我对Windows Phone 7设备的推送通知服务有疑问: 我现在可以使用Web应用程序向手机发送推送通知,更改磁贴的数据。但问题是:当我启动应用程序时,我需要在调试器输出中显示URI,然后将其复制粘贴到Web应用程序中,而Web应用程序又会联系MPNS,这对于更新很好,一次到一部手机但我想创建一个可以自动进行多次调用的Web服务,检索应用程序的URI(我认为在关闭并打开应用程序后会发生变化)并向其发送推送通知。但是我还没有找到一个解决这个问题的MSDN主题。他们只是使用表彰,说:“稍后将用所需的URI替换。”所以我的问题是:如何使用手机向网络服务发送此类消息,对其进行响应,并再次连接到手机,处理此类请求? 还有:我需要经过身份验证的Web服务,还是有调试版本?
/// <summary>
/// Setup a connection with a webservice, in order to update a shell, either a toast- or a tile shell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shellType">The type of shell you wish to update</param>
public void SetupShellChannel ( ShellBindType shellType )
//holds the push notification that is created. Since we can only have one notification channel open at any one time,
//we will need to check for existance. That is why, the channelName shouldn't be changed
HttpNotificationChannel _httpChannel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find( _channelName );
//if the _httpChannel was not found ( read: does not exist )
if ( _httpChannel == null )
_httpChannel = new HttpNotificationChannel( _channelName );
_httpChannel.Open( );
//because there is more than one shelltype we can open, we will use a switch to call the method we seek
BindToShell( _httpChannel, shellType );
//Only one push notification service is allowed per application, so we cannot send a tile notification, as well as
//a toast message notification. When we attempt this, we get a InvalidOperationException
//in this case, the _httpChannel did already exist, but the problem is, we cannot just add the eventHandlers,
//because there is the danger that it didn't exist, and we would get a null pointer exception.
//_httpChannel.ChannelUriUpdated += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelUriEventArgs>( httpChannel_ChannelUriUpdated );
//_httpChannel.ErrorOccurred += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelErrorEventArgs>( httpChannel_ErrorOccurred );
//For testing purposes, we now display the URI to the user, and as output. Normally, we would pass this URI back to the webserver
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( _httpChannel.ChannelUri.ToString( ) );
//if ( _httpChannel.ChannelUri )
//When the URI is updated, we want this to be sent to the server as well, so we know that the adress has changed,
//and don't just send data somewhere into the void. Also, when encountering an error, we want to show the user when
//an error has occured.
_httpChannel.ChannelUriUpdated += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelUriEventArgs>( HttpChannel_ChannelUriUpdated );
_httpChannel.ErrorOccurred += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelErrorEventArgs>( HttpChannel_ErrorOccurred );
//here, also we would return the URI to the server, but for debugging purposes, we display them to the user.
void HttpChannel_ChannelUriUpdated( object sender, NotificationChannelUriEventArgs e )
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( ( ) =>
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( e.ChannelUri.ToString( ) );
MessageBox.Show( String.Format( "the URI is {0}", e.ChannelUri.ToString( ) ) );
} );
private void BindToShell( HttpNotificationChannel channel, ShellBindType shellType )
switch ( shellType )
case ShellBindType.BindToShellTile:
channel.BindToShellTile( );
case ShellBindType.BindToShellToast:
channel.BindToShellToast( );
void HttpChannel_ErrorOccurred( object sender, NotificationChannelErrorEventArgs e )
//getting an error would be caugth here, and then displayed to the user.
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( ( ) =>
MessageBox.Show( String.Format( "A push notification {0} error occured. {1}{(2)}{3}",
e.ErrorType, e.Message, e.ErrorCode, e.ErrorAdditionalData ) );
} );
答案 0 :(得分:1)
好的,我理解你的问题。我所做的是,一旦我从MPNS获得了URI,我将服务上的web方法称为参数 - 订阅(int subscriberId,Uri channelUri);
现在关于你的第二个问题 - 是的,你需要保护你的服务 - 你不想处理未知的请求。
我个人做的,将其分为2个服务 - 发布服务和订阅服务。发布服务将发送hte通知,而订阅将具有subscribe / unsubscribe方法。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我想您正在尝试要求您可以从Windows Phone本身发送推送通知,而不是使用任何其他服务器端ASP / PHP,如MSDN中的示例应用程序中所述。是。您可以从手机/设备本身发送通知。您必须更改MSDN中给出的Sample app的Send功能。如果您有任何疑问,请回复。
static async Task<string> SendPushNotification(string textToSend)
//You can maintain a DB to query different channel URIs of devices
string subscriptionUri = "<Uri To Which You Want Send Notification>";
HttpWebRequest sendNotificationRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(subscriptionUri);
sendNotificationRequest.Method = "POST";
string toastMessage = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
"<wp:Notification xmlns:wp=\"WPNotification\">" +
"<wp:Toast>" +
"<wp:Text1>" + textToSend + "</wp:Text1>" +
"<wp:Param>/NotificationDetails.xaml?Message=" + textToSend + "</wp:Param>" +
"</wp:Toast> " +
byte[] notificationMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toastMessage);
sendNotificationRequest.ContentLength = notificationMessage.Length;
sendNotificationRequest.ContentType = "text/xml";
sendNotificationRequest.Headers["X-WindowsPhone-Target"] = "toast";
sendNotificationRequest.Headers["X-NotificationClass"] = "2";
using (var requestStream = await Task.Factory.FromAsync<Stream>(sendNotificationRequest.BeginGetRequestStream, sendNotificationRequest.EndGetRequestStream, null))
requestStream.Write(notificationMessage, 0, notificationMessage.Length);
string notificationStatus;
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)(await Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(sendNotificationRequest.BeginGetResponse, sendNotificationRequest.EndGetResponse, null)))
//StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
//result = reader.ReadToEnd();
notificationStatus = response.Headers["X-NotificationStatus"];
return notificationStatus;