ID Revenue
1 100
2 120
ID Revenue
1 120
2 100
ID Revenue
1 -20
2 +20
// Make the Actual table
DataTable allActual = new DataTable("actualTable");
DataRow rowActual;
// Create columns and add to the DataTable.
allActual.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
allActual.Columns.Add("Revenue", typeof(string));
// Add rows to the Actual grid
foreach (SPListItem item in actualItems)
rowActual = allActual.Rows.Add();
rowActual["Title"] = item["Title"].ToString();
rowActual["Revenue"] = item["Revenue"].ToString();
// Make the Budget table
DataTable allBudget = new DataTable("budgetTable");
DataRow rowBudget;
// Create columns and add to the DataTable.
allBudget.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
allBudget.Columns.Add("Revenue", typeof(string));
// Add rows to the Actual grid
foreach (SPListItem item in budgetItems)
rowBudget = allBudget.Rows.Add();
rowBudget["Title"] = item["Title"].ToString();
rowBudget["Revenue"] = item["Revenue"].ToString();
答案 0 :(得分:1)
var diff = (from aRow in tblActual.AsEnumerable()
join bRow in tblBudget.AsEnumerable()
on aRow["ID"] equals bRow["ID"]
let aRev = (int)aRow["Revenue"]
let bRev = (int)bRow["Revenue"]
where aRev != bRev
select new
ID = (int)aRow["ID"],
Diff = aRev - bRev
}).ToDictionary(r => r.ID, r=> r.Diff );
Dim diff = (From aRow In tblActual
Join bRow In tblBudget _
On aRow("ID") Equals bRow("ID")
Let aRev = DirectCast(aRow("Revenue"), Int32)
Let bRev = DirectCast(bRow("Revenue"), Int32)
Where aRev <> bRev
Select New With {.ID = DirectCast(aRow("ID"), Int32),
.Diff = aRev - bRev}).ToList
For Each d In diff
Dim id = d.ID
Dim revDifference = d.Diff
如果要查找给定ID的差异,请创建一个Dictioary(Of Int32,Int32):
Dim diff = (From aRow In tblActual
Join bRow In tblBudget _
On aRow("ID") Equals bRow("ID")
Let aRev = DirectCast(aRow("Revenue"), Int32)
Let bRev = DirectCast(bRow("Revenue"), Int32)
Where aRev <> bRev
Select New With {.ID = DirectCast(aRow("ID"), Int32),
.Diff = aRev - bRev}).
ToDictionary(Function(r) (r.ID),
Function(r) (r.Diff))
' returns diff for a given ID '
Dim diffForID2 = diff(2)
' iterate all dictionary entries '
For Each d In diff
Dim id = d.Key
Dim revDifference = d.Value
答案 1 :(得分:0)
//actuals contains all the list items from the Actuals list
//budget contains all the list items from the Budget list
//variance is an array of numbers with the same length as the actuals list
for (i=0; i<actuals.length; i++)
diff = actuals[i].value - budget[i].value;
variance[i] = diff;