Python上的Python lxml等效解析方法的差异:css select vs xpath

时间:2011-12-23 22:17:48

标签: python xpath css-selectors lxml

我试图用xpath和cssselect解析's home page,但似乎我不知道xpath是如何工作的,或者lxml的xpath被破坏了,因为它缺少匹配。


from lxml.html import *
mySearchTree = parse('').getroot()
for a in mySearchTree.cssselect('tr a'):
    print 'found "%s" link to href "%s"' % (a.text, a.get('href'))

print '-'*8 +'Now for Xpath' + 8*'-'
# Find all 'a' elements inside 'tr' table rows with xpath
for a in mySearchTree.xpath('.//tr/*/a'):
    print 'found "%s" link to href "%s"' % (a.text, a.get('href'))


found "About" link to href "/about/"
found "Presentations" link to href "/about/presentations/"
found "Performance" link to href "/about/performance/"
found "Reports" link to href "/reports/"
found "Domains" link to href "/domains/"
found "Root Zone" link to href "/domains/root/"
found ".INT" link to href "/domains/int/"
found ".ARPA" link to href "/domains/arpa/"
found "IDN Repository" link to href "/domains/idn-tables/"
found "Protocols" link to href "/protocols/"
found "Number Resources" link to href "/numbers/"
found "Abuse Information" link to href "/abuse/"
found "Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" link to href ""
--------Now for Xpath--------
found "Presentations" link to href "/about/presentations/"
found "Performance" link to href "/about/performance/"
found "Reports" link to href "/reports/"
found "Root Zone" link to href "/domains/root/"
found ".INT" link to href "/domains/int/"
found ".ARPA" link to href "/domains/arpa/"
found "IDN Repository" link to href "/domains/idn-tables/"
found "Abuse Information" link to href "/abuse/"
found "Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" link to href ""

基本上xpath找到了它应该的每个链接,除了那些由Example.com加粗的链接。但是,星号通配符不应该在xpath匹配'。{tr / * / a'中允许这个吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


在XPath中,CSS tr a//tr//a.//tr/*/a表示(概念上,不准确):

  1. .:当前节点
  2. //:当前节点的所有后代
  3. tr:当前节点的所有后代中的所有 tr 元素
  4. /:找到 tr 元素
  5. 的所有子项
  6. *:找到的 tr 元素
  7. 的子元素中的任何元素
  8. /:找到 tr 元素的所有子元素的所有子元素
  9. a:所有 a 元素,它们是 tr 元素的元素子元素的元素子元素
  10. 换句话说,给定以下HTML:

        <li><a href="link1"></a><li>
        <li><b><a href="link2"></a></b><li>

    //ul/*/a仅匹配 link1

    XPath Primer


    1. 轴(例如,孩子::)
    2. 节点测试(节点名称或特殊节点类型之一,例如node()text()
    3. 可选谓词(由[]包围。只有在所有谓词都为真的情况下才匹配节点。)
    4. 如果我们将.//tr/*/a分解为其位置步骤,它将如下所示:

      1. .
      2. (“//”中斜杠之间的“空格”)
      3. tr
      4. *
      5. a
      6. 我所说的话可能并不明显。这是因为XPath有一个缩写语法。以下是扩展缩写的表达式(轴和节点测试由::分隔,步长为/):




        1. 给定一组上下文节点(默认为当前节点或根节点为'/')
        2. 对于每个上下文节点,创建一组满足位置步骤
        3. 的节点
        4. 将所有每个上下文节点集合联合到一个节点集
        5. 将该集合作为其给定的上下文节点传递给下一个位置步骤。
        6. 重复直至失步。最后一步之后的设置是整个路径的设置。
        7. 请注意,这仍然是一种简化。如果您需要,请阅读XPath Standard以了解详细信息。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

'tr a' -> '//tr//a'