Cocoa / ARC - 为什么将结构作为参数传递导致自动释放池上的错误访问?

时间:2012-01-11 05:02:07

标签: cocoa parameters struct exc-bad-access automatic-ref-counting

在我发现它在模拟器上工作正常后,我刚刚完成调试我的项目的地狱,但是在使用ARC的@autoreleasepool上在具有EXC BAD ACCESS错误的设备上进行测试时会崩溃。





struct xyz{
    GLfloat x;
    GLfloat y;
    GLfloat z;



-(id) initWithPosition: (struct xyz) setPosition rotation: (struct xyz) setRotation
    self = [super init];
    if(self) {
        position = setPosition;
        rotation = setRotation;
    return self;


struct xyz position;
struct xyz rotation;

// Fill position / rotation with data here....

foo *bar = [[foo alloc] initWithPosition: position rotation: rotation];

导致了EXC BAD ACCESS。所以我将init方法更改为:

-(id) initWithPositionX: (GLfloat) xp Y: (GLfloat) yp Z: (GLfloat) zp RotationX: (GLfloat) xr Y: (GLfloat) yr Z: (GLfloat) zr
    self = [super init];
    if(self) {
        position.x = xp;
        position.y = yp;
        position.z = zp;

        rotation.x = xr;
        rotation.y = yr;
        rotation.z = zr;

    return self;



谢谢, - Adam Eisfeld




-(id) initWithName: (NSString*) setName fromFile: (NSString*) file
    self = [super init];
    if(self) {

        //Initialize ivars
        name = setName;
        joints = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
        animations = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
        animationCount = 0;
        frameCount = 0;

        //Init file objects for reading
        NSError *fileError;
        NSStringEncoding *encoding;

        //Load the specified file's contents into an NSString
        NSString *fileData = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:file ofType:@"dat"] usedEncoding:encoding error:&fileError];

        //Create a new NGLMaterial to apply to all of the loaded models from the file
        NGLMaterial *material = [[NGLMaterial alloc] init];
        material = [NGLMaterial material];
        material.diffuseMap = [NGLTexture texture2DWithFile:@"resources/models/diffuse.bmp"];

        //Check for nil file data
        if(fileData == nil)
            NSLog(@"Error reading mesh file");
            //Separate the NSString of the file's contents into an array, one line per indice
            NSMutableArray *fileLines = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[fileData componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"] copyItems: YES];

            //Create a pseudo counter variable
            int i = -1;

            //Allocate a nul NSString for looping
            NSString *line = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@""];

            //Loop through each of the lines in the fileLines array, parsing the line's data
            for (line in fileLines) {

                //Increase the pseudo counter variable to determine what line we're currently on

                if (i == 0) {
                    //The first line of the file refers to the number of animations for the player
                    animationCount = [line intValue];

                    if (i == [fileLines count]-2) {
                        //The last line of the file refers to the frame count for the player
                        frameCount = [line intValue];

                        //The lines inbetween the first and last contain the names of the .obj files to load

                        //Obtain the current .obj path by combining the name of the model with it's path
                        NSString *objPath = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"resources/models/%@.obj", line];

                        //Instantiate a new NGLMesh with the objPath NSString
                        NGLMesh *newMesh = [[NGLMesh alloc] initWithOBJFile:objPath];

                        //Apply various settings to the mesh such as material
                        newMesh.material = material;
                        newMesh.rotationOrder = NGLRotationOrderZYX;

                        //Compile the changes to the mesh
                        [newMesh compileCoreMesh];

                        //Add the mesh to this player's joints array
                        [joints addObject:newMesh];

                        //Read the animation data for this joint from it's associated file
                        NSLog(@"Reading animation data for: %@", line);

                        //The associated animation file for this model is found at (model's name).anim
                        NSString *animData =  [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:line ofType:@"anim"] usedEncoding:encoding error:&fileError];

                        //Check for nil animation data
                        if(animData == nil)
                            NSLog(@"Error reading animation file");

