatableInputCell getCell() {
    return (ValidatableInputCell) super.getCell();

 * Template method for updating a field (or nested field) value within a DTO
 * @param index the row index for the instance of the DTO within the grid
 * @param dto the object whose field we wish to update
 * @param value the new value that will be set on a field (or nested field) of the DTO
protected abstract void doUpdate(int index, T dto, String value);

 * Template method for specifying the property name of an owning class
 * @return the field name of the owning class whose value is to be updated
protected abstract String getPropertyName();

 * Template method for specifying the owning class
 * @return the owning class of the field whose value is to be updated
protected abstract Class<O> getPropertyOwner();

 * Validates a value against a set of constraints (i.e., JSR-303 annotations on a field)
 * @param newValue the value to be validated
 * @return the set of constraint violations induced by an inappropriate value
protected Set<ConstraintViolation<O>> validate(Object newValue) {
    final Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
    final Set<ConstraintViolation<O>> violations = validator.validateValue(getPropertyOwner(), getPropertyName(), newValue);
    return violations;


 * <p>A cell that will update its styling and provide feedback upon a validation constraint violation.</p>
 * <p>Implementation based upon GWT Showcase's <a href="http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html#!CwCellValidation">Cell Validation</a> example.</p>
 * @author cphillipson
 public class ValidatableInputCell extends AbstractInputCell<String, ValidatableInputCell.ValidationData> {

interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
    @Template("<input type=\"text\" value=\"{0}\" size=\"{1}\" style=\"{2}\" tabindex=\"{3}\"></input>")
    SafeHtml input(String value, String width, SafeStyles color, String tabIndex);

private static Template template;

 * The error message to be displayed as a pop-up near the field
private String errorMessage;

private static final int DEFAULT_INPUT_SIZE = App.INSTANCE.defaultValidatableInputCellSize();

 * Specifies the width, in characters, of the &lt;input&gt; element contained within this cell
private int inputSize = DEFAULT_INPUT_SIZE;

 * Specifies the tab index for this cell
private int tabIndex = -1;

public ValidatableInputCell() {
    // since onBrowserEvent method is overridden, we must register all events that handled in overridden method impl
    super("change", "keyup", "focus", "blur", "keydown");
    if (template == null) {
        template = GWT.create(Template.class);

public void setInputSize(int inputSize) {
    this.inputSize = inputSize;

public void setTabIndex(int index) {
    tabIndex = index;

public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
    this.errorMessage = SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant(errorMessage).asString();

public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, String value,
        NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);

    final InputElement input = (InputElement) getInputElement(parent);
    final Object key = context.getKey();
    final String eventType = event.getType();

    if ("keyup".equals(eventType)) {

        ValidationData viewData = getViewData(key);
        // Save the new value in the view data.
        if (viewData == null) {
            viewData = new ValidationData();
            setViewData(key, viewData);
        final String newValue = input.getValue();

        finishEditing(parent, newValue, key, valueUpdater);

public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
    // Get the view data.
    final Object key = context.getKey();
    ValidationData viewData = getViewData(key);
    if (viewData != null && viewData.getValue().equals(value)) {
        // Clear the view data if the value is the same as the current value.
        viewData = null;

     * If viewData is null, just paint the contents black. If it is non-null,
     * show the pending value and paint the contents red if they are known to
     * be invalid.
    final String pendingValue = viewData == null ? null : viewData.getValue();
    final boolean invalid = viewData == null ? false : viewData.isInvalid();

    final String color = pendingValue != null ? invalid ? App.INSTANCE.invalidCellInputTextColor() : App.INSTANCE.pendingCellInputTextColor() : App.INSTANCE.defaultCellInputTextColor();
    final String backgroundColor = pendingValue != null ? invalid ? App.INSTANCE.invalidCellInputTextBackgroundColor() : App.INSTANCE.pendingCellInputTextBackgroundColor() : App.INSTANCE.defaultCellInputTextBackgroundColor();
    final SafeStyles style = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString("color: " + color + "; background-color: " + backgroundColor + ";");
    sb.append(template.input(pendingValue != null ? pendingValue : value, String.valueOf(inputSize), style, String.valueOf(tabIndex)));

protected void onEnterKeyDown(Context context, Element parent, String value,
        NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    final Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast();
    if (getInputElement(parent).isOrHasChild(target)) {
        finishEditing(parent, value, context.getKey(), valueUpdater);
    } else {
        super.onEnterKeyDown(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);

protected void onEnterKeyDown(Context context, Element parent, String value,
        NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    // do nothing

protected void finishEditing(Element parent, String value, Object key,
        ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {

