如何用C ++编写一个简单的类?

时间:2009-05-14 21:34:29

标签: c++ constructor destructor public private-members

我一直在阅读很多关于C ++课程的教程,但是他们错过了其他教程所包含的内容。

有人可以告诉我如何编写和使用一个非常简单的C ++类,它使用可见性,方法和一个简单的构造函数和析构函数吗?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:32)

Constructors and Destructors in C++

#include <iostream>            // for cout and cin

class Cat                      // begin declaration of the class
  public:                      // begin public section
    Cat(int initialAge);       // constructor
    Cat(const Cat& copy_from); //copy constructor
    Cat& operator=(const Cat& copy_from); //copy assignment
    ~Cat();                    // destructor

    int GetAge() const;        // accessor function
    void SetAge(int age);      // accessor function
    void Meow();
 private:                      // begin private section
    int itsAge;                // member variable
    char * string;

// constructor of Cat,
Cat::Cat(int initialAge)
  itsAge = initialAge;
  string = new char[10]();

//copy constructor for making a new copy of a Cat
Cat::Cat(const Cat& copy_from) {
   itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
   string = new char[10]();
   std::copy(copy_from.string+0, copy_from.string+10, string);

//copy assignment for assigning a value from one Cat to another
Cat& Cat::operator=(const Cat& copy_from) {
   itsAge = copy_from.itsAge;
   std::copy(copy_from.string+0, copy_from.string+10, string);

// destructor, just an example
    delete[] string;

// GetAge, Public accessor function
// returns value of itsAge member
int Cat::GetAge() const
   return itsAge;

// Definition of SetAge, public
// accessor function
 void Cat::SetAge(int age)
   // set member variable its age to
   // value passed in by parameter age
   itsAge = age;

// definition of Meow method
// returns: void
// parameters: None
// action: Prints "meow" to screen
void Cat::Meow()
   cout << "Meow.\n";

// create a cat, set its age, have it
// meow, tell us its age, then meow again.
int main()
  int Age;
  cout<<"How old is Frisky? ";
  Cat Frisky(Age);
  cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " ;
  cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
  cout << "Now Frisky is " ;
  cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
  return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:13)

即使他是一名学生,也值得尝试回答,因为这是一个复杂的问题,至少对于一个新的C ++访客来说并不容易:)

C ++中的类提供两种设计范例的交集,

1)ADT ::这意味着基本上是一种新类型,比如整数'int'或实数'double',甚至是像'date'这样的新概念。 在这种情况下,简单类应该如下所示,

class NewDataType
// public area. visible to the 'user' of the new data type.
// no one can see anything in this area except you.

这是ADT最基本的骨架...... 当然,忽略公共区域可以更简单! 并删除访问修饰符(公共,私有),整个事物将是私有的。 但这只是胡说八道。因为NewDataType变得无用! 想象一下你可以宣布的'int',但你不能用它做任何事情。


第一个是构造函数。语言中的许多地方都需要构造函数。 看看int,让我们试着模仿它的行为。

int x; // default constructor.

int y = 5; // copy constructor from a 'literal' or a 'constant value' in simple wrods.
int z = y; // copy constructor. from anther variable, with or without the sametype.
int n(z); // ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE ABOVE ONE, it isredundant for 'primitive' types, but really needed for the NewDataType.



int fun()
    int y = 5;
    int z = y;
    int m(z);

    return (m + z + y)
    // the magical line.

你看到了神奇的线条,在这里你可以告诉编译器你想要的任何东西! 在你完成所有事情并且你的NewDataType对于本地范围(如函数中)不再有用之后,你就会杀了它。 一个经典的例子是释放'new'保留的内存!


class NewDataType
// public area. visible to the 'user' of the new data type.
        myValue = new int;
        *myValue = 0;

    NewDataType(int newValue)
        myValue = new int;
        *myValue = newValue;

    NewDataType(const NewDataType& newValue){

        myValue = new int;
        *myValue = newValue.(*myValue);
// no one can see anything in this area except you.
    int* myValue;


在使用C ++构建类时需要考虑很多小工具,

。 。 。

2)Object ::这意味着基本上是一种新类型,但区别在于它属于兄弟,姐妹,祖先和后代。在C ++中查看'double'和'int','int'是'double'的太阳,因为每个'int'至少在概念上是'double':)

答案 2 :(得分:10)

class A
    // a simple constructor, anyone can see this
    A() {}
    // a simple destructor. This class can only be deleted by objects that are derived from this class
    // probably also you will be unable to allocate an instance of this on the stack
    // the destructor is virtual, so this class is OK to be used as a base class
    virtual ~A() {}
    // a function that cannot be seen by anything outside this class
    void foo() {}

答案 3 :(得分:8)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Simple {
  Simple(const std::string& name);
  void greet();
  std::string name;

Simple::Simple(const std::string& name): name(name) {
  std::cout << "hello " << name << "!" << std::endl;

void Simple::greet() {
  std::cout << "hi there " << name << "!" << std::endl;

Simple::~Simple() {
  std::cout << "goodbye " << name << "!" << std::endl;

int main()
  Simple ton("Joe");
  return 0;
傻,但是,你有。请注意,“可见性”用词不当:公共和私人控制可访问性,但即使是“私有”内容仍然是“可见的”外部,只是 access (尝试访问它是一个错误)