下面的代码很乐意使用本周的任命填充电子邮件,但它会按预约创建日期而不是实际约会日期列出电子邮件中的日历项目。有没有办法按预约日期列出项目? 我谦虚地感谢任何帮助或建议。 (我把这些代码粘贴在一起,因为我粘贴在网上找到的东西。我对Excel和Access VBA比对Outlook更熟悉。再次感谢。)John
Public Sub ListAppointments()
On Error GoTo On_Error
Dim Session As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Report As String
Dim AppointmentsFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim currentItem As Object
Dim currentAppointment As AppointmentItem
Set Session = Application.Session
Set AppointmentsFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
For Each currentItem In AppointmentsFolder.Items
If (currentItem.Class = olAppointment) Then
Set currentAppointment = currentItem
'get the week's appointments
If currentAppointment.Start >= Now() And currentAppointment.Start <= Now() + 7 Then
If currentAppointment.AllDayEvent = False Then 'exclude all day events
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Subject", currentAppointment.Subject)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Start", currentAppointment.Start)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "End", currentAppointment.End)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Location", currentAppointment.Location)
Report = Report & "-----------------------------------------------------"
Report = Report & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End If
End If
End If
Call CreateReportAsEmail("List of Appointments", Report)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "error=" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exiting
End Sub
Private Function AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report As String, FieldName As String, FieldValue)
AddToReportIfNotBlank = ""
If (IsNull(FieldValue) Or FieldValue <> "") Then
AddToReportIfNotBlank = FieldName & " : " & FieldValue & vbCrLf
Report = Report & AddToReportIfNotBlank
End If
End Function
'publish items to Outlook email
Public Sub CreateReportAsEmail(Title As String, Report As String)
On Error GoTo On_Error
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objItem As MailItem
Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 'Application.Session
Set objItem = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set objFolder = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
With objItem
.Subject = "This weeks appointments"
.Body = Report
End With
'Set Session = Nothing
Exit Sub
'MsgBox "error=" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exiting
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Type typAppointment
Start As Date
AllDay As Boolean
End As Date
Subject As String
Location As String
End Type
Dim AppointmentDtl() As typAppointment
Dim InxADCrnt As Long
Dim InxADCrntMax As Long
Dim InxAppointmentSorted() As Long
Dim InxSrtCrnt1 As Long
Dim InxSrtCrnt2 As Long
Dim Stg as String
ReDim AppointmentDtl(1 To 100)
' * I avoid having too many ReDim Preserves because they
' involve creating a copy of the original array.
' * 100 appointments should be enough but the array will
' be resized if necessary.
InxADCrntMax = 0 ' The current last used entry in AppointmentDtl
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Subject", currentAppointment.Subject)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Start", currentAppointment.Start)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "End", currentAppointment.End)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Location", currentAppointment.Location)
Report = Report & "-----------------------------------------------------"
Report = Report & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
InxADCrntMax = InxADCrntMax + 1
If InxADCrntMax > UBound(AppointmentDtl) Then
' Have filled array. Add another 100 entries
ReDim Preserve AppointmentDtl(1 To 100 + UBound(AppointmentDtl))
End If
AppointmentDtl(InxADCrntMax).Start = .Start
If .AllDayEvent Then
AppointmentDtl(InxADCrntMax).AllDay = True
AppointmentDtl(InxADCrntMax).AllDay = False
AppointmentDtl(InxADCrntMax).End = .End
End If
AppointmentDtl(InxADCrntMax).Subject = .Subject
AppointmentDtl(InxADCrntMax).Location = .Location
End If
高于Call CreateReportAsEmail("List of Appointments", Report)
' Initialise index array as 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
ReDim InxAppointmentSorted(1 To InxADCrntMax)
For InxSrtCrnt1 = 1 To InxADCrntMax
InxAppointmentSorted(InxSrtCrnt1) = InxSrtCrnt1
' Sort index array by AppointmentDtl(xxx).Start.
' This is not an efficient sort but it should be sufficient for your purposes.
' If not, I have a Shell Sort written in VBA although a Quick Sort
' is considered the best.
InxADCrnt = 1
Do While InxADCrnt < InxADCrntMax
InxSrtCrnt1 = InxAppointmentSorted(InxADCrnt)
InxSrtCrnt2 = InxAppointmentSorted(InxADCrnt + 1)
If AppointmentDtl(InxSrtCrnt1).Start > AppointmentDtl(InxSrtCrnt2).Start Then
InxAppointmentSorted(InxADCrnt) = InxSrtCrnt2
InxAppointmentSorted(InxADCrnt + 1) = InxSrtCrnt1
If InxADCrnt > 1 Then
InxADCrnt = InxADCrnt - 1
InxADCrnt = InxADCrnt + 1
End If
InxADCrnt = InxADCrnt + 1
End If
' InxAppointmentSorted() is now: 5, 20, 2, ... where appointment 5 is
' the earliest, appointment 20 the next and so on
' Process appointments in Start order
For InxSrtCrnt1 = 1 To InxADCrntMax
InxADCrnt = InxAppointmentSorted(InxSrtCrnt1)
With AppointmentDtl(InxADCrnt)
' I have tested all other code on my calendar. This code is untested.
' I have included all day meetings but you could easily restore the
' original approach.
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Subject", .Subject)
If .AllDay Then
Stg = "All day " & Format(.Start, "dddd d mmm")
' Date formatted as "Friday 27 Jan". Use "dddd mmmm, d" if you
' prefer "Friday January, 27". That is: "d" gives day of month
' with leading zero omitted. "dddd" gives full day of week. "mmm"
' gives three letter month. "mmmm" gives full month. "yy", if
' required, give two day year. "yyyy" gives four day year. Include
' spaces and punctuation as desired.
Stg = Format(.Start, "dddd d mmm") & _
Format(.Start, " hh:mm") & " to " & _
Format(.End, "hh:mm")
End If
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "When", Stg)
Call AddToReportIfNotBlank(Report, "Location", .Location)
Report = Report & "-----------------------------------------------------"
Report = Report & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End With