
时间:2008-07-31 23:41:00

标签: c# .net datetime


67 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1928)


// Save today's date.
var today = DateTime.Today;
// Calculate the age.
var age = today.Year - birthdate.Year;
// Go back to the year the person was born in case of a leap year
if (birthdate.Date > today.AddYears(-age)) age--;

但是,这假设您正在寻找西方年龄的想法,而不是East Asian reckoning

答案 1 :(得分:955)



20080814 - 19800703 = 280111 

删除最后4位= 28


int now = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
int dob = int.Parse(dateOfBirth.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
int age = (now - dob) / 10000;


public static Int32 GetAge(this DateTime dateOfBirth)
    var today = DateTime.Today;

    var a = (today.Year * 100 + today.Month) * 100 + today.Day;
    var b = (dateOfBirth.Year * 100 + dateOfBirth.Month) * 100 + dateOfBirth.Day;

    return (a - b) / 10000;

答案 2 :(得分:366)

我不知道如何接受错误的解决方案。 正确的C#片段由Michael Stum撰写


DateTime bDay = new DateTime(2000, 2, 29);
DateTime now = new DateTime(2009, 2, 28);
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Test {0} {1} {2}",
                CalculateAgeWrong1(bDay, now),     // outputs 9
                CalculateAgeWrong2(bDay, now),     // outputs 9
                CalculateAgeCorrect(bDay, now)));  // outputs 8


public int CalculateAgeWrong1(DateTime birthDate, DateTime now)
    return new DateTime(now.Subtract(birthDate).Ticks).Year - 1;

public int CalculateAgeWrong2(DateTime birthDate, DateTime now)
    int age = now.Year - birthDate.Year;

    if (now < birthDate.AddYears(age))

    return age;

public int CalculateAgeCorrect(DateTime birthDate, DateTime now)
    int age = now.Year - birthDate.Year;

    if (now.Month < birthDate.Month || (now.Month == birthDate.Month && now.Day < birthDate.Day))

    return age;

答案 3 :(得分:126)

我认为迄今为止的任何答案都没有提供以不同方式计算年龄的文化。例如,请参阅East Asian Age Reckoning与西方的情况。

任何真正的答案都必须包含本地化。在这个例子中,Strategy Pattern可能是有序的。

答案 4 :(得分:103)




  1. 列表项
  2. int age = birthDate.Age();

    public static class DateTimeExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the age in years of the current System.DateTime object today.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="birthDate">The date of birth</param>
        /// <returns>Age in years today. 0 is returned for a future date of birth.</returns>
        public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate)
            return Age(birthDate, DateTime.Today);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the age in years of the current System.DateTime object on a later date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="birthDate">The date of birth</param>
        /// <param name="laterDate">The date on which to calculate the age.</param>
        /// <returns>Age in years on a later day. 0 is returned as minimum.</returns>
        public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate, DateTime laterDate)
            int age;
            age = laterDate.Year - birthDate.Year;
            if (age > 0)
                age -= Convert.ToInt32(laterDate.Date < birthDate.Date.AddYears(age));
                age = 0;
            return age;


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
        private static void RunTest()
            DateTime birthDate = new DateTime(2000, 2, 28);
            DateTime laterDate = new DateTime(2011, 2, 27);
            string iso = "yyyy-MM-dd";
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Birth date: " + birthDate.AddDays(i).ToString(iso) + "  Later date: " + laterDate.AddDays(j).ToString(iso) + "  Age: " + birthDate.AddDays(i).Age(laterDate.AddDays(j)).ToString());


    出生日期:2000-02-29晚期:2011 - 02 - 28年龄:11


        Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2011-02-27  Age: 10
        Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2011-02-28  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2011-03-01  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2011-02-27  Age: 10
        Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2011-02-28  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2011-03-01  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2011-02-27  Age: 10
        Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2011-02-28  Age: 10
        Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2011-03-01  Age: 11


        Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2012-02-28  Age: 12
        Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2012-02-29  Age: 12
        Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2012-03-01  Age: 12
        Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2012-02-28  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2012-02-29  Age: 12
        Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2012-03-01  Age: 12
        Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2012-02-28  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2012-02-29  Age: 11
        Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2012-03-01  Age: 12

答案 5 :(得分:80)


int age = (int) ((DateTime.Now - bday).TotalDays/365.242199);

这似乎在正确的日期发生了变化。 (我现在测试到107岁)

答案 6 :(得分:69)


public static int GetAge(DateTime birthDate)
    DateTime n = DateTime.Now; // To avoid a race condition around midnight
    int age = n.Year - birthDate.Year;

    if (n.Month < birthDate.Month || (n.Month == birthDate.Month && n.Day < birthDate.Day))

    return age;

我想到的只有两件事:那些不使用格里高历的国家的人呢? DateTime.Now是我认为的特定于服务器的文化。我对亚洲日历的实际工作知之甚少,我不知道是否有一种简单的方法可以在日历之间转换日期,但万一你想知道那些4660年的中国人: - )

答案 7 :(得分:47)


<强> 1。计算确切年龄 - 以年,月,日等为单位

<强> 2。计算一般感知的年龄 - 人们通常不在乎他们的年龄,他们只关心当年的生日。

1 的解决方案很明显:

DateTime birth = DateTime.Parse("1.1.2000");
DateTime today = DateTime.Today;     //we usually don't care about birth time
TimeSpan age = today - birth;        //.NET FCL should guarantee this as precise
double ageInDays = age.TotalDays;    //total number of days ... also precise
double daysInYear = 365.2425;        //statistical value for 400 years
double ageInYears = ageInDays / daysInYear;  //can be shifted ... not so precise

2 的解决方案是在确定总年龄时不那么精确的解决方案,但被人们认为是精确的。当人们“手动”计算他们的年龄时,人们通常也会使用它:

DateTime birth = DateTime.Parse("1.1.2000");
DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
int age = today.Year - birth.Year;    //people perceive their age in years

if (today.Month < birth.Month ||
   ((today.Month == birth.Month) && (today.Day < birth.Day)))
  age--;  //birthday in current year not yet reached, we are 1 year younger ;)
          //+ no birthday for 29.2. guys ... sorry, just wrong date for birth


  • 这是我的首选解决方案
  • 我们不能使用DateTime.DayOfYear或TimeSpans,因为它们会改变闰年的天数
  • 为了便于阅读,我已经添加了更多的行


public static int GetAge(DateTime bithDay, DateTime today) 
  //chosen solution method body

public static int GetAge(DateTime birthDay) 
  return GetAge(birthDay, DateTime.Now);

答案 8 :(得分:45)


int age = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Subtract(birthday).Ticks).Year-1;

答案 9 :(得分:37)


public static int GetAge(this DateTime dateOfBirth, DateTime dateAsAt)
    return dateAsAt.Year - dateOfBirth.Year - (dateOfBirth.DayOfYear < dateAsAt.DayOfYear ? 0 : 1);



答案 10 :(得分:32)


DateTime birthDate = new DateTime(2000,3,1);
int age = (int)Math.Floor((DateTime.Now - birthDate).TotalDays / 365.25D);


答案 11 :(得分:30)


public static class DateTimeExtensions
    public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate)
        return Age(birthDate, DateTime.Now);

    public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate, DateTime offsetDate)
        int result=0;
        result = offsetDate.Year - birthDate.Year;

        if (offsetDate.DayOfYear < birthDate.DayOfYear)

        return result;

答案 12 :(得分:29)


DateTime birth = new DateTime(1974, 8, 29);
DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan span = today - birth;
DateTime age = DateTime.MinValue + span;

// Make adjustment due to MinValue equalling 1/1/1
int years = age.Year - 1;
int months = age.Month - 1;
int days = age.Day - 1;

// Print out not only how many years old they are but give months and days as well
Console.Write("{0} years, {1} months, {2} days", years, months, days);

答案 13 :(得分:25)

我已经创建了一个SQL Server用户定义函数来计算某人的年龄,考虑到他们的出生日期。当您需要它作为查询的一部分时,这非常有用:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Sql;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
    [SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]
    public static SqlInt32 CalculateAge(string strBirthDate)
        DateTime dtBirthDate = new DateTime();
        dtBirthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strBirthDate);
        DateTime dtToday = DateTime.Now;

        // get the difference in years
        int years = dtToday.Year - dtBirthDate.Year;

        // subtract another year if we're before the
        // birth day in the current year
        if (dtToday.Month < dtBirthDate.Month || (dtToday.Month == dtBirthDate.Month && dtToday.Day < dtBirthDate.Day))

        int intCustomerAge = years;
        return intCustomerAge;

答案 14 :(得分:23)


public static int AgeInYears(DateTime birthday, DateTime today)
    return ((today.Year - birthday.Year) * 372 + (today.Month - birthday.Month) * 31 + (today.Day - birthday.Day)) / 372;


它的工作原理(lifted from here)的解释是:


我们设置Yn = DateTime.Now.Year, Yb = birthday.Year, Mn = DateTime.Now.Month, Mb = birthday.Month, Dn = DateTime.Now.Day, Db = birthday.Day


age = Yn - Yb + (31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372




a)如果Mn<Mb,我们有-341 <= 31*(Mn-Mb) <= -31 and -30 <= Dn-Db <= 30


-371 <= 31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db) <= -1




(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = -1


b)如果Mn=MbDn<Db,我们有31*(Mn - Mb) = 0 and -30 <= Dn-Db <= -1




(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = -1


c)如果Mn>Mb,我们有31 <= 31*(Mn-Mb) <= 341 and -30 <= Dn-Db <= 30


1 <= 31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db) <= 371




(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = 0


d)如果Mn=MbDn>Db,我们有31*(Mn - Mb) = 0 and 1 <= Dn-Db <= 3 0




(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = 0


e)如果Mn=MbDn=Db,我们有31*(Mn - Mb) + Dn-Db = 0


因此(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = 0

答案 15 :(得分:23)


public void LoopAge(DateTime myDOB, DateTime FutureDate)
    int years = 0;
    int months = 0;
    int days = 0;

    DateTime tmpMyDOB = new DateTime(myDOB.Year, myDOB.Month, 1);