    // Update the value updater, which updates the field updater.
    if (valueUpdater != null) {

    final InputElement input = (InputElement) getInputElement(parent);
    final ValidationData viewData = getViewData(key);

     * If viewData is null, just paint the contents black. If it is non-null,
     * show the pending value and paint the contents red if they are known to
     * be invalid.
    final String pendingValue = viewData == null ? null : viewData.getValue();
    final boolean invalid = viewData == null ? false : viewData.isInvalid();

    final String color = pendingValue != null ? invalid ? App.INSTANCE.invalidCellInputTextColor() : App.INSTANCE.pendingCellInputTextColor() : App.INSTANCE.defaultCellInputTextColor();
    final String backgroundColor = pendingValue != null ? invalid ? App.INSTANCE.invalidCellInputTextBackgroundColor() : App.INSTANCE.pendingCellInputTextBackgroundColor() : App.INSTANCE.defaultCellInputTextBackgroundColor();

    if (invalid) {
        final DecoratedPopupPanel errorMessagePopup = new DecoratedPopupPanel(true);
        final FlowPanel messageContainer = new FlowPanel();
        final Label messageTxt = new Label(errorMessage, true);

        // Reposition the popup relative to input field
        final int left = parent.getAbsoluteRight() +5;
        final int top = parent.getAbsoluteTop() - 5;

        errorMessagePopup.setPopupPositionAndShow(new PopupPanel.PositionCallback() {
            public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) {
                errorMessagePopup.setPopupPosition(left, top);


 * The ViewData used by {@link ValidatableInputCell}.
static class ValidationData {
    private boolean invalid;
    private String value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public boolean isInvalid() {
        return invalid;

    public void setInvalid(boolean invalid) {
        this.invalid = invalid;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;



 * A variant of {@link AbstractValidatableColumn} that works with {@link BigDecimal} field types.
 * @author cphillipson
 * @param <T> the type
 * @param <O> the owning type of the field to be validated; in many cases T may have only primitive or wrapper types, therefore O will be the same type as T
public abstract class BigDecimalValidatableColumn<T, O> extends AbstractValidatableColumn<T, O> {

public BigDecimalValidatableColumn(int tabIndex, AbstractHasData table) {
    super(tabIndex, table);

public BigDecimalValidatableColumn(int inputSize, int tabIndex, final AbstractHasData<T> table) {
    super(inputSize, tabIndex, table);

protected ConversionResult attemptValueConversion(String value) {
    return doConversion(value);

public static ConversionResult doConversion(String value) {
    ConversionResult result = null;
    try {
        final Double dblValue = Double.valueOf(value);
        final BigDecimal convertedValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(dblValue);
        result = ConversionResult.converted(convertedValue);
    } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
        result = ConversionResult.not_converted();
    return result;

Column的fieldUpdater会查询 ConversionResult 。这就是它的样子......

 * An attempted conversion result.
 * Returns both the converted value (from <code>String</code>) and whether or not the conversion was successful.
 * E.g., if you tried to convert from a <code>String</code> to a <code>Number</code>, in the failure case this would result in a <code>NumberFormatException</code>.
 * On failure, the boolean would be false and the value would be null.
 * On success, the boolean would be true and the value would be of the type needed to continue validation against a set of constraints
 * @author cphillipson
public  class ConversionResult {
private Object value;
private boolean convertedSuccessfully;

private ConversionResult () {}

 * Use this method when a successful conversion is made to return a result
 * @param value the convertedValue
 * @return the result of the conversion containing the converted value and a success flag
public static ConversionResult converted(Object value) {
    final ConversionResult result = new ConversionResult();
    return result;

 * Use this method when an attempt to convert a String value failed
 * @return the result of a failed conversion
public static ConversionResult not_converted() {
    return new ConversionResult();

private void setValue(Object value) {
    this.value = value;

public Object getValue() {
    return value;

private void setConvertedSuccessfully(boolean flag) {
    convertedSuccessfully = flag;

public boolean wasConvertedSuccessfully() {
    return convertedSuccessfully;


new BigDecimalValidatableColumn<EnergyOfferDTO, OfferPriceMwPairDTO>(nextTabIndex(), getGrid()) {

            public String getValue(EnergyOfferDTO energyOffer) {
                return obtainPriceValue(colIndex, energyOffer, false);

            public void doUpdate(int index, EnergyOfferDTO energyOffer, String value) {
                if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
                    // number format exceptions should be caught and handled by event bus's handle method
                    final double valueAsDouble = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().parse(value);

                    final BigDecimal price = BigDecimal.valueOf(valueAsDouble);
                    final List<OfferPriceMwPairDTO> offerPriceCurve = energyOffer.getCurve();
                    final OfferPriceMwPairDTO offerPriceMwPairDTO = offerPriceCurve.get(colIndex);
                    if (offerPriceMwPairDTO == null) {  // we have a new price value
                    } else {


            protected String getPropertyName() {
                return "price";

            protected Class<OfferPriceMwPairDTO> getPropertyOwner() {
                return OfferPriceMwPairDTO.class;


