
时间:2012-01-11 14:40:02

标签: processing





// Basic Breakout game
// Code from Matthre Yee-King

// brick position
float brickX;
float brickY;

// brick width and height
float brickH;
float brickW;

// ball position
float ballX;
float ballY;

// ball diameter
float ballD;

// ball direction
float ballDx;
float ballDy;

// bat position
float batX;

//bat width
float batW;
float batH;

//bat colour
float batB;

void setup() {
  size (500, 500, P2D);

  // set sizes of game items
  brickW = 100;
  brickH = 50;
  batW = 100;
  batH = 25;
  ballD = 25;
  batB = 255;

  // random brick position
  brickX = random(0, width - brickW);
  brickY = random (0, height / 2);

  // bat in the centre
  batX = (width/2) - (batW/2);

  // ball atop bat
  ballX = batX + (batW/2);
  ballY = height - batH - (ballD/2);

  // ball movement
  ballDx = random(-5, 5);
  ballDy = -5;

void draw() {
  // check for ball collision
  // with top or sides of bat

  // check for ball collision with
  // left right and top walls
  // and bounce

  // check ball against brick

  // move the ball
  ballX += ballDx;
  ballY += ballDy;

  // draw the bat
  fill(0, 255, 0);
  rect(batX, height - batH, batW, batH);

  // draw the brick
  fill(0, 0, batB);
  batB = (batB + 10) % 255;
  rect(brickX, brickY, brickW, brickH);

  // draw the ball
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballD, ballD);

  if (keyCode == 37) { // left cursor key
    batX -= 10;

    // keep it on the screen
    if (batX < 0) {
      batX = 0;

  if (keyCode == 39) {
    batX += 10;
    if (batX > (width - batW)) {
      batX = width - batW;

// when they let go of the key, reset the keyCode
void keyReleased() {
  keyCode = -1;

// this function checks if the ball has hit the top or sides of the bat and
// updates its direction as appropriate so the ball bouncs off the bat
void checkBallAgainstBat() {
  if (ballY + ballD > height - batH) {
    ballDy *= -1;

// this function checks if the ball has hit the brick. It should bounce off
// the brick and return true if so
boolean checkBallAgainstBrick() {
  return false;

// this function checks if the ball has hit the top, left or right
// walls and update its
// direction as appropriate so the ball bounces off the walls
void checkBallAgainstWalls() {
  if (ballX + ballD > width) {
    ballDx *= -1;
  if (ballX - ballD < 0) {
    ballDx *= -1;
  if (ballY - ballD < 0) {
    ballDy *= -1;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


if (lower_edge(ball) > top_edge(bat)) { 
   // the ball has entered territory where it might have collided
   if ((left_edge(ball) <= right_edge(bat)) && (right_edge(ball) >= left_edge(bat))) {
      // the ball's within the horizontal bounds of the bat, so it's a "hit"
      ... calculate deflection ...
   } else {
      // oops, ball's gone past the bat and wasn't hit
} else {
  // ball's still above the bat somewhere. do nothing