    DateTime tmpFutureDate = new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, FutureDate.Month, 1);

    while (tmpMyDOB.AddYears(years).AddMonths(months) < tmpFutureDate)

        if (months > 12)
            months = months - 12;

    if (FutureDate.Day >= myDOB.Day)
        days = days + FutureDate.Day - myDOB.Day;

        if (months < 0)
            months = months + 12;

        days +=
                FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Year, FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Month
            ) + FutureDate.Day - myDOB.Day;


    //add an extra day if the dob is a leap day
    if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(myDOB.Year) && myDOB.Month == 2 && myDOB.Day == 29)
        //but only if the future date is less than 1st March
        if (FutureDate >= new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, 3, 1))


答案 16 :(得分:19)



public static string HowOld(DateTime birthday, DateTime now)
    if (now < birthday)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("birthday must be less than now.");

    TimeSpan diff = now - birthday;
    int diffDays = (int)diff.TotalDays;

    if (diffDays > 7)//year, month and week
        int age = now.Year - birthday.Year;

        if (birthday > now.AddYears(-age))

        if (age > 0)
            return age + (age > 1 ? " years" : " year");
        {// month and week
            DateTime d = birthday;
            int diffMonth = 1;

            while (d.AddMonths(diffMonth) <= now)

            age = diffMonth-1;

            if (age == 1 && d.Day > now.Day)

            if (age > 0)
                return age + (age > 1 ? " months" : " month");
                age = diffDays / 7;
                return age + (age > 1 ? " weeks" : " week");
    else if (diffDays > 0)
        int age = diffDays;
        return age + (age > 1 ? " days" : " day");
        int age = diffDays;
        return "just born";


public void TestAge()
    string age = HowOld(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 year", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2011, 11, 30), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 year", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2001, 1, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("11 years", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("10 months", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2011, 12, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("11 months", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 10, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 month", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2008, 2, 28), new DateTime(2009, 2, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 year", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2008, 3, 28), new DateTime(2009, 2, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("11 months", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2008, 3, 28), new DateTime(2009, 3, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 year", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2009, 1, 28), new DateTime(2009, 2, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 month", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2009, 2, 1), new DateTime(2009, 3, 1));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 month", age);

    // NOTE.
    // new DateTime(2008, 1, 31).AddMonths(1) == new DateTime(2009, 2, 28);
    // new DateTime(2008, 1, 28).AddMonths(1) == new DateTime(2009, 2, 28);
    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2009, 1, 31), new DateTime(2009, 2, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("4 weeks", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2009, 2, 1), new DateTime(2009, 2, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("3 weeks", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2009, 2, 1), new DateTime(2009, 3, 1));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 month", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 11, 5), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("3 weeks", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 11, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("4 weeks", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 11, 20), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 week", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 11, 25), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("5 days", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 11, 29), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("1 day", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 11, 30), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    Assert.AreEqual("just born", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2000, 2, 29), new DateTime(2009, 2, 28));
    Assert.AreEqual("8 years", age);

    age = HowOld(new DateTime(2000, 2, 29), new DateTime(2009, 3, 1));
    Assert.AreEqual("9 years", age);

    Exception e = null;

        age = HowOld(new DateTime(2012, 12, 1), new DateTime(2012, 11, 30));
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
        e = ex;

    Assert.IsTrue(e != null);


答案 17 :(得分:18)


DateTime birth = new DateTime(1975, 09, 27, 01, 00, 00, 00);
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - birth;
Console.WriteLine("You are approximately " + ts.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds old.");

答案 18 :(得分:17)


public int AgeInYears(DateTime birthDate, DateTime referenceDate)
  Debug.Assert(referenceDate >= birthDate, 
               "birth date must be on or prior to the reference date");

  DateTime birth = birthDate.Date;
  DateTime reference = referenceDate.Date;
  int years = (reference.Year - birth.Year);

  // an offset of -1 is applied if the birth date has 
  // not yet occurred in the current year.
  if (reference.Month > birth.Month);
  else if (reference.Month < birth.Month) 
  else // in birth month
    if (reference.Day < birth.Day)

  return years ;

我正在寻找答案,并注意到没有人提到闰日分娩的监管/法律影响。例如,per Wikipedia,如果您出生于2月29日的各个司法管辖区,那么您的非闰年生日会有所不同:

  • 在英国和香港:这是一年中的序数日,所以第二天,3月1日是你的生日。
  • 在新西兰:前一天是2月28日,为了驾驶执照,3月1日用于其他目的。
  • 台湾:2月28日。



public enum LeapDayRule
  OrdinalDay     = 1 ,
  LastDayOfMonth = 2 ,

static int ComputeAgeInYears(DateTime birth, DateTime reference, LeapYearBirthdayRule ruleInEffect)
  bool isLeapYearBirthday = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.IsLeapDay(birth.Year, birth.Month, birth.Day);
  DateTime cutoff;

  if (isLeapYearBirthday && !DateTime.IsLeapYear(reference.Year))
    switch (ruleInEffect)
      case LeapDayRule.OrdinalDay:
        cutoff = new DateTime(reference.Year, 1, 1)
                             .AddDays(birth.DayOfYear - 1);

      case LeapDayRule.LastDayOfMonth:
        cutoff = new DateTime(reference.Year, birth.Month, 1)

        throw new InvalidOperationException();
    cutoff = new DateTime(reference.Year, birth.Month, birth.Day);

  int age = (reference.Year - birth.Year) + (reference >= cutoff ? 0 : -1);
  return age < 0 ? 0 : age;


