关键字突出显示突出显示PHP preg_replace()中的亮点

时间:2012-01-31 21:50:29

标签: php regex preg-replace highlight keyword



public function highlightKeywords ($data, $keywords = array()) {
    $find = array();
    $replace = array();
    $begin = "<span class=\"keywordHighlight\">";
    $end = "</span>";
    foreach ($keywords as $kw) {
        $find[] = '/' . str_replace("/", "\/", $kw) . '/iu';
        $replace[] = $begin . "\$0" . $end;
    return preg_replace($find, $replace, $data);

好的,所以它在搜索“fred”和“dagg”时有效但遗憾的是,当搜索“class”,“lass”和“as”时,突出显示“Joseph's Class Group”时会出现真正的问题

Joseph's <span class="keywordHighlight">Cl</span><span <span c<span <span class="keywordHighlight">cl</span>ass="keywordHighlight">lass</span>="keywordHighlight">c<span <span class="keywordHighlight">cl</span>ass="keywordHighlight">lass</span></span>="keywordHighlight">ass</span> Group

如何让后一种替换仅适用于非HTML组件,还允许标记整个匹配?例如如果我正在搜索“cla”和“lass”,我会希望“class”全部突出显示,因为两个搜索词都在其中,即使它们重叠,并且应用于第一场比赛的突出显示“class” “在其中,但 不应突出显示。





public function highlightKeywords ($data, $keywords = array()) {
    $find = array();
    $replace = array();
    $begin = "<span class=\"keywordHighlight\">";
    $end = "</span>";
    $hits = array();
    foreach ($keywords as $kw) {
        $offset = 0;
        while (($pos = stripos($data, $kw, $offset)) !== false) {
            $hits[] = array($pos, $pos + strlen($kw));
            $offset = $pos + 1;
    if ($hits) {
        usort($hits, function($a, $b) {
            if ($a[0] == $b[0]) {
                return 0;
            return ($a[0] < $b[0]) ? -1 : 1;
        $thisthat = array(0 => $begin, 1 => $end);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($hits); $i++) {
            foreach ($thisthat as $key => $val) {
                $pos = $hits[$i][$key];
                $data = substr($data, 0, $pos) . $val . substr($data, $pos);
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($hits); $j++) {
                    if ($hits[$j][0] >= $pos) {
                        $hits[$j][0] += strlen($val);
                    if ($hits[$j][1] >= $pos) {
                        $hits[$j][1] += strlen($val);
    return $data;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



$protected_matches = array();
function protect(&$matches) {
    global $protected_matches;
    return "\0" . array_push($protected_matches, $matches[0]) . "\0";
function restore(&$matches) {
    global $protected_matches;
    return '<span class="keywordHighlight">' .
              $protected_matches[$matches[1] - 1] . '</span>';

preg_replace_callback('/\x0(\d+)\x0/', 'restore',
    preg_replace_callback($patterns, 'protect', $target_string));




        function highlightKeywords($data, $keywords = array(),
            $prefix = '<span class="hilite">', $suffix = '</span>') {

        $datacopy = strtolower($data);
        $keywords = array_map('strtolower', $keywords);
        $start = array();
        $end   = array();

        foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
            $offset = 0;
            $length = strlen($keyword);
            while (($pos = strpos($datacopy, $keyword, $offset)) !== false) {
                $start[] = $pos;
                $end[]   = $offset = $pos + $length;

        if (!count($start)) return $data;


        // Merge and sort start/end using negative values to identify endpoints
        $zipper = array();
        $i = 0;
        $n = count($end);

        while ($i < $n)
            $zipper[] = count($start) && $start[0] <= $end[$i]
                ? array_shift($start)
                : -$end[$i++];

        // EXAMPLE:
        // [ 9, 10, -14, -14, 81, 82, 86, -86, -86, -90, 99, -103 ]
        // take 9, discard 10, take -14, take -14, create pair,
        // take 81, discard 82, discard 86, take -86, take -86, take -90, create pair
        // take 99, take -103, create pair
        // result: [9,14], [81,90], [99,103]

        // Generate non-overlapping start/end pairs
        $a = array_shift($zipper);
        $z = $x = null;
        while ($x = array_shift($zipper)) {
            if ($x < 0)
                $z = $x;
            else if ($z) {
                $spans[] = array($a, -$z);
                $a = $x;
                $z = null;
        $spans[] = array($a, -$z);

        // Insert the prefix/suffix in the start/end locations
        $n = count($spans);
        while ($n--)
            $data = substr($data, 0, $spans[$n][0])
            . $prefix
            . substr($data, $spans[$n][0], $spans[$n][1] - $spans[$n][0])
            . $suffix
            . substr($data, $spans[$n][1]);

        return $data;

答案 1 :(得分:0)



function highlight_range_sort($a, $b) {
    $A = abs($a);
    $B = abs($b);
    if ($A == $B)
        return $a < $b ? 1 : 0;
        return $A < $B ? -1 : 1;

function highlightKeywords($data, $keywords = array(),
       $prefix = '<span class="highlight">', $suffix = '</span>') {

        $datacopy = strtolower($data);
        $keywords = array_map('strtolower', $keywords);
        // this will contain offset ranges to be highlighted
        // positive offset indicates start
        // negative offset indicates end
        $ranges = array();

        // find start/end offsets for each keyword
        foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
            $offset = 0;
            $length = strlen($keyword);
            while (($pos = strpos($datacopy, $keyword, $offset)) !== false) {
                $ranges[] = $pos;
                $ranges[] = -($offset = $pos + $length);

        if (!count($ranges))
            return $data;

        // sort offsets by abs(), positive
        usort($ranges, 'highlight_range_sort');

        // combine overlapping ranges by keeping lesser
        // positive and negative numbers
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < count($ranges) - 1) {
            if ($ranges[$i] < 0) {
                if ($ranges[$i + 1] < 0)
                    array_splice($ranges, $i, 1);
            } else if ($ranges[$i + 1] < 0)
                array_splice($ranges, $i + 1, 1);

        // create substrings
        $ranges[] = strlen($data);
        $substrings = array(substr($data, 0, $ranges[0]));
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($ranges) - 1; $i < $n; $i += 2) {
            // prefix + highlighted_text + suffix + regular_text
            $substrings[] = $prefix;
            $substrings[] = substr($data, $ranges[$i], -$ranges[$i + 1] - $ranges[$i]);
            $substrings[] = $suffix;
            $substrings[] = substr($data, -$ranges[$i + 1], $ranges[$i + 2] + $ranges[$i + 1]);

        // join and return substrings
        return implode('', $substrings);

// Example usage:
echo highlightKeywords("This is a test.\n", array("is"), '(', ')');
echo highlightKeywords("Classes are as hard as they say.\n", array("as", "class"), '(', ')');
// Output:
// Th(is) (is) a test.
// (Class)es are (as) hard (as) they say.

答案 2 :(得分:0)

OP - 问题中不明确的是$ data是否可以从一开始就包含HTML。你能澄清一下吗?

如果$ data可以包含HTML本身,那么您将进入试图使用常规语言解析器解析非常规语言的领域,并且这样做不会很好。

在这种情况下,我建议将$ data HTML加载到PHP DOMDocument中,获取所有textNodes并依次运行每个文本块内容的其他完美答案。