$string = "That is a very nice ford mustang, if only every other ford was quite as nice as this honda";
我想用制造商和型号的链接替换汽车名称,如果它们匹配,或者只是制造商,但是如果有制造商和型号,如果你使用str替换,它会把链接放在链接中...... / p>
$remove = array("ford mustang","ford","honda");
$replaceWith = array("<a href='fordID'>ford</a>","<a href='fordmustangID'>ford mustang</a>","<a href='hondaID'>honda</a>");
"That is a very nice <a href='<a href='fordmustangID'>ford mustang</a>ID'><a href='fordmustangID'>ford mustang</a></a>, if only every other <a href='fordmustangID'>ford mustang</a> was quite as nice as this <a href='hondaID'>honda</a>"
"That is a very nice <a href='fordmustangID'>ford mustang</a>, if only every other <a href='fordID'>ford</a> was quite as nice as this <a href='hondaID'>honda</a>"
答案 0 :(得分:4)
function replaceLinks($replacements, $string){
foreach($replacements as $key=>$val){
//strings to make sure the search isn't in front of
//strings to make sure the search isn't behind
//check for other searches this is a substring of
foreach($replacements as $key2=>$val2){
$b = ($key=='11 22'&&$key2=='11 22 33');
l('strlen $key2: '.strlen($key2));
l('strlen $key: '.strlen($key));
l('strpos: '.(strpos($key2,$key)));
//the second search is longer and the first is a substring of it
if(strlen($key2)>strlen($key) && ($pos=strpos($key2,$key))!==false){
//the first search isn't at the start of the second search ('the ford' and 'ford')
//it's not at the end ('ford' and 'fords')
foreach($newReplacements as $key=>$item){
//negative lookbehind for words or >
//negative lookbehinds for the beginnings of other searches that this search is a subtring of
foreach($item['behinds'] as $b){
//the actual search
//negative lookaheads for ends of other searches that this is a substring of.
foreach($item['aheads'] as $a){
//case insensitive
return preg_replace($replacementMatches,'"<a href=\"".$newReplacements[strtolower("$1")]["id"]."\">$1</a>"' ,$string);
$replaceWith = array('ford mustang'=>123,'ford'=>42,'honda'=>324);
$string = "That is a very nice ford mustang, if only every other ford was quite as nice as this honda";
echo replaceLinks($replaceWith,$string);
和ford mustang
,它将用链接替换ford mustang
$string = "That is a very nice ford mustang, if only every other ford was quite as nice as this honda";
$remove = array("/(?<![\w>])ford mustang(?![\w<])/",'/(?<![>\w])ford(?! mustang)(?![<\w])/',"/(?<![>\w])honda(?![<\w])/");
$replaceWith = array("<a href='fordmustangID'>ford mustang</a>","<a href='fordID'>ford</a>","<a href='hondaID'>honda</a>");
echo preg_replace($remove, $replaceWith,$string);
我使用带有负前瞻和后视的正则表达式来确保我们要替换的字符串部分不是字母数字序列的一部分(如 12ford23