
时间:2012-01-29 12:55:42

标签: java maven selenium testng



1 test passed, 1 test failed.(3599,0 s)
    TestSuite FAILED
        run FAILED: check5=3 Expected: <3> got: <5>
        run passed (1.0s)


3 test passed, 2 test failed.(2867,0 s)
    TestSuite FAILED
        run passed (1.0s)
        run FAILED: check5=3 Expected: <3> got: <5>
        AfterMethod FAILED (4,0 s) // <--- wtf, this is not an @Test
        AfterTest passed (5,0 s)
        AfterSuite passed (15,0 s)


<suite name="TestSuite_03">
    <test name="TestCase_17">
            <run><include name="functest"/></run>
            <class name="TestStep_003" desc="will pass" />
            <class name="TestStep_012" desc="will fail" />
        </classes> ...



public abstract class TestCommon
    public void BeforeSuite()
        // clean report folder
    public void BeforeTest()
        // start selenium browser
    @AfterMethod(groups={"functest"}) // this is not a @test, still gets shown as failed
    public void AfterMethod()
        // check for failure and capture screenshot
    public void AfterTest()
        // close browser

public class TestStep_003 extends TestCommon
    @Test(groups = {"functest"})
    public void run()
        assertThat(5, Matchers.equalTo(5)); // will pass
public class TestStep_012 extends TestCommon
    @Test(groups = {"functest"})
    public void run()
        assertThat(5, Matchers.equalTo(3)); // will fail

另一个问题是testoutput没有按顺序排列,时间戳是 不老 - &gt;更新,旧的之间有更新的: 多数民众赞成我的输出如何:

1327840359762:  TestStep_012.AfterMethod // this is not the oldest timestamp!
1327840359763:  TestStep_003.run 
1327840359765:  TestStep_003.AfterMethod
1327840357189:  TestStep_012.BeforeSuite
1327840357192:  TestStep_012.BeforeTest
1327840359758:  TestStep_012.run 
1327840359762:  TestStep_012.AfterMethod
1327840359763:  TestStep_003.run 
1327840359765:  TestStep_003.AfterMethod 

此外,只有2种方法TestStep_003.run和TestStep_012.run, 并且它仍然显示AfterMethod 4x

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