  • 西方(欧洲)的年龄估算,
  • 日历,如公历,在月末插入一个闰日。

答案 19 :(得分:17)

TimeSpan diff = DateTime.Now - birthdayDateTime;
string age = String.Format("{0:%y} years, {0:%M} months, {0:%d}, days old", diff);


答案 20 :(得分:16)


DateTime dateOfBirth = new DateTime(2000, 4, 18);
DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

int ageInYears = 0;
int ageInMonths = 0;
int ageInDays = 0;

ageInDays = currentDate.Day - dateOfBirth.Day;
ageInMonths = currentDate.Month - dateOfBirth.Month;
ageInYears = currentDate.Year - dateOfBirth.Year;

if (ageInDays < 0)
    ageInDays += DateTime.DaysInMonth(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month);
    ageInMonths = ageInMonths--;

    if (ageInMonths < 0)
        ageInMonths += 12;

if (ageInMonths < 0)
    ageInMonths += 12;

Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", ageInYears, ageInMonths, ageInDays);

答案 21 :(得分:16)



var lifeInSeconds = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - then.Ticks)/TickFactor;


var then = ... // Then, in this case the birthday
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
int age = now.Year - then.Year;
if (now.AddYears(-age) < then) age--;



DateTime start, end = .... // Whatever, assume start is before end

double startYearContribution = 1 - (double) start.DayOfYear / (double) (DateTime.IsLeapYear(start.Year) ? 366 : 365);
double endYearContribution = (double)end.DayOfYear / (double)(DateTime.IsLeapYear(end.Year) ? 366 : 365);
double middleContribution = (double) (end.Year - start.Year - 1);

double DCF = startYearContribution + endYearContribution + middleContribution;


DateTime start, end = .... // Whatever, assume start is before end
int days = (end - start).Days;


答案 22 :(得分:15)


public int GetAge(DateTime birthDate)
    int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;

    if (birthDate.DayOfYear > DateTime.Now.DayOfYear)

    return age;

答案 23 :(得分:14)


public void GetAge(DateTime dob, DateTime now, out int years, out int months, out int days)
    years = 0;
    months = 0;
    days = 0;

    DateTime tmpdob = new DateTime(dob.Year, dob.Month, 1);
    DateTime tmpnow = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);

    while (tmpdob.AddYears(years).AddMonths(months) < tmpnow)
        if (months > 12)
            months = months - 12;

    if (now.Day >= dob.Day)
        days = days + now.Day - dob.Day;
        if (months < 0)
            months = months + 12;
        days += DateTime.DaysInMonth(now.AddMonths(-1).Year, now.AddMonths(-1).Month) + now.Day - dob.Day;

    if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(dob.Year) && dob.Month == 2 && dob.Day == 29 && now >= new DateTime(now.Year, 3, 1))


private string ValidateDate(DateTime dob) //This method will validate the date
    int Years = 0; int Months = 0; int Days = 0;

    GetAge(dob, DateTime.Now, out Years, out Months, out Days);

    if (Years < 18)
        message =  Years + " is too young. Please try again on your 18th birthday.";
    else if (Years >= 65)
        message = Years + " is too old. Date of Birth must not be 65 or older.";
        return null; //Denotes validation passed

此处调用方法并传递datetime值(如果服务器设置为USA语言环境,则传递MM / dd / yyyy)。将其替换为消息框或要显示的任何容器:

DateTime dob = DateTime.Parse("03/10/1982");  

string message = ValidateDate(dob);

lbldatemessage.Visible = !StringIsNullOrWhitespace(message);
lbldatemessage.Text = message ?? ""; //Ternary if message is null then default to empty string


答案 24 :(得分:13)


static string CalcAge(DateTime birthDay)
    DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;         
    int approximateAge = currentDate.Year - birthDay.Year;
    int daysToNextBirthDay = (birthDay.Month * 30 + birthDay.Day) - 
        (currentDate.Month * 30 + currentDate.Day) ;

    if (approximateAge == 0 || approximateAge == 1)
        int month =  Math.Abs(daysToNextBirthDay / 30);
        int days = Math.Abs(daysToNextBirthDay % 30);

        if (month == 0)
            return "Your age is: " + daysToNextBirthDay + " days";

        return "Your age is: " + month + " months and " + days + " days"; ;

    if (daysToNextBirthDay > 0)
        return "Your age is: " + --approximateAge + " Years";

    return "Your age is: " + approximateAge + " Years"; ;

答案 25 :(得分:11)

private int GetAge(int _year, int _month, int _day
    DateTime yourBirthDate= new DateTime(_year, _month, _day);

    DateTime todaysDateTime = DateTime.Today;
    int noOfYears = todaysDateTime.Year - yourBirthDate.Year;

    if (DateTime.Now.Month < yourBirthDate.Month ||
        (DateTime.Now.Month == yourBirthDate.Month && DateTime.Now.Day < yourBirthDate.Day))

    return  noOfYears;

