我需要使用htmlentities()函数替换pre标签内的所有HTML符号。 (在我的博客中,我发布了包含HTML的代码,我只想显示这个HTML而不是在浏览器中解析它。)
< / LI> 醇>我认为我使用以下代码解决了问题2:
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<xml>' . $html . '</xml>');
$ xml现在看起来像:
<p>some random text</p>
<img src='image.jpg'>
<p>some random text</p>
foreach($xml->{'p'} as $p){
echo $p . '<hr>';
但是我也希望它包含在ul和ol中找到的所有文本(与它们在XML中出现的顺序相同。我已经搜索了一种循环遍历所有$ xml子项的方法但是我找不到如何检查元素是ap,ul还是ol。
我找不到解决问题1的方法,因为我不知道如何替换XML对象中的内容,但保留其他所有内容。 (或者我错过了一些完全明显的东西?)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
meta =与160个字符的摘录相同。
function prepareContent($content) {
// I use this instead of htmlentities for the plain text, this prevents HTML to be parsed inside the edit screen
// all HTML is served with htmlentities instead
function removeAngleBrackets($str) {
$str = str_replace('<','<',$str);
$str = str_replace('>','>',$str);
return $str;
$segments = preg_split('/(<\/?pre.*?>)/', $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// borrowed from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1278491/howto-encode-texts-outside-the-pre-pre-tag-with-htmlentities-php#answer-1278575
// this breaks when I nest pre's in pre's (unless I escape the <pre> myself), could be fixed though
// $state = 0 if outside of a pre
// $state = 1 if inside of a pre
$state = 0;
$plaintext = '';
$html = '';
$preless = '';
// $html, $plaintext and $preless are all written in here
foreach ($segments as &$segment) {
if ($state == 0) {
if (preg_match('#<pre[^>]*>#i',$segment)) {
//this is the pre opening tag
$state = 1;
$html .= $segment;
$plaintext .= $segment;
} else {
//this is outside the pre tag
$plaintext .= $segment;
$markdown = Markdown($segment);
$html .= $markdown;
$preless .= $markdown;
} else if ($state == 1) {
if ($segment == '</pre>') {
//this is the pre closing tag
$state = 0;
$html .= $segment;
$plaintext .= $segment;
} else {
//this is inside the pre tag
$plaintext .= removeAngleBrackets($segment);
// first encode > to > so I can re encode it together with other chars
// else we get double encoding like: $amp;gt;
$enti = html_entity_decode($segment);
$html .= htmlspecialchars($enti, ENT_QUOTES);
$arr['html'] = SmartyPants($html);
$arr['md'] = $plaintext;
// the excerpt & meta
// remove all html tags (markdown is already converted to HTML)
$tagless = strip_tags($preless);
function shrinkText($str, $limit) {
$strlen = strlen($str);
if($strlen > $limit) {
$pos = strpos($str, ' ', $limit);
if($strlen > $pos) {
$result = substr($str,0,$pos);
return $result ? $result : $str;
// I need to smartypants the excerpt to
$excerpt = shrinkText($tagless, 275) . ' (...)';
$arr['excerpt'] = SmartyPants($excerpt);
$arr['meta'] = shrinkText($tagless, 160);
return $arr;