Google Map地理位置的结果列表(非自动填充)

时间:2012-01-20 16:43:24

标签: jquery list google-maps autocomplete

我有代码使地理编码位置可以作为自动完成,但问题是我需要的是在文本框旁边的静态列表中打印的结果 (你写的地址在哪里写的),而不是当你在你关注任何其他控件时你自己写完并自我关闭的自动完成。




<script type="text/javascript">
 $().ready(function() {demo2();});

 // the select function uses the viewport of the chosen location to relocate the map
 function demo2() {
     var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("demo2_map"), { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP });

        select: function(_event, _ui) {
            if (_ui.item.viewport) map.fitBounds(_ui.item.viewport);}


以下是我用来创建名为 autocomplete.js 的自动填充的代码:

$.widget( "ui.geo_autocomplete", {
// setup the element as an autocomplete widget with some geo goodness added
_init: function() {
    this.options._geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder; // geocoder object
    this.options._cache = {}; // cache of geocoder responses

    // _renderItem is used to prevent the widget framework from escaping the HTML required to show the static map thumbnail'autocomplete')._renderItem = function(_ul, _item) {
        return $('<li></li>').data('item.autocomplete', _item).append(this.options.getItemHTML(_item)).appendTo(_ul);

// default values
options: {
    geocoder_region: '', // filter to a specific region, e.g. 'Europe'
    geocoder_types: 'locality,political,country', // array of acceptable location types, see
    geocoder_address: true, // true = use the full formatted address, false = use only the segment that matches the search term

    minLength: 3, // see
    delay: 300, // see
    // callback function to get autocomplete results
    source: function(_request, _response) {
        if (_request.term in this.options._cache) {
        } else {
            var self = this;
            var _address = _request.term + (this.options.geocoder_region ? ', ' + this.options.geocoder_region : '');
            this.options._geocoder.geocode({'address': _address}, function(_results, _status) {
                var _parsed = [];
                if (_results && _status && _status == 'OK') {
                    var _types = self.options.geocoder_types.split(',');
                    $.each(_results, function(_key, _result) {
                        // if this is an acceptable location type with a viewport, it's a good result

                            if (self.options.geocoder_address) {
                                _place = _result.formatted_address;
                            } else {
                                // place is first matching segment, or first segment
                                var _place_parts = _result.formatted_address.split(',');
                                var _place = _place_parts[0];
                                $.each(_place_parts, function(_key, _part) {
                                    if (_part.toLowerCase().indexOf(_request.term.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
                                        _place = $.trim(_part);
                                        return false; // break

                                value: _place,
                                label: _result.formatted_address,
                                viewport: _result.geometry.viewport

                self.options._cache[_request.term] = _parsed;
    // returns the HTML used for each autocomplete list item
    getItemHTML: function(_item) {                  
        return '<a>'+_item.label+'</a>';


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