C ++条件变量中的boost Synchronized Queue不会在其他线程上通知等待类方法

时间:2012-01-30 06:47:29

标签: c++ visual-c++ boost synchronization boost-thread

我正在尝试使用boost线程库实现一个带条件变量的同步队列,就像这里的例子一样 - > (ImplementingThreadSafeQueue)。






// Include Files
#include <boost\noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost\thread.hpp>
#include <queue>

namespace GSMV

/// Class: SynchronizedQueue
/// @Brief
/// SynchronizedQueue is a thread safe STL Queue wrapper that waits on Dequeue and 
/// notifies a listening thread on Enqueue. It is not copyable.
template <typename T>
class SynchronizedQueue : private boost::noncopyable 
    struct Canceled{};

    /// Function: Constructor
    /// @Brief
    /// Default constructor for the SynchronizedQueue object.
      // Queue is not canceled to start with
      this->mCanceled = false;       

      // Nobody waiting yet
      this->mWaiting = 0;

    /// Function: Enqueue
    /// @Param const T &item: Item of type T to add to queue. 
    /// @Brief
    /// Adds an item of type T to the queue notifying via a condition.
        void Enqueue(const T &item)
      bool enqueued = false;

      // acquire lock on the queue
      boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

      // add item to the queue

      // notify others that queue has a new item

    /// Function: Dequeue
    /// @Return
    /// Item of type T from front of queue. 
    /// @Brief
    /// Returns an item of type T from the queue and deletes the front of the queue. Thread
    /// will wait on an empty queue until it is signaled via Enqueue.
        T Dequeue(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
      boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

      // one more thread is waiting on this item

      // if the queue is empty, wait until an item is added
      // lock is released inside the wait
      // lock is re-acquired after the wait
            while (this->mQueue.empty())

      // the thread is done waiting now

      // retrieve and remove the item from the queue
            T item = this->mQueue.front();

            return item;
      // lock is released

    /// Function: GetSize
    /// @Return
    /// The current size of the queue (number of items in the queue). 
    /// @Brief
    /// Returns the number of items contained in the queue.
        int GetSize(void) 
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

            return this->mQueue.size();
      // lock is released

    /// Function: IsEmpty
    /// @Return
    /// Boolean queue is empty. 
    /// @Brief
    /// Returns true if queue is empty false otherwise.
        bool IsEmpty(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

            return this->mQueue.empty();
      // lock is released

    void Cancel(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // make sure the queue is not canceled
      if (this->mCanceled)
        throw Canceled();

      this->mCanceled = true;

      // notify all others that queue has a new item

      while (0 < this->mWaiting)

    void Reset(void)
      // acquire lock on the queue
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(this->mMutex);

      // reset the canceled arguement
      this->mCanceled = false;

    bool mCanceled;
    int mWaiting;
        std::queue<T> mQueue; // the STL Queue
        boost::mutex mMutex;  // the mutex object
        boost::condition_variable mItemAvailable; // the signal condition

} // Namespace GSMV



#ifndef _LOGGER_H_
#define _LOGGER_H_

#include "SynchronizedQueue.h"
#include <string>
#include <boost\thread.hpp>

namespace GSMV

static SynchronizedQueue<std::string> logQ;

class Logger

    bool Start(void);
    bool Stop(void);
    bool IsRunning(void) const;
    void LoggerWorkThread(void);

    boost::thread* mpLoggerThread;

} // Namespace GSMV

// FILE END - logger.h //

#include "Logger.h"

using namespace GSMV;

  this->mpLoggerThread = NULL;


bool Logger::Start(void)
  bool started = this->IsRunning();

  if (!started)
    this->mpLoggerThread = new boost::thread(&Logger::LoggerWorkThread, this);
    started = (NULL != this->mpLoggerThread);

  return started;

bool Logger::Stop(void)
  bool stopped = !this->IsRunning();

  if (!stopped)

    delete this->mpLoggerThread;
    this->mpLoggerThread = NULL;

    stopped = true;

  return stopped;

bool Logger::IsRunning(void) const
  return (NULL != this->mpLoggerThread);

void Logger::LoggerWorkThread(void)
  std::cout << "Enter Logger Work Thread\n" << std::endl;

  while (this->IsRunning())
    std::cout << "LOG: wait for Q..." << std::endl;
    std::string s = logQ.Dequeue();
    std::cout << "LOG: Got item! => " << s << std::endl;


  std::cout << "Exit Logger Work Thread\n" << std::endl;

因此,使用上面的代码,我将创建一个logger对象并调用Start()方法。理想情况下,它会启动一个循环的新线程,检查队列中的字符串项,直到调用Stop()方法。所以回到我的main函数中我可以将字符串推送到队列中并且记录器应该得到它们,但是记录器永远不会得到通知。如果重要,则队列在Logger头文件中声明为“static SynchronizedQueue logQ”。 再次,我将在此感谢任何建议。谢谢!

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