Date Name ID
1/01, A, 1
1/01, B, 2
1/02, C, 3
1/02, D, 4
1/03, E, 5
1/01: IDs 1-2
1/02: IDs 3-4
1/03: ID 5
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我假设列“A”包含显示格式为mm / dd的Excel日期。
对于经验丰富的VBA程序员来说,这是一项微不足道的任务,所以我假设你不是VBA程序员或缺乏经验。我避免使用更高级的功能。但是,我使用了格式(日期显示为mm / dd,粗体,对齐),这是您没有要求的,以向您展示它是如何完成的。我没有告诉你如何访问VB编辑器或如何创建模块。如果您不知道,请询问。我曾经有人在错误的地方放了一些代码,这很难解释如何解决它。
Option Explicit
' I assume the sample data in your question is a simplification
' with many irrelevant columns omitted. The use of constants means
' that you can change the columns used by changing the following
' four statements.
Const ColSrcDate As Integer = 1 ' "A"
Const ColSrcId As Integer = 3 ' "C"
Const ColDestDate As Integer = 6 ' "F"
Const ColDestId As Integer = 7 ' "G"
Sub SummariseTasks()
Dim DateCrnt As Date
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim IdCrnt As Integer
Dim RowCrnt As Integer
Dim RowLast As Integer
' I have used three arrays to hold the summary data. There are better
' techniques but I think this is the easiest for a beginner.
Dim SummaryDate() As Date
Dim SummaryIdFirst() As Integer ' Change type
Dim SummaryIdLast() As Integer ' as necessary
Dim InxSummaryCrnt As Integer ' One index for all three arrays
Dim InxSummaryCrntMax As Integer
With Sheets("Sheet1")
' Find the last row on the worksheet
RowLast = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
' Size arrays to bigger than could be required and use
' InxSummaryCrntMax to identify the last entry used.
' You can use Redim Preserve to make an array bigger but
' I avoid using Redim Preserve more than necessary because
' it is expensive in memory and time.
ReDim SummaryDate(1 To RowLast)
ReDim SummaryIdFirst(1 To RowLast)
ReDim SummaryIdLast(1 To RowLast)
InxSummaryCrntMax = 0
' Most experienced programmers would load the entire source range
' into an array. We now know that using arrays is not that much
' faster than accessing individual cells within the worksheet so
' I have gone for simplicity.
' Introduction to syntax of addressing a worksheet
' .Cells The entire worksheet identified by the With statement
' .Cells(R,C) The single cell with row = R and column = C. R must
' be an integer while C can be a letter or a number with
' "A"=1. "B"=2. etc.
For RowCrnt = 2 To RowLast
If IsEmpty(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColSrcDate).Value) Then
' I assume that if the date column is empty, the row is empty
' Extract values to variables
DateCrnt = .Cells(RowCrnt, ColSrcDate).Value
IdCrnt = .Cells(RowCrnt, ColSrcId).Value
' Look for date in SummaryDate array
Found = False
For InxSummaryCrnt = 1 To InxSummaryCrntMax
If SummaryDate(InxSummaryCrnt) = DateCrnt Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
If Found Then
' This date already recorded. Update IdFirst
' and IdLast if necessary.
If SummaryIdFirst(InxSummaryCrnt) > IdCrnt Then
SummaryIdFirst(InxSummaryCrnt) = IdCrnt
End If
If SummaryIdLast(InxSummaryCrnt) < IdCrnt Then
SummaryIdLast(InxSummaryCrnt) = IdCrnt
End If
' First time this date found, Create
' new entry in summary arrays.
InxSummaryCrntMax = InxSummaryCrntMax + 1
SummaryDate(InxSummaryCrntMax) = DateCrnt
SummaryIdFirst(InxSummaryCrntMax) = IdCrnt
SummaryIdLast(InxSummaryCrntMax) = IdCrnt
End If
End If
End With
' The source data is now summarised in the Summary arrays.
' I have not sorted by date. This is possible if the source rows
' are not in date order but I would need more information to
' identify the best approach.
With Sheets("Sheet1")
' Erase any data from a previous run of this macro.
' Erase any formatting in case you have used bold or strikeout
' to highlight particular tasks as important or done
With .Columns(ColDestDate).EntireColumn
End With
With .Columns(ColDestId).EntireColumn
End With
' Create column headers
With .Cells(1, ColDestDate)
.Value = "Date"
.Font.Bold = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
End With
With .Cells(1, ColDestId)
.Value = "Id range"
.Font.Bold = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
' Store summary data
RowCrnt = 2
For InxSummaryCrnt = 1 To InxSummaryCrntMax
With .Cells(RowCrnt, ColDestDate)
.NumberFormat = "mm/dd"
.Value = SummaryDate(InxSummaryCrnt)
End With
With .Cells(RowCrnt, ColDestId)
.Value = "'" & SummaryIdFirst(InxSummaryCrnt) & "-" & _
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
End With
End Sub