我目前正在开发一个grails 1.3.7应用程序,它将用于组织讲座,研讨会和大学相关的东西。在这种情况下,导师应该能够分配学生之前选择的主题。为此,我使用一个简单的表'矩阵',右边的学生和表头的可用主题。现在导师希望我实现,表行是可拖动的。我使用jQuery插件实现了这一点,一切正常,但我还必须在某处保存行的新顺序,所以我决定将它保存为域类中的ArrayList。我实施了一个简单的逻辑来擦除列表,并在每次导师保存主题分配时重建它。
class Seminar extends AbstractLecture {
ArrayList<Integer> studentOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>()
gsp: hiddenField保存新行顺序的序列化表示,由javascript函数设置(工作正常)。
<g:form action="saveDistribution">
<g:hiddenField name="order" id="order" value=""/>
def saveDistribution = {
if (!params.order.toString().equals("")) {
seminar.studentOrder.clear() //seminar is the domain object
def temp = params.order.toString().replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("table-1=", "").replaceFirst('&', '')
def split = temp.split("&")
for (id in split) {
seminar.studentOrder.push(Integer.parseInt(id)) //Works fine
//If I check seminar.studentOrder here, the parsed values are present
//Now I redirect to another function (forward would also work, doesn't matter here)
redirect(action: "distributeTopics", id: params.id)
但是现在最大的问题是:当我在重定向后立即检查seminar.studentOrder时,列表完全是空的......我真的,真的不知道为什么。在最后几个小时里,我差点把我逼疯了:( 我尝试了一切我甚至无法想象的解决这个问题,但没有什么愿意工作。 现在我被敦促认为我在某个地方错过了一个重点。
我感谢你为解决这个问题所做的一切。 如果您需要更多代码,甚至是此上下文的完整代码,我将提供它。
非常感谢, 星
正如您所看到的,我只是使用ArrayList studentOrder中提供的ID从数据库中提取学生对象,但由于列表始终为空,因此保存也不起作用......好吧,我被困在这里。
def distributeTopics = {
def seminar = Seminar.findById(params.id)
if (!seminar) {
flash.message = "Error: Seminar not found. (Database error?)"
redirect(controller: "lecture", action: "list")
* Gather all students and build an ArrayList<TopicTableDataWrapper>, which will be passed to the gsp.
def wrapperList = new ArrayList<TopicTableDataWrapper>()
if (seminar.studentOrder.isEmpty()) {
for (student in seminar.students) {
//Selected topics
def topics = seminar.getPrioritizedTopics(student)
if (topics[0] == null) {
topics = null
//Already assigned topic
def assigned = seminar.getAssignedTopic(student)
def comment = null
if (seminar.comments.containsKey(student.id.toString())) {
comment = seminar.comments.get(student.id.toString())
wrapperList.push(new TopicTableDataWrapper(student, assigned, comment, topics))
else {
for (studentId in seminar.studentOrder) {
def student = User.findById(studentId)
if (student == null) continue
//Selected topics
def topics = seminar.getPrioritizedTopics(student)
if (topics[0] == null) {
topics = null
//Possibly assigned topic
def assigned = seminar.getAssignedTopic(student)
def comment = null
if (seminar.comments.containsKey(student.id.toString())) {
comment = seminar.comments.get(student.id.toString())
wrapperList.push(new TopicTableDataWrapper(student, assigned, comment, topics))
* Now we also need a list of all topics.
* It is important that the list is sorted, because we must map the topic titles to the shortcuts in the gsp!
* We do this by building a hashmap which just maps 'T1', 'T2', ... as keys to the topics
def topicList = seminar.topics.sort()
def map = new HashMap<String, Topic>()
def i = 1
for (topic in topicList) {
map.put("T" + i.toString(), topic)
[seminar: seminar, wrapperList: wrapperList, topicMap: map, id: seminar.id]
def saveDistribution = {
def seminar = Seminar.findById(params.id)
if (!seminar) {
flash.message = "There was a problem while retrieving the seminar (database error?)."
redirect(controller: "lecture", action: "list")
* Parse the corresponding radiogroup for every student in the seminar
for (student in seminar.students) {
//Look if a topic has been assigned by checking the params -> "group <student.id>"
if (params.containsKey("group " + student.id)) {
//if that's the case, assign him this topic, but keep his selection for later corrections!
def topic = Topic.findById(Integer.parseInt(params.get("group " + student.id).toString()))
//Remove previously assigned topic for this seminar
def prevTopic = seminar.getAssignedTopic(student)
if (prevTopic != null) {
if (!params.order.toString().equals("")) {
def temp = params.order.toString().replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("table-1=", "").replaceFirst('&', '')
def splitParam = temp.split("&")
for (id in splitParam) {
flash.message = "Distribution saved."
seminar.save(failOnError: true) //Still empty list after redirect
redirect(action: "distributeTopics", id: params.id)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我粘贴了Grails对象的save方法的链接: http://grails.org/doc/2.0.x/ref/Domain%20Classes/save.html
如果保存调用不起作用,请在 distributeTopics 方法中添加检索对象的方式。