
时间:2011-12-25 06:53:49

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2000 pivot pivot-without-aggregate


Code, desc, type id

01    Rajan    1
01    Sajan    1
01    Vijayan  2
01    Suresh   3
01    Caresh   4
01    Sujesh   4
01    vikran   4
02    desk     1
02    card     2
02    villa    2
02    megash   2
02    supan    3



Code type-1 type-2 type-3 type-4

01   Rajan  Vijayan suresh caresh
01   Sajan  null    null   Sujan
01   null   null    null   vikran
02   desk   card    supan  null
02   null   villa   null   null
02   null   megash  null   null



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test') IS NOT NULL
   drop table #test
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Numbered') IS NOT NULL
   drop table #Numbered

 CREATE TABLE #test (Code CHAR(2), [DESC] varchar(10), [type id] INT, RowNumber INT IDENTITY(1,1))

INSERT #test 
    VALUES ('01', 'Rajan', 1),
           ('01' ,'Sajan', 1),
           ('01' ,'Vijayan', 2),
           ('01' ,'Suresh', 3),
           ('01' ,'Caresh', 4),
           ('01' ,'Sujesh', 4),
           ('01' ,'vikran', 4),
           ('02' ,'desk', 1),
           ('02' ,'card' ,2),
           ('02' ,'villa', 2),
           ('02', 'megash', 2),
           ('02', 'supan', 3)


  CREATE TABLE #Numbered
       RowNum int, Code CHAR(2), [type] VARCHAR(10), [DESC] VARCHAR(10)

   INSERT #Numbered
         SELECT (select count(*) from #test where code=t1.Code AND [type id]=t1.[type id] AND  RowNumber<=t1.RowNumber),
                [type id], 
            FROM #test t1

最后,我们在数据上创建一个PIVOT表,(以标准的SQL 2000方式“伪造”该运算符)。然后,我们将“PIVOT表”放在派生的选择中,该选择仅返回我们想要的列,但允许我们对代码和rownum列进行排序以生成您要求的输出。

     SELECT Code,[type-1],[type-2],[type-3],[type-4]
        FROM (Select P.Code,RowNum
                   , Min( Case When type = '1' Then [DESC] End ) As [type-1]
                   , Min( Case When type = '2' Then [DESC] End ) As [type-2]
                   , Min( Case When type = '3' Then [DESC] End ) As [type-3]
                   , Min( Case When type = '4' Then [DESC] End ) As [type-4]
                      From #Numbered As P
                        Group By P.Code,RowNum) R
        ORDER BY Code,RowNum


答案 1 :(得分:0)

Select t1.code, t1.description, t2.description, t3.description from
(Select code, description from table where type=1) t1, 
(Select code, description from table where type=2) t2, 
(Select code, description from table where type=3) t3,
(Select code, description from table where type=4) t4
Where t1.code=t2.code and t2.code=t3.code and t3.code=t4.code and t4.code=t1.code
and t4.code=t2.code and t1.code=t3.code

