
时间:2012-01-26 20:38:46

标签: c# reflection entity-framework-4 entity-framework-4.1




// loop through the main entity's properties
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in entityType.GetProperties())
    // if the main entity's property is an entity
    if (pi.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject))
        // loop through the sub entity's properties
        foreach(PropertyInfo mychildren in pi.PropertyType.GetProperties())     
            // the loop works fine but when i try to get a value I get a
            // TargetException: Object does not match target type.
            object test = mychildren.GetValue(pi, null);



Entity Framework 4.0似乎不允许您动态检索实体相关实体的实例。但是使用EF 4.1及更高版本,您可以使用其类名作为字符串标识符。所以我升级到EF 4.2并开始工作。


在EF 4.1及更高版本中,ObjectContext由名为DbContext的类包装,该类提供导航属性,使用该属性可以使用字符串获取相关实体的实例。要动态检索单个相关实体,您可以使用:

dynamic refObject = Activator.CreateInstance(refObjectType);

refObject = context.Entry(currentObject).Reference(refObjectType.Name)。CurrentValue;



// Loop through the propertyinfos of the dto's type
foreach (PropertyInfo pf in dtoType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite))
    // Use the name of the dto property to get the corresponding property from the POCO's type. If it doesn't exist, pi will be null
    PropertyInfo pi = pocoType.GetProperty(pf.Name, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

    if (pi != null)
        // Check if the current propertyinfo of the POCO has a subproperty named Id
        // If this is the case we treat the propertyinfo as a referenced POCO
        if (pi.PropertyType.GetProperty("Id") != null)
            // skip referenced POCOs if their data is not needed
            if (!includeRelated) continue;

            // Get the type of the referenced POCO
            Type refObjectType = pi.PropertyType;
            // Create an instance of the referenced POCO
            dynamic refObject = Activator.CreateInstance(refObjectType);

            // Create a type of GenericRepository<objectType>
            Type refObjectRepositoryType = typeof(GenericRepository<>).MakeGenericType(refObjectType);
            // Create an instance of GenericRepository<objectType>
            dynamic refObjectRepository = Activator.CreateInstance(refObjectRepositoryType);

            // Fill the dynamic POCO instance with the values of the referenced POCO instance
            refObject = refObjectRepository._context.Entry(poco).Reference(refObjectType.Name).CurrentValue;

                // Set the dto property with the name value of the referenced POCO instance
                // (i.e. dtoImage.ImageType = pocImage.ImageType.Name)
                pf.SetValue(dto, refObject.Name, null);
            catch (RuntimeBinderException)
                // this happens when the related entity is null, ie. in one to zero-or-one relationships


        // If the propertyinfo's propertytype does not have an Id property, just set the value of  
        // the dto property to that of the POCO's propertyinfo directly
        pf.SetValue(dto, pi.GetValue(poco, null), null);



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using (var context = new MyContext())
    var cust = context.Customer.First();
    var custType = cust.CustomerType;

    var pi = typeof (Customer).GetProperty("CustomerType");
    var child = pi.PropertyType.GetProperty("CustomerTypeID");

    var res = child.GetValue(custType, null);
    // this returns value of Customer.CustomerTypeID