答案 26 :(得分:9)

以下方法(摘自Time Period Library for .NET class DateDiff )会考虑文化信息的日历:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static int YearDiff( DateTime date1, DateTime date2 )
  return YearDiff( date1, date2, DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Calendar );
} // YearDiff

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static int YearDiff( DateTime date1, DateTime date2, Calendar calendar )
  if ( date1.Equals( date2 ) )
    return 0;

  int year1 = calendar.GetYear( date1 );
  int month1 = calendar.GetMonth( date1 );
  int year2 = calendar.GetYear( date2 );
  int month2 = calendar.GetMonth( date2 );

  // find the the day to compare
  int compareDay = date2.Day;
  int compareDaysPerMonth = calendar.GetDaysInMonth( year1, month1 );
  if ( compareDay > compareDaysPerMonth )
    compareDay = compareDaysPerMonth;

  // build the compare date
  DateTime compareDate = new DateTime( year1, month2, compareDay,
    date2.Hour, date2.Minute, date2.Second, date2.Millisecond );
  if ( date2 > date1 )
    if ( compareDate < date1 )
      compareDate = compareDate.AddYears( 1 );
    if ( compareDate > date1 )
      compareDate = compareDate.AddYears( -1 );
  return year2 - calendar.GetYear( compareDate );
} // YearDiff


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void CalculateAgeSamples()
  PrintAge( new DateTime( 2000, 02, 29 ), new DateTime( 2009, 02, 28 ) );
  // > Birthdate=29.02.2000, Age at 28.02.2009 is 8 years
  PrintAge( new DateTime( 2000, 02, 29 ), new DateTime( 2012, 02, 28 ) );
  // > Birthdate=29.02.2000, Age at 28.02.2012 is 11 years
} // CalculateAgeSamples

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void PrintAge( DateTime birthDate, DateTime moment )
  Console.WriteLine( "Birthdate={0:d}, Age at {1:d} is {2} years", birthDate, moment, YearDiff( birthDate, moment ) );
} // PrintAge

答案 27 :(得分:8)


declare @dd smalldatetime = '1980-04-01'
declare @age int = YEAR(GETDATE())-YEAR(@dd)
if (@dd> DATEADD(YYYY, -@age, GETDATE())) set @age = @age -1

print @age  

答案 28 :(得分:8)


    public static Dictionary<string,int> CurrentAgeInYearsMonthsDays(DateTime? ndtBirthDate, DateTime? ndtReferralDate)
        // Can't determine age if we don't have a dates.
        if (ndtBirthDate == null) return null;
        if (ndtReferralDate == null) return null;

        DateTime dtBirthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ndtBirthDate);
        DateTime dtReferralDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ndtReferralDate);

        // Create our Variables
        Dictionary<string, int> dYMD = new Dictionary<string,int>();
        int iNowDate, iBirthDate, iYears, iMonths, iDays;
        string sDif = "";

        // Store off current date/time and DOB into local variables
        iNowDate = int.Parse(dtReferralDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
        iBirthDate = int.Parse(dtBirthDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

        // Calculate Years
        sDif = (iNowDate - iBirthDate).ToString();
        iYears = int.Parse(sDif.Substring(0, sDif.Length - 4));

        // Store Years in Return Value
        dYMD.Add("Years", iYears);

        // Calculate Months
        if (dtBirthDate.Month > dtReferralDate.Month)
            iMonths = 12 - dtBirthDate.Month + dtReferralDate.Month - 1;
            iMonths = dtBirthDate.Month - dtReferralDate.Month;

        // Store Months in Return Value
        dYMD.Add("Months", iMonths);

        // Calculate Remaining Days
        if (dtBirthDate.Day > dtReferralDate.Day)
            //Logic: Figure out the days in month previous to the current month, or the admitted month.
            //       Subtract the birthday from the total days which will give us how many days the person has lived since their birthdate day the previous month.
            //       then take the referral date and simply add the number of days the person has lived this month.

            //If referral date is january, we need to go back to the following year's December to get the days in that month.
            if (dtReferralDate.Month == 1)
                iDays = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtReferralDate.Year - 1, 12) - dtBirthDate.Day + dtReferralDate.Day;       
                iDays = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtReferralDate.Year, dtReferralDate.Month - 1) - dtBirthDate.Day + dtReferralDate.Day;       
            iDays = dtReferralDate.Day - dtBirthDate.Day;             

        // Store Days in Return Value
        dYMD.Add("Days", iDays);

        return dYMD;

答案 29 :(得分:7)

我对Mark Soen's回答了一个小改动:我重写了第三行,以便可以更轻松地解析表达式。

public int AgeInYears(DateTime bday)
    DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
    int age = now.Year - bday.Year;            
    if (bday.AddYears(age) > now) 
    return age;


答案 30 :(得分:7)

这个经典问题值得Noda Time解决方案。

static int GetAge(LocalDate dateOfBirth)
    Instant now = SystemClock.Instance.Now;

    // The target time zone is important.
    // It should align with the *current physical location* of the person
    // you are talking about.  When the whereabouts of that person are unknown,
    // then you use the time zone of the person who is *asking* for the age.
    // The time zone of birth is irrelevant!