                            //Construct temporary position and rotation structs to store the read xyz data from each frame of animation
                            struct xyz position;
                            struct xyz rotation;

                            //Create a new scanner to scan the current animation file for it's xyz position / rotation data per frame
                            NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:animData];
                            while([scanner isAtEnd] == NO)

                                //Extract position data
                                [scanner scanFloat:&position.x];
                                [scanner scanFloat:&position.y];
                                [scanner scanFloat:&position.z];

                                //Extract rotation data
                                [scanner scanFloat:&rotation.x];
                                [scanner scanFloat:&rotation.y];
                                [scanner scanFloat:&rotation.z];

                                //OLD CODE NOT WORKING:
                                //AEFrame *frame = [[AEFrame alloc] initWithPosition: position rotation: rotation];

                                //Initialize new frame instance using new working init method
                                AEFrame *frame = [[AEFrame alloc] initWithPositionX:position.x Y:position.y Z:position.z RotationX:rotation.x Y:rotation.y Z:rotation.z];

                                //Add the created frame instace to the player's animations array
                                [animations addObject:frame];

    return self;


Frame 1 X Position
Frame 1 Y Position
Frame 1 Z Position
Frame 1 X Rotation
Frame 1 Y Rotation
Frame 1 Z Rotation
Frame 2 X Position
Frame 2 Y Position




  1. 用户实例化一个新的" AEPlayer"使用上述方法的类-initWithName:File:

  2. 此方法首先打开从maya导出的.dat文件,以查找要为播放器关节加载的文件的名称。

  3. 对于.dat文件中找到的每个联合名称,系统继续使用联合的名称实例化一个新的NGLMesh实例,其中包含" .obj"在它的末尾,然后打开当前联合的.anim文件。系统还会将实例化的NGLMesh添加到玩家的关节阵列中。

  4. 对于每个联合的.anim文件,它使用NSScanner读取文件。它一次扫描6行(xyz位置和每帧的xyz旋转)。在一帧的数据中扫描之后,它实例化一个叫做AEFrame的类,并将帧的位置数据设置为加载的位置数据,并将旋转数据设置为加载的旋转数据。这是我在将xyz位置结构和xyz旋转结构传递到它的init参数时遇到问题的类,但是" fixed"通过传入6个GLfloats,如上面的代码所示。

  5. 当帧已实例化时,此帧将添加到当前播放器的动画数组(NSMutableArray)中。这个动画数组最终变得相当大,因为它存储了模型中每个关节的所有动画数据。我正在测试的模型有42个关节,每个关节有12帧动画,每帧有6个GLfloats。

  6. 当系统完成将.dat文件中找到的所有.obj文件及其关联的.obj和.anim文件加载到内存中时,它就完成了。

  7. 在程序的主运行循环中,我只是循环遍历所有创建的AEPlayers,并且对于每个AEPLayer,我遍历播放器的关节数组,设置存储的NGLMesh的位置和旋转在当前玩家的联合中,在当前联合的玩家动画阵列中找到任何位置/旋转。

  8. 我意识到要让所有人阅读所有这些内容是一个很长的镜头,但我想我会把它扔出去。另外,我知道我在上面的代码片段中有一些我需要摆脱的死分配,但他们并没有对这个问题做出贡献(我在问题出现之后添加了它们,看看发生了什么事情在内存方面使用了仪器)。

    再次感谢您的帮助, - Adam Eisfeld

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)







NSStringEncoding *encoding;
//Load the specified file's contents into an NSString
NSString *fileData = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:file ofType:@"dat"] usedEncoding:encoding error:&fileError];

-[NSString initWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error]的usedEncoding参数是一个out参数,这意味着您提供存储并传递指向该存储的指针,该函数将向其写入一些输出。你已经提供了一个指针,但它没有指向任何有效的东西,当 - [NSString initWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error]写入usedEncoding指针时,它将覆盖一些东西。


NSStringEncoding encoding;
//Load the specified file's contents into an NSString
NSString *fileData = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:file ofType:@"dat"] usedEncoding:&encoding error:&fileError];