请注意上面示例中的DTO将其字段JSR-303约束注释(例如,使用@Digits,@ NotNull)。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

我不清楚为什么从HasCell返回generatePriceColumn,因为除了CompositeCell之外几乎没有任何东西可以消费 - 也许你正试图在更大的细胞中包裹所有这些。在询问之前,您可能会考虑将来进一步破坏您的示例,问题可能会变得清晰。

我更改了创建代码的'column',因此实际返回了一个Column - 这意味着更改AbstractValidatableColumn以扩展Column。一路上,我注意到你覆盖了getFieldUpdater,没有修改底层字段,这会阻止其他Column的内部工作,因为他们寻找那个字段。因此,我的初步实验正确地获得了ValidatableInputCell.onBrowserEvent的密钥增加案例,但没有ValueUpdater实例可以使用,因为FieldUpdater在列中为空。< / p>

此时,调用逻辑,我没有连接,正在调用 - 从GWT 2.4.0开始,这仍然在每个类中标记为“EXPERIMENTAL”,并且不用于生产代码,所以我已经给它一个通行证,直到2.5.0左右,当粗糙的边缘被四舍五入。如果我继续(如果你有问题),我会从http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/samples/validation/的项目开始 - 让它工作,然后窃取细节直到我的工作。



  1. 允许使用它的任何代码更改其他单元格的设置方式,
  2. 实际上不像CellTable方法 - 其他以列为中心的方法实际上是添加列而不是返回它
  3. 可能会锁定你总是使用CellTable(因为这是你的子类),而该方法将完美地工作,否则AbstractCellTable子类如DataTable,更新{{1} }}
  4. 在这种情况下,我要么将方法更改为CellTable,并让它使用一个列并将其添加到列表中,或者将其保留为子类列,或完全基于列拥有作为一种实用方法。我的最终AbstractValidationColumn最终没有太多理由成为子类,实际上只是Column的一个方便构造函数:


    FieldUpdater是这里有趣的部分,应该关注的是,并留下尽可能多的其他部分。这将允许任何单元格在准备好时运行它自己的ValueUpdater - 可能没有你喜欢的频率,但它通常会使事情更容易使用更快。创建一个包含另一个FieldUpdater的FieldUpdater impl,它可以特定于该情况下正在更改的任何字段。

    我认为这里潜伏着另一个错误,如果你自己测试了column / fieldupdater,可能会出现这个错误 - 在验证运行之前,新值不会应用于类型为T的bean,所以bean是使用旧的有效值进行验证。需要尽快调用public abstract class AbstractValidatableColumn<T> extends Column<T, String> { public AbstractValidatableColumn(int inputSize, final AbstractCellTable<T> table) { super(new ValidatableInputCell()); ((ValidatableInputCell) getCell()).setInputSize(inputSize); setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<T, String>() { public void update(int index, T dto, String value) { final Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> violations = validate(dto); final ValidationData viewData = getCell().getViewData(dto); if (!violations.isEmpty()) { // invalid final StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer(); for (final ConstraintViolation<T> constraintViolation : violations) { errorMessage.append(constraintViolation.getMessage()); } viewData.setInvalid(true); getCell().setErrorMessage(errorMessage.toString()); table.redraw(); } else { // valid viewData.setInvalid(false); getCell().setErrorMessage(null); doUpdate(index, dto, value); } } }); } @Override public ValidatableInputCell getCell() { return (ValidatableInputCell)super.getCell(); } protected abstract void doUpdate(int index, T dto, String value); protected Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> validate(T dto) { final Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator(); final Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> violations = validator.validate(dto); return violations; } }

    最后,我鼓励你保持你的例子更简单 - 一些脑死亡'是空'检查验证,一个简单直接的CellTable设置会让你看到列本身只有如果doUpdate字段为非null,则验证工作正常。从一个有效的简单配置构建,因此每个阶段只有一件事可能出错。