使用Beautiful Soup检索结束和打开html标记之间的所有内容

时间:2012-01-04 18:17:49

标签: python beautifulsoup

我正在使用Python和Beautiful Soup解析内容,然后将其写入CSV文件,并且遇到了获取某组数据的问题。数据是通过我制作的TidyHTML的实现运行的,然后剥离了其他不需要的数据。



<h3><a href="Vol-1-pages-001.pdf">Pages 1-18</a></h3>
<ul><li>September 13 1880. First regular meeting of the faculty;
 September 14 1880. Discussion of curricular matters. Students are
 debarred from taking algebra until they have completed both mental
 and fractional arithmetic; October 4 1880.</li><li>All members present.</li></ul>
 <ul><li>Moved the faculty henceforth hold regular weekkly meetings in the
 President's room of the University building; 11 October 1880. All
 members present; 18 October 1880. Regular meeting 2. Moved that the
 President wait on the property holders on 12th street and request
 them to abate the nuisance on their property; 25 October 1880.
 Moved that the senior and junior classes for rhetoricals be...</li></ul>
 <h3><a href="Vol-1-pages-019.pdf">Pages 19-33</a></h3>`



第1-18页| Vol-1-pages-001.pdf |介于和标签之间的内容。



import glob, re, os, csv
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from tidylib import tidy_document
from collections import deque

html_path = 'Z:\\Applications\\MAMP\\htdocs\\uoassembly\\AssemblyRecordsVol1'
csv_path = 'Z:\\Applications\\MAMP\\htdocs\\uoassembly\\AssemblyRecordsVol1\\archiveVol1.csv'

html_cleanup = {'\r\r\n':'', '\n\n':'', '\n':'', '\r':'', '\r\r': '', '<img src="UOSymbol1.jpg"    alt="" />':''}

for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(html_path, '*.html') ):
    print "current file is: " + infile

    html = open(infile).read()

    for i, j in html_cleanup.iteritems():
            html = html.replace(i, j)

    #parse cleaned up html with Beautiful Soup
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

    #print soup
    html_to_csv = csv.writer(open(csv_path, 'a'), delimiter='|',
                      quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar=' ')  
    #retrieve the string that has the page range and file name
    volume = deque()
    fileName = deque()
    summary = deque()
    i = 0
    for title in soup.findAll('a'):
            if title['href'].startswith('V'):
             #print title.string
             #print soup('a')[i]['href']
             #print html_to_csv
             #html_to_csv.writerow([volume, fileName])

    #retrieve the summary of each archive and store
    #for body in soup.findAll('ul') or soup.findAll('ol'):
    #        summary.append(body)
    for body in soup.findAll('h3'):

    #print out each field into the csv file
    for c in range(i):
            pages = volume.popleft()
            path = fileName.popleft()
            notes = summary
            if not summary: 
                    notes = "help"
            if summary:
                    notes = summary.popleft()
            html_to_csv.writerow([pages, path, notes])

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import lxml.html
import urllib
data = urllib.urlopen('file:///C:/Users/ranveer/st.html').read() //contains your html snippet
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(data)
elements = doc.cssselect('ul li') // CSSpath[using firebug extension]
for element in elements:
      print element.text_content()    


如果您有任何机会计划使用lxml,那么您可以通过以下方式评估XPath表达式 -

import lxml
from lxml import etree
content = etree.HTML(urllib.urlopen("file:///C:/Users/ranveer/st.html").read())
content_text = content.xpath("html/body/h3[1]/a/@href | //ul[1]/li/text() | //ul[2]/li/text() | //h3[2]/a/@href")
print content_text


答案 1 :(得分:0)


from itertools import takewhile

h3s = soup('h3') # find all <h3> elements
for h3, h3next in zip(h3s, h3s[1:]):
  # get elements in between
  between_it = takewhile(lambda el: el is not h3next, h3.nextSiblingGenerator())
  # extract text
  print(''.join(getattr(el, 'text', el) for el in between_it))
