MATLAB OOP:如何从B类对象中的方法内部调用A类对象的方法?

时间:2012-01-18 20:53:41

标签: oop matlab





我实例化每一个 - 所以我现在有一个myWindow和myTracker对象。

在我的主脚本中,我调用了一个方法myWindow.isNewbead()。 isNewbead是类Window的公共方法。



在isNewbead()中,我调用myTracker.getpredictedPositions()。 getpredictedPositions()是Tracker类的公共方法。但是,当我运行这一行时,我得到一个错误,说变量'myTracker'未定义。当然,我查看变量工作空间,唯一的变量是局部变量INSIDE myWindow.isNewbead();



  1. OOP到处都是这样吗?也就是说,你不能从另一个对象的方法内部调用对象的公共方法而不显式地将第一个对象传递给第二个对象的方法吗?这对我来说似乎很麻烦,因为我在每个方法中都使用了不同类的大量对象的属性和方法,所以每次都要传递数百个对象!

  2. 如果这只是一个特定于MATLAB的问题(比如无静态变量的问题),那么我该如何解决这个问题?

  3. 非常感谢你!


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

对于Singleton,该模式需要“一种机制来访问单例类成员而不创建类对象”。如果你正在传递课程的实例,你做错了。这是一个使用静态类和全局appdata空间的Matlab实现。有another implementationFile Exchange来自{{3}},但它会被clear classes删除。选择你的毒药。

classdef MySingleton < handle
%SingletonParent - A class to limit the instances created to one.
%There is a problem with matlab:
%   clear classes will clear just about any instance, even those stored in
%   persistent variables inside of functions.  This would close any opened singletons
%   To work around this, we have a method that creates an instance and assigns
%   it to the appdata structure.  This instance can be explicitly killed, but
%   clear all and clear classes will not kill it.  If you ever clear classes,
%   you will get several messages of this flavor:
%   Warning: Objects of 'MySingleton' class exist.  Cannot clear this
%   class or any of its super-classes.
%   because of the way we assign and store the singleton, you cannot make
% this an abstract parent
%   Also, any intialization must be done after you get the instance, since you
%   have to be able to create it without any data.

properties  (Constant)
    APP_DATA_NAME = 'MySingleton';
end %properties

methods (Access = private)
    function obj = MySingleton()
        %initialization code.
        %must be private to ensure getInstance call is the only link into it.
    end %Singleton
end%private methods

methods (Static)
    function out = getInstance()

    %getInstance - get/creates Singleton
    %   stores the instnace such that it is immune to clear all/clear classes
    %out = getInstance
    %   singleton instance.  if it does not exist, creates a default one, or passes the data to the ctor

    if ~isappdata(0, MySingleton.APP_DATA_NAME);
        obj = MySingleton;
        setappdata(0, MySingleton.APP_DATA_NAME, obj);

    out = getappdata(0, MySingleton.APP_DATA_NAME);

    end %getMasterInstance()

end %static methods

    %public methods that it uses to work.
end %PublicMethods

end %MySingleton Class

答案 1 :(得分:0)

