经典ASP - 转换脚本以使用导致问题的参数

时间:2012-01-18 05:06:00

标签: sql asp-classic



selectClause = "SELECT column FROM table "
whereClause = "WHERE something = 'something' "

If something = "someCondition" Then
whereClause = whereClause & "AND something = '"&input&"' "
End If

If somethingElse = "someOtherCondition" Then
whereClause = whereClause & "AND somethingElse = '"&input&"' "
End If

' ... plus loads more conditional statements...

orderClause = "ORDER BY something DESC "

' get the total number of records, which is now what I am stuck on ////

SQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ("&selectClause & whereClause&") AS Q1; "
Set rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
If NOT rs.EOF Then
Session("record-count") = rs.Fields("totalRecords")
End If

' calculate paging and limitClause

... some code
limitClause = limit 0, 20 ' example

' build query

SQL = selectClause & whereClause & orderClause & limitClause



selectClause = "SELECT column FROM table "
whereClause = "WHERE something = 'something' "

If something = "someCondition" Then
whereClause = whereClause & "AND something = ? "
Set newParameter = cmdConn.CreateParameter("@blah1", ad_varChar, ad_ParamInput, Len(input), Replace(input,"'","\'"))
cmdConn.Parameters.Append newParameter
End If

If somethingElse = "someOtherCondition" Then
whereClause = whereClause & "AND somethingElse = ? "
Set newParameter = cmdConn.CreateParameter("@blah2", ad_varChar, ad_ParamInput, Len(input), Replace(input,"'","\'"))
cmdConn.Parameters.Append newParameter
End If

orderClause = "ORDER BY something DESC "

' but now the whereClause contains ?'s which cannot be used here, which has confused me on how I should be getting the new count.
' /////////////////////////////
SQL = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ("&selectClause & whereClause&") AS Q1; "
Set rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)
If NOT rs.EOF Then
Session("record-count") = rs.Fields("totalRecords")
End If
' /////////////////////////////

' calculate paging and limitClause

... some code
limitClause = "limit x, y;"

' build query

SQL = selectClause & whereClause & orderClause & limitClause

cmdConn.CommandText = SQL




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

基本上除了selectorder by子句之外的所有内容对于两个查询都是相同的。


  • 将除selectorder by子句之外的所有内容移动到子例程中。
  • select子句设置为select column from table,调用子例程进行常规处理,然后适当设置order by子句并执行SQL。
  • 然后将select子句设置为select count(*) from table,调用子例程进行公共处理,然后执行SQL(无order by子句)。

或者,您可以使用第一个查询结果中的ADO RecordSet RecordCount property之类的内容来获取返回的记录数吗?