    DateTimeZone zone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["America/New_York"];

    LocalDate today = now.InZone(zone).Date;

    Period period = Period.Between(dateOfBirth, today, PeriodUnits.Years);

    return (int) period.Years;


LocalDate dateOfBirth = new LocalDate(1976, 8, 27);
int age = GetAge(dateOfBirth);


  • 将时钟作为IClock传递,而不是使用SystemClock.Instance,可以提高可测试性。

  • 目标时区可能会发生变化,因此您也需要DateTimeZone参数。

另请参阅我关于此主题的博文:Handling Birthdays, and Other Anniversaries

答案 31 :(得分:6)


DateTime Dob = DateTime.Parse("1985-04-24");

int Age = DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(DateTime.Now.Subtract(Dob).TotalHours/24).Year - 1;


答案 32 :(得分:6)


DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
DateTime birthday = new DateTime(1991, 02, 03);//3rd feb

int age = now.Year - birthday.Year;

if (now.Month < birthday.Month || (now.Month == birthday.Month && now.Day < birthday.Day))//not had bday this year yet

return age;


答案 33 :(得分:6)


private int CalcularIdade(DateTime dtNascimento)
        var nHoje = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
        var nAniversario = Convert.ToInt32(dtNascimento.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

        double diff = (nHoje - nAniversario) / 10000;

        var ret = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(diff));

        return ret;

希望它可以帮助某人,至少会让某人认为.. :)

答案 34 :(得分:5)

=== 俗语(从几个月到几岁) ===


DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
DateTime bday = DateTime.Parse("2016-2-14");
int age = today.Year - bday.Year;
var unit = "";

if (bday > today.AddYears(-age))
if (age == 0)   // Under one year old
    age = today.Month - bday.Month;

    age = age <= 0 ? (12 + age) : age;  // The next year before birthday

    age = today.Day - bday.Day >= 0 ? age : --age;  // Before the birthday.day

    unit = "month";
else {
    unit = "year";

if (age > 1)
    unit = unit + "s";


The birthday: 2016-2-14

2016-2-15 =>  age=0, unit=month;
2016-5-13 =>  age=2, unit=months;
2016-5-14 =>  age=3, unit=months; 
2016-6-13 =>  age=3, unit=months; 
2016-6-15 =>  age=4, unit=months; 
2017-1-13 =>  age=10, unit=months; 
2017-1-14 =>  age=11, unit=months; 
2017-2-13 =>  age=11, unit=months; 
2017-2-14 =>  age=1, unit=year; 
2017-2-15 =>  age=1, unit=year; 
2017-3-13 =>  age=1, unit=year;
2018-1-13 =>  age=1, unit=year; 
2018-1-14 =>  age=1, unit=year; 
2018-2-13 =>  age=1, unit=year; 
2018-2-14 =>  age=2, unit=years; 

答案 35 :(得分:5)

    private int GetYearDiff(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        int diff = end.Year - start.Year;
        if (end.DayOfYear < start.DayOfYear) { diff -= 1; }
        return diff;
    public void GetYearDiff_WhenCalls_ShouldReturnCorrectYearDiff()
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        Assert.Equal(24, GetYearDiff(new DateTime(1992, 7, 9), now)); // passed
        Assert.Equal(24, GetYearDiff(new DateTime(1992, now.Month, now.Day), now)); // passed
        Assert.Equal(23, GetYearDiff(new DateTime(1992, 12, 9), now)); // passed

答案 36 :(得分:4)


public static class AgeExtender
    public static int GetAge(this DateTime dt)
        int d = int.Parse(dt.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
        int t = int.Parse(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
        return (t-d)/10000;

答案 37 :(得分:4)


int age = DateTime.Now.AddTicks(0 - dob.Ticks).Year - 1;

答案 38 :(得分:3)


DateTime myBD = new DateTime(1980, 10, 10);
TimeSpan difference = DateTime.Now.Subtract(myBD);

textBox1.Text = difference.Years + " years " + difference.Months + " Months " + difference.Days + " days";

答案 39 :(得分:3)

public string GetAge(this DateTime birthdate, string ageStrinFormat = null)
    var date = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-birthdate.Month).AddDays(-birthdate.Day);
    return string.Format(ageStrinFormat ?? "{0}/{1}/{2}",
        (date.Year - birthdate.Year), date.Month, date.Day);

答案 40 :(得分:2)


    public static string ToAge(this DateTime dob, DateTime? toDate = null)
        if (!toDate.HasValue)
            toDate = DateTime.Now;
        var now = toDate.Value;

        if (now.CompareTo(dob) < 0)
            return "Future date";

        int years = now.Year - dob.Year;
        int months = now.Month - dob.Month;
        int days = now.Day - dob.Day;

        if (days < 0)
            days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(dob.Year, dob.Month) - dob.Day + now.Day;

        if (months < 0)
            months = 12 + months;

        return string.Format("{0} year(s), {1} month(s), {2} days(s)",


    public void ToAgeTests()
        var date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 0 month(s), 1 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 12, 31).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 0 month(s), 0 days(s)", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("1 year(s), 0 month(s), 0 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 11 month(s), 0 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 2, 1).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 10 month(s), 25 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 2, 4).ToAge(date));
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 10 month(s), 1 days(s)", new DateTime(1999, 2, 28).ToAge(date));

        date = new DateTime(2000, 2, 15);
        Assert.AreEqual("0 year(s), 0 month(s), 28 days(s)", new DateTime(2000, 1, 18).ToAge(date));

