处转发我正在开发一个解析项目,我需要将一些手动创建的parseresults注入到解析后的令牌中。我已经将一个parseaction附加到我的代码中的适当位置,我似乎已经成功创建了一个自定义的parseresult,以便添加回我更大的语法中。 dump()和asxml()似乎输出正确,但我的代码的其他部分(尝试按名称访问创建的结果)存在问题。我可以按列表位置访问,但不能分配名称。完全有可能我有限的python知识让我搞砸了,但是由于我无法找到一个创建解析结果的例子,我想我会从这里开始。这是我的parseresults创建代码。 tripHeaderCustomFields作为parseaction附加。如果解析了特定值(即“TripCode”),则创建一些自定义解析结果并将其添加回最终结果。
def addCustomField( self, group, name, datatype, value ):
custom fields:
Group: ie, specific airline or category - "USAir, "general"
Name: name of field, ie "linecheck", "Medical", "Deadhead", "IV Pay"
DataType: string, int, date, time
Value: value of field, ie. "checked by joe shmo, #2345", or "1st class medical - bryman"
#TODO: Need to ask for help, some logic problem somewhere. loosing string name somewhere, but xml prints ok!
prGroup = ParseResults( group, self.NAME.CFGROUP )
prName = ParseResults( name, self.NAME.CFNAME )
prDataType = ParseResults( datatype, self.NAME.CFDATATYPE )
prValue = ParseResults( value, self.NAME.CFVAULE )
prList = ParseResults( [] )
prList += prGroup
prList += prName
prList += prDataType
prList += prValue
customField = ParseResults( [prList], self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELD )
return customField
def tripHeaderCustomFields( self, tokens ):
parseSegment = tokens
if "TripCode" in parseSegment:
customField = self.addCustomField( "USAir", "PairingCode", "String", parseSegment["TripCode"] )
if self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS in parseSegment:
parseSegment[self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS] += customField
else :
parseSegment += ParseResults( [customField], self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS )
if "Charter" in parseSegment[self.NAME.EFFECTIVEDOWS]:
customField = self.addCustomField( "USAir", "Charter", "Boolean", "True" )
if self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS in parseSegment:
parseSegment[self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS] += customField
else :
parseSegment += ParseResults( [customField], self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS )
return tokens
returns a seemingly correct token,
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我已经重新设计了我的自定义ParseResults代码,它现在可以按预期工作了。我希望我第一次想到这样做,因为它更容易弄明白。 :)我确实倾向于重新发明轮子... tripHeaderCustomFields作为ParseAction附加,新的ParseResults被添加到父ParseResults。
def tripHeaderCustomFields( self, tokens ):
parseSegment = tokens
if "TripCode" in parseSegment:
customField = self.addCustomField( "USAir", "PairingCode", "String", parseSegment["TripCode"], parseSegment )
if "Charter" in parseSegment[self.NAME.EFFECTIVEDOWS]:
customField = self.addCustomField( "USAir", "Charter", "Boolean", "True", parseSegment )
def buildCustomFieldString( self, group, name, datatype, value ):
#TODO: replace any stray "|" that might be in input strings
text = group + "|" + name + "|" + datatype + "|" + value
return text
def addCustomField( self, group, name, datatype, value, token ):
custom fields:
Group: ie, specific airline or category - "USAir, "general"
Name: name of field, ie "linecheck", "Medical", "Deadhead", "IV Pay"
DataType: string, int, date, time
Value: value of field, ie. "checked by joe shmo, #2345", or "1st class medical - bryman"
pGroup = Word( alphanums )( self.NAME.CFGROUP )
pName = Word( alphanums )( self.NAME.CFNAME )
pDatatype = Word( alphanums )( self.NAME.CFDATATYPE )
pValue = Word( alphanums )( self.NAME.CFVAULE )
delim = Suppress( "|" )
customField = Group( pGroup + delim + pName + delim + pDatatype + delim + pValue )( self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELD )
text = self.buildCustomFieldString( group, name, datatype, value )
if self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS in token:
token[self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS] += customField.parseString( text )
else :
token += Group( customField )( self.NAME.CUSTOMFIELDS ).parseString( text )