
时间:2012-01-09 20:23:35

标签: iphone gradient


我正在使用带有故事板和iOS5的xcode 4.2.1,尽管这些形状是以编程方式在视图中绘制的。


    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

//set context-based constants
double widthMiddle = self.frame.size.width/2;
double heightMiddle = self.frame.size.height/2;
double avgDimension = (widthMiddle + heightMiddle) / 2;
float arcRadius = avgDimension * .9;
float innerRadius = avgDimension * .4;

double startAngle = 2 * (sectionNumber - 1) * (M_PI / 3);
double endAngle = (2 * (sectionNumber * (M_PI / 3))) - [sectionSpacing doubleValue];
double interfaceAngle = [sectionSpacing doubleValue] * (innerRadius / arcRadius);
double ratingRadius = innerRadius + ((arcRadius-innerRadius) * percentGood);
double percentInterfaceAngle = interfaceAngle * (1-percentGood);

//NSLog(@"InterfaceAngle and percentInterfaceAngle are: %f/%f", interfaceAngle, percentInterfaceAngle);

//draw grey background shape

CGContextSetLineWidth(context, [lineWeight doubleValue]);
//CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blueColor].CGColor);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, .65, .65, .65, 1);
CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(context, 1);

//outer arc
CGContextAddArc(context,                                                //context
                widthMiddle,                                            //X-value for center point of arc
                heightMiddle,                                           //Y-value for center point of arc
                arcRadius,                                              //Radius of the arc
                startAngle,                   //start angle in radians
                endAngle,    //end angle in radians (2pi = full circle)
                0);                                                     //Clockwise? 1 = true
//inner arc
CGContextAddArc(context,                                                //context
                widthMiddle,                                            //X-value for center point of arc
                heightMiddle,                                           //Y-value for center point of arc
                innerRadius,                                        //Radius of the arc
                endAngle - interfaceAngle,                                   //start angle in radians
                startAngle + interfaceAngle,                                                    //end angle in radians (2pi = full circle)
                1);                                                     //Clockwise? 1 = true

//CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor redColor].CGColor);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, .65, .65, .65, 1);
//CGContextSetAlpha(context, .6);
CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke );

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


CGContextClip将上下文的剪切路径设置为其当前剪切路径与其当前路径的交集,然后清除当前路径。 CGContextEOClip做同样的事情,但用不同的方式处理路径中的“漏洞”。如果您有一条与自身相交的路径,或者包含多个已关闭的子路径,那么这些路径才会有用。