答案 41 :(得分:2)


public string LoopAge(DateTime myDOB, DateTime FutureDate)
    int years = 0;
    int months = 0;
    int days = 0;

    DateTime tmpMyDOB = new DateTime(myDOB.Year, myDOB.Month, 1);

    DateTime tmpFutureDate = new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, FutureDate.Month, 1);

    while (tmpMyDOB.AddYears(years).AddMonths(months) < tmpFutureDate)
        if (months > 12)
            months = months - 12;

    if (FutureDate.Day >= myDOB.Day)
        days = days + FutureDate.Day - myDOB.Day;
        if (months < 0)
            months = months + 12;
        days = days + (DateTime.DaysInMonth(FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Year, FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Month) + FutureDate.Day) - myDOB.Day;


    //add an extra day if the dob is a leap day
    if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(myDOB.Year) && myDOB.Month == 2 && myDOB.Day == 29)
        //but only if the future date is less than 1st March
        if(FutureDate >= new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, 3,1))

    return "Years: " + years + " Months: " + months + " Days: " + days;

答案 42 :(得分:2)

var birthDate = ... // DOB
var resultDate = DateTime.Now - birthDate;


答案 43 :(得分:2)


DateTime zeroTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
var date1 = new DateTime(1983, 03, 04);
var date2 = DateTime.Now;
var dif = date2 - date1;
int years = (zeroTime + dif).Year - 1;
Log.DebugFormat("Years -->{0}", years);

答案 44 :(得分:2)


int AgeNow(DateTime birthday)
    return AgeAt(DateTime.Now, birthday);

int AgeAt(DateTime now, DateTime birthday)
    return AgeAt(now, birthday, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar);

int AgeAt(DateTime now, DateTime birthday, Calendar calendar)
    // My age has increased on the morning of my 
    // birthday even though I was born in the evening.
    now = now.Date;
    birthday = birthday.Date;

    var age = 0;
    if (now <= birthday) return age; // I am zero now if I am to be born tomorrow.

    while (calendar.AddYears(birthday, age + 1) <= now)
    return age;


PASSED: someone born on 28 February 1964 is age 4 on 28 February 1968
PASSED: someone born on 29 February 1964 is age 3 on 28 February 1968
PASSED: someone born on 31 December 2016 is age 0 on 01 January 2017


答案 45 :(得分:2)


(DateTime.Now - myDate).TotalHours / 8766.0

当前日期 - myDate = TimeSpan,获取总小时数并除以每年的总小时数,并获得年龄/月/日... ...

答案 46 :(得分:2)


Public Shared Function CalculateAge(BirthDate As DateTime) As Integer
    Dim HebCal As New System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar ()
    Dim now = DateTime.Now()
    Dim iAge = HebCal.GetYear(now) - HebCal.GetYear(BirthDate)
    Dim iNowMonth = HebCal.GetMonth(now), iBirthMonth = HebCal.GetMonth(BirthDate)
    If iNowMonth < iBirthMonth Or (iNowMonth = iBirthMonth AndAlso HebCal.GetDayOfMonth(now) < HebCal.GetDayOfMonth(BirthDate)) Then iAge -= 1
    Return iAge
End Function

答案 47 :(得分:2)


public override bool IsValid(DateTime value)
    _dateOfBirth =  value;
    var yearsOld = (double) (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_dateOfBirth).TotalDays/365);
    if (yearsOld > 18)
        return true;
    return false; 

答案 48 :(得分:1)


public static int GetAgeByLoop(DateTime birthday)
    var age = -1;

    for (var date = birthday; date < DateTime.Today; date = date.AddYears(1))

    return age;

答案 49 :(得分:1)


DateTime birthDay = new DateTime(1990, 05, 23);
DateTime age = DateTime.Now - birthDay;


答案 50 :(得分:1)



System.DateTime birthTime = AskTheUser(myUser); // :-)
System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now;
System.TimeSpan age = now - birthTime; //as simple as that
double ageInDays = age.TotalDays; // will you convert to whatever you want yourself?

