jQuery Mobile - 包含自定义对象的详细信息页面

时间:2012-01-02 09:09:26

标签: jquery jquery-mobile



现在,在ASP.NET中,你会做Details.aspx?Id = 1,但我将如何在jQuery Mobile中做?当我通过getJSON方法获取对象时。我需要将它们存储在数组中吗?

我应该在我当前的getJSON响应中添加它,没有任何对象具有绑定它的ID。但这只是一个沙盒,我只是在玩jQuery Mobile并从Flickr获取我的源:

$(function() { 


         tags: "cat",
         tagmode: "any",
         format: "json"

       function(data) {

         $.each(data.items, function(i,item){

             .append('<li><a><img src="images/de.png" class="ui-li-icon">' + item.author + '</a></li>')





在jQuery Mobile中设置“详细信息页面”的实践是什么?我应该使用id = x在上面的代码中创建,然后以某种方式在我的数组中的那个索引处获取一个对象(我还没有创建)?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$(function() { 

     var photos = {};


         tags: "cat",
         tagmode: "any",
         format: "json"

       function(data) {

         //store photo data for later
         photos = data;

         //setup an array (or string) to buffer the output
         var output = [];

         for (var i = 0, len = data.items.length; i < len; i++) {

             //add this index to the output array
             output.push('<li><a data-index="' + i + '" href="#"><img src="images/de.png" class="ui-li-icon">' + data.items[i].author + '</a></li>');


         //here I am selecting the list element only once and only refreshing it once




现在,您可以将click事件处理程序添加到#list列表视图中的链接,并为jQuery Mobile创建必要的伪页面:

$('#list').delegate('a', 'click', function (event) {

    //get the index of this page/link and cache some objects
    var $this   = $(this),
        index   = $this.attr('data-index'),
        $toPage = $('#details_' + index);

    //stop the browser from scrolling to the top of the page due to the hash mark (#) in the link's href attribute

    //check to see if the page for the link clicked already exists, if so then don't re-add it to the DOM
    if ($toPage.length === 0) {

        //no page was found so create one, we can access the photos object to insert data related to the link clicked
        $('body').append('<div data-role="page" id="details_' + index + '"><div data-role="content"><p>Some Key: ' + photos.items[index].some_key + '</p><a data-role="button" href="#home">Back Home</a></div></div>');

        //set the $toPage variable to the newly added page so jQuery Mobile can navigate to it
        $toPage = $('#details_' + index);

    //change to the desired page

