所以我开始研究.NET字符串,安全性和SecureString的漏洞。我创建了一个表单,将我的用户名和密码输入SecureString(逐个字符),确保不使用任何System.String。然后我从SecureString中检索一个char [],从中获取一个byte [],将char [0置零,使用DPAPI加密byte []并使用代码内置的salt字符串,将加密的byte []转换为Base64 System.String,将byte []置零,并将加密字符串保存到应用程序设置。
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves, (and then zero's,) a character array from the SecureString.
/// Then optionally URL encodes the characters and returns an encoded byte array.
/// Make sure to zero out the byte array when you're done with it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="secure">The SecureString to be retrieved.</param>
/// <param name="encodingFormat">The encoding format used to retrieve the byte array. The default is UTF-8.</param>
/// <param name="urlEncode">If true will URL encode characters which are invalid for URL's.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static byte[] ToByteArray(this SecureString secure, System.Text.Encoding encodingFormat, bool urlEncode)
if (secure == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("secure");
if (encodingFormat == null)
encodingFormat = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
char[] chars = new char[secure.Length];
byte[] bytesToReturn;
// copy the SecureString data into an unmanaged char array and get a pointer to it
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(secure);
// copy the unmanaged char array into a managed char array
Marshal.Copy(ptr, chars, 0, secure.Length);
if (false == urlEncode)
bytesToReturn = encodingFormat.GetBytes(chars);
List<int> unsafeUrlCharIntValues = new List<int>();
unsafeUrlCharIntValues.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(32, 16)); // 32-47 Reserved Characters: ' '!?#$%&'()*+,-./
unsafeUrlCharIntValues.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(58, 7)); // 58-64 Reserved Characters: :;<=>?@
unsafeUrlCharIntValues.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(91, 6)); // 91-96 Reserved Characters: [\]^_`
unsafeUrlCharIntValues.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(123, 4)); // 123-126 Reserved Characters: {|}~
// Get a count of the unsafe URL characters to see if any processing is required and how many extra char's we'll need in the array.
int unsafeCharCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
if (unsafeUrlCharIntValues.Contains((int)chars[i]))
if (unsafeCharCount < 1)
bytesToReturn = encodingFormat.GetBytes(chars);
char[] encodedChars = EncodeChars(chars);
bytesToReturn = encodingFormat.GetBytes(encodedChars);
// zero out encoded chars for security
for (int i = 0; i < encodedChars.Length; i++)
encodedChars[i] = '\0';
// zero out chars
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
chars[i] = '\0';
return bytesToReturn;
在我完成它之后,我将char []清零了。在将它们写入HttpWebRequest流之后,我还确保将返回的byte []清零。这是安全的还是GC会复制char []和byte []对象?这比使用System.String更好吗?我已经阅读了其他{{3}}说要使用不安全的代码并在非托管内存中执行所有操作,但我仍然需要在我的HttpWebRequest中获取一个byte []。