答案 51 :(得分:1)


public int GetAge(DateTime DateOfBirth)
    var Now = DateTime.UtcNow;
    return Now.Year - DateOfBirth.Year -
                Now.Month > DateOfBirth.Month ||
                (Now.Month == DateOfBirth.Month && Now.Day >= DateOfBirth.Day)
            ) ? 0 : 1

答案 52 :(得分:1)


private int CalculateAge()
//get birthdate
   DateTime dtBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(BirthDatePicker.Value);
   int byear = dtBirth.Year;
   int bmonth = dtBirth.Month;
   int bday = dtBirth.Day;
   DateTime dtToday = DateTime.Now;
   int tYear = dtToday.Year;
   int tmonth = dtToday.Month;
   int tday = dtToday.Day;
   int age = tYear - byear;
   if (bmonth < tmonth)
   else if (bmonth == tmonth && bday>tday)
return age;

答案 53 :(得分:1)


int age = (Int32.Parse(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) - 
           Int32.Parse(birthday.ToString("yyyyMMdd rawrrr"))) / 10000;

答案 54 :(得分:1)


 var birthYear=1993;
 var age = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-birthYear).Year;

答案 55 :(得分:1)

这是计算某人年龄的最简单方法 计算某人的年龄非常简单,这就是方法!为了使代码有效,您需要一个名为BirthDate的DateTime对象,其中包含生日。

        // get the difference in years
        int years = DateTime.Now.Year - BirthDate.Year; 
        // subtract another year if we're before the
        // birth day in the current year
        if (DateTime.Now.Month < BirthDate.Month || 
            (DateTime.Now.Month == BirthDate.Month && 
            DateTime.Now.Day < BirthDate.Day)) 
        ' get the difference in years
        Dim years As Integer = DateTime.Now.Year - BirthDate.Year
        ' subtract another year if we're before the
        ' birth day in the current year
        If DateTime.Now.Month < BirthDate.Month Or (DateTime.Now.Month = BirthDate.Month And DateTime.Now.Day < BirthDate.Day) Then 
            years = years - 1
        End If

答案 56 :(得分:1)


public struct Age : IEquatable<Age>, IComparable<Age>
    private readonly int _years;
    private readonly int _months;
    private readonly int _days;

    public int Years  { get { return _years; } }
    public int Months { get { return _months; } }
    public int Days { get { return _days; } }

    public Age( int years, int months, int days ) : this()
        _years = years;
        _months = months;
        _days = days;

    public static Age CalculateAge( DateTime dateOfBirth, DateTime date )
        // Here is some logic that ressembles Mike's solution, although it
        // also takes into account months & days.
        // Ommitted for brevity.
        return new Age (years, months, days);

    // Ommited Equality, Comparable, GetHashCode, functionality for brevity.

答案 57 :(得分:0)


        DateTime dob = new DateTime(1991, 3, 4); 
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now; 
        int dobDay = dob.Day, dobMonth = dob.Month; 
        int add = -1; 
        if (dobMonth < now.Month)
            add = 0;
        else if (dobMonth == now.Month)
            if(dobDay <= now.Day)
                add = 0;
                add = -1;
            add = -1;
        int age = now.Year - dob.Year + add;

答案 58 :(得分:0)

   <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f)" #f="ngForm">
    <label for='mail'>Mail </label>
    <input ngControl="email" name="email" type='text' id='mail' ngModel required>
    <label for='password'>password </label>
    <input ngControl="password" name="password" type='text' id='password'  ngModel required>
    <label for='confirm-password'>Confirm Password </label>
    <input ngControl="confirm-password" name="confirm-password" ngModel type='text' id='confirm-password' required>
  <button type="submit"> Submit</button>
    try by giving name, ngModel to inputs

答案 59 :(得分:0)



using System;

namespace TSA
    class BirthDay
        double ageDay;
        public BirthDay(int day, int month, int year)
            DateTime birthDate = new DateTime(year, month, day);
            ageDay = (birthDate - DateTime.Now).TotalDays; //DateTime.UtcNow

        internal int GetAgeYear()
            return (int)Math.Truncate(ageDay / 365);

        internal int GetAgeMonth()
            return (int)Math.Truncate((ageDay % 365) / 30);


BirthDay b = new BirthDay(1,12,1990);
int year = b.GetAgeYear();
int month = b.GetAgeMonth();

答案 60 :(得分:0)


using System;
public class Program
    public static int getAge(int month, int day, int year) {
        DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
        int currentDay = today.Day;
        int currentYear = today.Year;
        int currentMonth = today.Month;
        int age = 0;
        if (currentMonth < month) {
            age -= 1;
        } else if (currentMonth == month) {
            if (currentDay < day) {
                age -= 1;
        currentYear -= year;
        age += currentYear;
        return age;
    public static void Main()
        int ageInYears = getAge(8, 10, 2007);


答案 61 :(得分:0)


DateTime dateOfBirth;

int ageInYears = DateTime.Now.Year - dateOfBirth.Year;

if (dateOfBirth > today.AddYears(-ageInYears )) ageInYears --;

答案 62 :(得分:-1)


    DateTime dateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime("01/16/1990");
    var age = ((DateTime.Now - dateOfBirth).Days) / 365;

答案 63 :(得分:-2)


TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(Birthdate);
age = (byte)(ts.TotalDays / 365.25);

答案 64 :(得分:-4)

int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthday.Year;
if (DateTime.Now.Month < birthday.Month || DateTime.Now.Month == birthday.Month 
&& DateTime.Now.Day < birthday.Day) age--;

答案 65 :(得分:-4)


var ts = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1988, 3, 19);
var age = Math.Round(ts.Days / 365.0);

答案 66 :(得分:-6)


