无法使HTTP POST请求正常工作

时间:2012-01-21 06:38:57

标签: c winapi http post

我正在尝试使用HTTP POST请求从我正在使用的游戏中发送文件到游戏的网站。当我使用HTML页面上的表单发送文件时,它工作正常。但是,我无法在游戏中模拟同样的事情。我收到的响应代码为200表示请求成功,但上传脚本表明它收到了GET请求,$ _FILES和$ _POST数组为空。我已经查看了HTML表单的POST和Wireshark中游戏的POST的输出,但是无法检测到两者之间有任何有意义的差异。 (如果我知道如何完全复制HTML表单的POST方法,我会,但我不认为这是可能的。)


HINTERNET           hInternet;
HINTERNET           hConnect;
HINTERNET           hRequest;
DWORD               dwBytesWritten;
DWORD               dwNumBytesToWrite;
char                szBoundary[32];
char                szContentTypeHeader[64];
char                szFileHeader[256];
char                szFileFooter[4];
char                szBodyFooter[32];
ULONG               ulTotalBytesWritten;
ULONG               ulOffset;
ULONG               ulContentLength;

// Get a handle for working with the Internet.
hInternet = InternetOpen( "Wrack", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( hInternet == NULL )
    return ( false );

// Open an HTTP session for the site.
hConnect = InternetConnect( hInternet, "wrackgame.com", INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, NULL );
if ( hConnect == NULL )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );

    return ( false );

// Open the POST request.
hRequest = HttpOpenRequest( hConnect, "POST", "leaderboard/upload_file.php", NULL, "http://www.wrackgame.com/leaderboard/upload.html", NULL, 0, NULL );
if ( hRequest == NULL )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );

    return ( false );

// Generate our various headers and footers.
sprintf_s( szBoundary, "----%04x%04x%04x", rand( ) % 0xffff, rand( ) % 0xffff, rand( ) % 0xffff );
sprintf_s( szContentTypeHeader, "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s", szBoundary );
sprintf_s( szFileHeader, "--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n", szBoundary, "file", "testreplay.wrp" );
sprintf_s( szFileFooter, "\r\n" );
sprintf_s( szBodyFooter, "--%s--\r\n", szBoundary );

// Build our header.
if ( HttpAddRequestHeaders( hRequest, szContentTypeHeader, -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD ) == false )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
    InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

    return ( false );

// Calculate how much data we'll be sending.
ulContentLength = network_CalcContentLength( szFileHeader, szFileFooter, szBodyFooter );

// Initialize our buffers.
memset( &Buffers, 0, sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ));
Buffers.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS );
Buffers.dwBufferTotal = ulContentLength;

// Send our HTTP request.
if ( HttpSendRequestEx( hRequest, &Buffers, NULL, HSR_INITIATE, NULL ) == false )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
    InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

    return ( false );

// Send the header.
ulTotalBytesWritten = 0;
if ( InternetWriteFile( hRequest, szFileHeader, strlen( szFileHeader ), &dwBytesWritten ) == false )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
    InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

    return ( false );
ulTotalBytesWritten += dwBytesWritten;

// Next, write the body of the replay.
ulOffset = 0;
while ( ulOffset < (DWORD)REPLAY_GetReplaySize( ))
    // Determine how many bytes of the replay to send. If we're almost
    // done, send less than 1024 bytes.
    dwNumBytesToWrite = min( 1024, REPLAY_GetReplaySize( ) - ulOffset );

    // Send a piece of the replay and log how many bytes we actually
    // transferred.
    if ( InternetWriteFile( hRequest, REPLAY_GetReplayData( ) + ulOffset, dwNumBytesToWrite, &dwBytesWritten ) == false )
        InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
        InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
        InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

        return ( false );
    ulTotalBytesWritten += dwBytesWritten;

    // Increment the offset of the replay buffer.
    ulOffset += 1024;

// Send our file footer.
if ( InternetWriteFile( hRequest, szFileFooter, strlen( szFileFooter ), &dwBytesWritten ) == false )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
    InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

    return ( false );
ulTotalBytesWritten += dwBytesWritten;

// Send our body footer.
if ( InternetWriteFile( hRequest, szBodyFooter, strlen( szBodyFooter ), &dwBytesWritten ) == false )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
    InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

    return ( false );
ulTotalBytesWritten += dwBytesWritten;

// Close our request now that we're done.
if ( HttpEndRequest( hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL ) == false )
    InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
    InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
    InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

    return ( false );

InternetCloseHandle( hInternet );
InternetCloseHandle( hConnect );
InternetCloseHandle( hRequest );

// No need to do anything more!
return ( true );

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我之前试图回答这个问题,但我猜它没有通过。无论如何,我觉得很傻。它现在工作得很好。它无法工作的原因是因为我将InternetOpen()的第二个参数称为“wrackgame.com”,而不是“www.wrackgame.com”。我不知道为什么阻止它工作 - 特别是考虑到我的上传脚本/leaderboard/upload_file.php正在执行。这不像流量没有到达服务器。奇怪。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我不熟悉WinINet lib,但是libcurl有一个c interface,包括一些关于如何setup a HTTP POST request
